Neil Patel

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How To Come Up With An Investor Worthy Business

How To Come Up With An Investor Worthy Business

Are you at the point where you are thinking about how to come up with an investor worthy business? There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about startups and getting funded. Some seem to raise enormous amounts of money almost effortlessly. Even without a novel...
How To Outperform Your Startup‘s Competition

How To Outperform Your Startup‘s Competition

Are you thinking about how to outperform your startup‘s competition? How can you ensure your startup is the top performer in your space and can stay out ahead of the competition? It’s competitive out there. Even if you think you are stepping out and creating a whole...
How To Prevent Cash Flow Problems

How To Prevent Cash Flow Problems

Are you looking into how to prevent cash flow problems? Cash flow problems are probably the number one killer of businesses big and small. Not even the largest mature corporations can escape the math. Early-stage startups and small businesses can be even more...
Neil Patel

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