Neil Patel

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Key Business Metrics You Should Track

Key Business Metrics You Should Track

Do you want to know the key business metrics you should track? Metrics are an extremely important part of the business. You don’t know what direction you are heading in unless you know your numbers. You don’t know where you are losing without metrics. They say “what...
Cost Cutting Tips For Startups

Cost Cutting Tips For Startups

Are you at the point where you are looking for cost cutting tips for startups? Some phases of the economy demand businesses focus on cutting costs. If you are facing one of these periods in your market, check out these cost cutting tips for startups… No matter how big...
Most Expensive Mistakes That Startups Make

Most Expensive Mistakes That Startups Make

What are the most expensive mistakes that startups make? Running out of money is the number one reason that startups go broke and shut down. The key to championing this critical part of the business is to know what not to waste money on, and where to invest it...
Neil Patel

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