Neil Patel

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How To Attract Investment

How To Attract Investment

How to attract investment for your startup business? Money and hustle are the fuel that your startup runs on. You only have so much time in the day to hustle. Capital and financing remain critical to keep the machine moving and give you something to hustle with and...
Angel Investors vs. Venture Capitalists

Angel Investors vs. Venture Capitalists

What is the difference between angel investors vs. venture capitalists? Angels and VCs are two of the most well-known funders of startups. How do they differ? What are their varying roles and investment criteria contrasted when it comes to funding? If these staples...
How To Negotiate Your Valuation With Investors?

How To Negotiate Your Valuation With Investors?

How to negotiate your valuation with investors? One of the biggest challenges startup founders will face during the process of building their business is raising investment. Getting funding is essential for startups out there because no startup can function or grow...
Neil Patel

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