Neil Patel

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How To Sell Your App

How To Sell Your App

How to sell your app? Thinking about selling an app business or app you’ve created? Selling your app and business could prove to be a very rewarding and profitable move. It can be a competitive space, but it is a strategy that has made other entrepreneurs and...
How To Prepare A Pitch For Investors

How To Prepare A Pitch For Investors

How to prepare a pitch for investors? How do you make sure you are best prepared to successfully pitch investors and bring in the capital your startup needs? Fundraising is an essential part of launching and managing a startup business. It is an art and science that...
How To Attract Investment

How To Attract Investment

How to attract investment for your startup business? Money and hustle are the fuel that your startup runs on. You only have so much time in the day to hustle. Capital and financing remain critical to keep the machine moving and give you something to hustle with and...
Neil Patel

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