Neil Patel

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What Are Restricted Stock Units?

What Are Restricted Stock Units?

A restricted stock unit (RSU) is an effective way to motivate employees. It is also an excellent option for employees on their career path as they build an investment portfolio. In this article, I’m going to outline exactly what an RSU is, how it works, and what the...
How To Exercise Stock Options

How To Exercise Stock Options

If you do not know how to exercise stock options, you will miss out on their associated rewards. Exercising stock options are a critical part of improving your investment outlook and making positive returns, so you should familiarize yourself with this process as much...
The Power Of Storytelling In Fundraising

The Power Of Storytelling In Fundraising

What is the power of storytelling in fundraising? How do you write a great one and how do you get investors excited to share the journey with you? There has been a lot of talk about storytelling over the past few years. A whole new side industry has popped up to...
Neil Patel

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