Neil Patel

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In a recent podcast episode, Tyler Duvall, a visionary leader in the transportation and technology sectors, shared insights from his journey and discussed his role in shaping the future of transportation infrastructure.

His venture, Cavnue, has attracted funding from top-tier investors like Landstar System Inc, Ford Motor Company, Sidewalk Infrastructure Partners and Openvia.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The transformative journey from a competitive spirit to a visionary leader in transportation and technology is reshaping the future of infrastructure.
  • Early exposure to the professional world in suburban Maryland, with a lawyer father and schoolteacher mother, laid the foundation for unique insights into the complexities of the Washington D.C. area.
  • Initially pursuing a legal career, the realization that it wasn’t a true calling led to making significant career changes, setting the stage for impactful contributions.
  • Tenure at Hogan Lovells, the largest law firm in Washington D.C., provided invaluable exposure to a diverse range of clients and industries, offering a deeper understanding of the business landscape.
  • Transitioning to the federal government led to stepping beyond the confines of the law and delving into transportation policy.
  • Over 22 years in transportation led to spearheading initiatives to engage the private sector in infrastructure development, driving efforts to modernize U.S. infrastructure by integrating emerging technologies.
  • As CEO and co-founder of Cavnue, the vision for smart road technology aims to create a comprehensive system, revolutionizing transportation by enhancing safety and efficiency through intelligent, data-driven ecosystems.

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About Tyler Duvall:

Tyler Duvall is the Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of Cavnue. Before joining Cavnue, Tyler was CEO of SH 130 Concession Company in central Texas.

He was previously a Principal at McKinsey & Company, where he advised a wide variety of private and public sector entities on strategic, operational, and organizational topics.

Tyler also served in several roles in the U.S. Department of Transportation, including as Acting Under Secretary for Policy, the agency’s third highest-ranking official.

He led the Department’s efforts to modernize transportation infrastructure through new procurement, technology, and financing approaches.

Tyler earned a B.A. in economics from Washington and Lee University and a J.D. from the University of Virginia School of Law.

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Read the Full Transcription of the Interview:

Alejandro Cremades: Alrighty hello everyone and welcome to the deal make show. So today. We have a really exciting founder. You know what? what he’s doing is say remarkable. You know and his journey is quite inspiring. We’re going to be talking about building scaling financing combining software ah hardware. Ah, building a team that is remote and then also fundraising how to go about it where to raise it from all of that good stuff that we like to hear so without further. Do let’s welcome our guest today Tyler dual welcome to the show.

Tyler Duvall: Thanks a Andrew excited be off.

Alejandro Cremades: Originally born in DC in Washington but raised in Maryland so give us a walk through memory lane. How was life growing up.

Tyler Duvall: Memory lane pretty you know standard issue suburban. Ah you know childhood you know, father my father was a lawyer. My mom was a school teacher. My grandfather was a lawyer so kind of a quintessential Washington d c dairy experience grew up kind of observing everything that’s functional and dysfunctional about the washington d c area including its traffic problems. Um, and you know went went to college to to play sports and then went to law school and thought I’d just do the normal. Career track for a suburban kid from Dc and you know be a lawyer but pretty quickly decided that that was not what I wanted to do and that made some big career changes along the way I did I did.

Alejandro Cremades: And we’ll talk about that now in your case you played basketball in college so you were quite a competitive guy I’m sure that has served you Well as an entrepreneur too.

Tyler Duvall: There you competitive I but you know painfully competitive it. It did cause me problems Sometimes how competitive I am but I do love competing. So.

Alejandro Cremades: That’s amazing. So so your case you know obviously you ah had to at least you know showcase to the family that you were capable of also becoming a lawyer so you when ahead you’re studying law. You met your wife you know during law school but then eventually you moved to Dc and you started practicing law.

Tyler Duvall: Exactly.

Alejandro Cremades: And a really a prominent law firm called hog and los and there you were doing mainly corporate type of stuff and transactions I guess you know during those let’s say almost four years that you were there I’m sure that you learned quite a bit on what works. And what doesn’t when it comes to deal making so what did you learn about that.

Tyler Duvall: Yeah, exactly you know is it was great. It was a great way to kind of cut your teeth on the world of transactions and securities law and just you know, call it the underbelly of how stuff gets done around the world. But it’s certainly in the United States commercially and you know I did a lot of ah public company work I did a lot of private equity transactional work. Drafting shareholder agreements understanding. You know what commercial contracts do to unlock value and and actually it was an incredibly valuable time I met made great friends too at the law firm that I’ve known you know the rest of my life and but really learned that frankly I did not want to be a lawyer the rest of my life. That’s probably the most important thing I learned. Ah, in that time but the the hogan is a great firm and you know it’s the largest firm in Washington Dc and you know we served every kind of institution telecommunications companies hotel companies. You know you know biotech companies and so I you know got to learn the business side while I was supporting them on all their transactions and it it was. It was not fun, but it was a great learning experience.

Alejandro Cremades: So our point does it become clear that the lawyer is not for you.

Tyler Duvall: I would it’s a good quite probably that 2 2 two and a half years in I was like ah yeah, my dad who’s still practicing. He was ah a prominent dclitigator I did not do litigation precisely because I saw his experience being a litigator and how tough that was and you know about 2 years in I started to think you know what? I’d like to to do something else and. I didn’t start actively looking for a job at that point but I was also not turning away um of you know, opportunities now this was right at the peak of the the two thousand dot Com ah but boom I mean it was incredible. I had friends who were. 2 years out of law school getting general counsel jobs at public companies that you know had all they had to have is after their name and they were raising hundreds of millions of dollars and so I I saw people starting to leave the law for commercial opportunities more systematically than I had anticipated when I was going through law school. And started to get a little itchy about doing that and doing something else and then I literally got an opportunity of nowhere to go into the federal government and you know growing up in the Dc area. The federal government is like the biggest biggest company in town. Um, and so you know I I really jumped at it I said this is a policy job gets me outside the law into an arena. Transportation that I knew very little about but was really excited about some.

Alejandro Cremades: That’s amazing. So now in this case, you know like how do you stumble across transportation because obviously transportation you know has been people tell you know for you and and your career. So how did that happen.

Tyler Duvall: Yeah, so you know it’s 22 years now I’ve been in transportation and basically there’s a a friend of a friend had got appointed to a job to be the assistant secretary for transportation policy when the Bush administration came in in 2000 you know 2001 and you know we just started talking about what an opportunity could look like he had a mandate to build a team in the policy office which has oversight for everything that happens at the department regulations funding policy you know programs everything the department does runs through the policy office in some form. And he he just said hey why don’t you join me as a special assistant see if you like it do it for a couple years and you know you can do something else if you don’t like it and I you know talk to talk to my wife and we were both. We’re both law firm Associates. So ah, financially, let’s just say this was not the most brilliant decision of my life to ah. We we had a we had a baby and then left left. We both left the law she she took care of the baby and I yeah went into ah a government job. So we let’s just say we’re not doing well financially for a while but I fell in love with transportation over the next seven years

Alejandro Cremades: So obviously you know like that’s something that you were doing then you know exploring and experiencing transportation in every single direction that you can think of you know whether it is sea or air or or rail or road you know, whatever that is but in this case after 7 years then there was like a little of a shift they are going more from the public to the private you know with Mckinsey so what? what trigger that.

Tyler Duvall: Yeah, so look one of the biggest things we did at the department I was there and and you know I led a team of folks working on these activities was really explore the degree to which the private sector could participate more systematically in infrastructure. You know we’d seen examples from europe and South America and Asia where the private sector has had funded and financed infrastructure. The United States had a very different model. We had a top-down model where the federal government funded all of the interstate system coming out of world war ii just rained money down on the states and paid for it and basically said let’s build a bunch of you know free. Free roads the problem with that is it’s good to get it built but not to sustain it and modernize it and so what we concluded is the United States didn’t have a transportation policy to modernize our infrastructure and that that was what I focused on is most intensely I you know obviously had all the responsibilities. But. I was most excited about the idea of bringing the private sector and frankly bringing technology into an area that was extremely sleepy and just not not a lot of innovation happening ah roads transit systems airports us you know was ranking very low among ah, developed countries and and all those categories and you know even though we had the biggest. Systems in the world. We had some of the least poorly and most poorly performing. So mckinsey the the mckinsey connection was kind of perfect for where my brain was at that time which was to really drive innovation into our you know our transportation systems in every dimension and mckinsey that’s kind of what mckinsey does and so i.

Tyler Duvall: Connected with none of their partners. The head of the firm actually called me and said hey we’re going to launch an infrastructure practice Dominic Barton’s his name and he was in Shanghai and he said we’re going all in on infrastructure as a company I did not know a lot on Mckinsey They had interviewed me. About an assignment I believe they were doing for an infrastructure bank in South America and I was you know on the credit council basically helping run the infrastructure bank for the United States at the time. So I just met him through that and we said you know we just clicked and I said this is a great platform to go out and basically transform infrastructure as a consultant. And so we launched that and I spent the next ten years running around the world doing that. Basically.

Alejandro Cremades: So obviously on the consulting side I’m sure that you learn quite a few things when it comes to problem solving So what? what did? What did you learn on the problem solving side.

Tyler Duvall: Yeah I mean it’s incredible training and Mckinsey the just the the way to structure a problem the way to effectively analyze and break it down to simplify it for customers and then to communicate. Ah you know solutions and ideas that that basic template that mckinsey uses to me is still the best. Way to solve any problem obviously Mckinsey gets criticized because they’re not ultimately the ones always directly implementing or solving the problem but the structure and and approach and processes used in mckinsey I think are the best in the world. So I learned all that I trained under some of the best partners at Mckinsey. On how to do that they they did not cut me any breaks they said come in and you know do do the stuff from the beginning even though I you know I was the number 3 ranking transation official United States when I left and they you know they came in and said all, you’re an associate at mckinsey basically good luck. So I did that for a year or 2 and then they recognized me I’m a partner. And then obviously help lead the practice and you know it was doing an amazing amount of cool stuff I ended my career there actually helping helping lead the work in Puerto Rico coming out of the bankruptcy of Puerto Rico. So just you know everything that you could think of in terms of cool problems I got to work on in my time and I I just. Got trained on the processes and systems that are used to break down problems and I I started to realize about 8 years in how ah hondra that I wanted to employ those techniques and practices in in my own company or in a leadership role inside of a company.

Alejandro Cremades: So then how did that happen when when you finally see the opportunity coming from a you know conversation that you had with a private equity firm.

Tyler Duvall: Yeah, so I got I got called I was actually in Puerto Rico sitting having breakfast in the hotel in Puerto Rico about to do some work with the the oversight board down there and I got a call from a head hunter at spencer store who said, hey you know we’re calling on behalf of a private equity fund in Greenwich Connecticut ah called Svp. Ah, they own a toll road in Austin Texas and they’re looking for a Ceo and I was like really and I I knew the road I actually was involved in the initial ah transaction around the road and knew about it. You know when I was in the government and all that and so you know it was a really interesting experience that they were offering to go run. Run a road that had actually suffered serious financial distress. The traffic forecast was way they let’s just say a wildly overestimated amount of traffic on the road. It’s a huge greenfield development project outside Austin right near the tesla giga factory by the way that’s that’s where the road is. Ah, so it’s ah it’s a phenomenal growth area of the country and at the time I was like this could be this could be really exciting. Um, you know it’s a small company. It’s a good good way to start my Ceo tenures with a small company and with a private equity firm. That’s very hands-on and that’s what scp was. Scp had relationships with Mckinsey before and so I heard at her good things about them through that and I just jumped into it I commuted from Dc to Austin every week which was tougher than I expected.

Tyler Duvall: Ah, given I was doing a lot travel Mckinsey. It’s very different to just go to 1 place all the time. Ah, but I did it and then and then covid hit and kind of the world changes. You know so when covid hit basically obviously we all went everyone went remote I was living in DC area you know running a toll road.

Alejandro Cremades: So then so then what happened with Covid hit.

Tyler Duvall: For my basement in Austin Texas and you know it was really starting to think that maybe maybe maybe getting someone down. There would be better for the company and at that exact moment that I was starting to wrestle with my future at the company and we no one knew this you know this a spring of 2020? No one knew how long covid was going to last and so we were. You know, potentially looking at a year to 2 years of this kind of arrangement and it felt important to me that someone we have someone down there physically you know with the company as the as the transition happened hopefully out of covid and I got approached at that exact moment by sidewalk infrastructure partners both Brian Barlow and Jonathan Weiner approached me about. You know, starting this thing called cave and I started to think about it and it dawned on me that I had done a project inside Mckinsey we called ah recently a knowledge project on what basically a business model for something that we now call ka and I had done it about two years earlier along with some other colleagues around the need for infrastructure to facilitate ah autonomous in advance vehicles and we did a whole project on and I was like oh this this is our project I didn’t even think about this as a company I thought about this as an idea and they they had already. They had already gotten the idea and so I was I was excited to join.

Alejandro Cremades: So then what happened next.

Tyler Duvall: So then you know they capitalized the company you know with a you know relatively small amount of money I was employee number 1 Ceo co-founder on September First of 2020 joined um I stayed on and transitioned over to the chairman role at ah at my old toll road and so that worked out great and maintained good relationships. There. Everybody was happy with the the way it went down I think. And then we started build a company. We had an initial unlike most startups we actually had an initial project already in the state of Michigan this is our crown jewel project right now to basically turn interstate 94 between Detroit and an arbor into the first truly automated road in the world. Ah, that project was underway so we built the team in Michigan and then we started to you know significantly try to hire engineers as fast as we could because this is a a digital challenge a systems engineerings challenge as well as a project challenge.

Alejandro Cremades: And what what is an automated road. What does that look like.

Tyler Duvall: Yeah, so basically it’s an integrated set of hardware on the road. So called you know cameras radar edge compute capabilities. You know we got you know all kinds of sensors on a pole out there. Our business model is about every 200 beaters seeing everything so we you know observe everything that’s happening on the road. Provide a set of inferences through this digital twin or backend software capability to crank out what’s actually happening and then provide ultimately information directly to the vehicles so they can see beyond what their line of site is so the smartest vehicles in the world today can only see what they can see. Ah, they can’t see around the curve. They can’t see a mile ahead. They can’t see five miles ahead and I think that lack of information is causes complexity challenges for these vehicles so we want to effectively support that but it’s not enough to do that in our view. You also actually have to operate the road every day and that includes you know, basic stuff like painting striping.

Tyler Duvall: Signage debris removal all the stuff that gums up the ability of an a v advanced vehicle system to work effectively. We think you’ve got to solve all of those problems. Um, and I think that’s that’s basically the company’s mission is to be an integrated partner to government. To solve the core set of problems that cause these vehicles to disengage from their advanced vehicle systems. How do we make money so look There’s basically 3 different ways. 1 is that traditional toll road concepts. So just you know pay per use.

Alejandro Cremades: On How do you guys make money.

Tyler Duvall: Another way is a subscription service where we basically are selling the data feed in order to effectively recover all the costs of putting putting the hardware and in software up and then third would be just a payment from government. You know, call it an availability or performance payment. So government says hey we want to see these 4 outcomes from our roadway and we’ll pay you. Tied to you achieving those outcomes under all those revenue models though we want a long-term relationship. This is not ah, we’re not a software vendor selling a license or something like that. We want a you know thirty fifty seventy five year relationship and we’ve seen those models already work quite well so this is why my career do t. We effectively launched this business in the United States you know as I said we’ve seen it already in like South America and in Asia and in Europe but we launched it the United States along with some really pioneering companies and so it’s just a next generation version of that business model.

Alejandro Cremades: Now Obviously in this case talking about the business model I mean you’re combining software hardware and then also building the project so sounds like a challenge. So how how do you guys find the balance between those three you know things.

Tyler Duvall: Yeah. Yeah, it’s been the single most exciting and difficult thing to do is to build a company. That’s both solving projects in the real world and also obviously building a technology platform that’s scalable independent of those but in order for. Solution to work. We’ve got to get our hands dirty so to speak in the real world. We got to build stuff. We got to operate it. We got to maintain it and that’s 2 completely different cultures. It’s funny I mean we’ve hired many people at of Silicon Valley and the engineering side you know, software leading software engineers leading hardware engineers and these you know the vocabulary of their world is. Completely different than the vocabulary of people who build and operate roadways. So honestly, it’s been It’s fun sometimes when we have these disconnects around what what what are we doing and what do we need to do to build a project and then the you know the project team is out there. You know saying a bunch of things about software that they don’t understand and so. You know there’s you know the sales function is is much more complicated because we’re you know we’re not just pitching hey we’ll build a road we’re pitching. We’re built a smart road with a feature set that no one’s ever built before in the real worldd so that’s been. The biggest challenge is trying to integrate these different cultures and vocabularies and frankly ways of working.

Tyler Duvall: I mean this will one good thing about Mckinsey is I got to work with so many different kinds of companies that worked very differently. It’s incredible. How different engineer software engineers work even from project development people. It’s like you know like I said it might as well just be 2 different species of of humans.

Alejandro Cremades: And how much capital have you guys raised to date Tyler.

Tyler Duvall: So we raised one 30000000 in our a round. Um and we you know we had a very strategic focus our you know our owner majority owner sidewalk infrastructure partners who was built basically to solve these kinds of problems I’ve just described these really complex integration of tech and real world. That’s their That’s their platform mission and that were obviously the transportation. Manifestation of that so we raised a lot of money from them. We raised a lot of money from Ford Motor Company who’s been a tremendous technology partner of ours. They’re building advanced driving systems that we’re working with them on their landstar which is one of the largest trucking companies in the united states so we we think trucking is obviously going to be 1 of the earliest use cases for advanced vehicles. And then a very large ah global toll road operator called global via so we wanted somebody who’s run roads somebody who’s doing advanced tech on vehicles and in trucks and then obviously somebody with a vision like sip has to integrate to this this whole world around this. So. It was a very strategic raise one of the largest aran raises in 21 I think we were top 5% in terms of you know, raise very large valuation as well because we see there’s huge potential in these projects. You win 2 or 3 large road deals Alejandro and you know you’ve got you know multibillion Dollar enterprise already. So.

Alejandro Cremades: Wow I Mean yeah because I mean you were alluding to it I mean it’s a hell of a race and I don’t hear you know the series a is being you know that big. So how you how did you go about justifying the amount and then also justifying the evaluation because that’s obviously not normal numbers.

Tyler Duvall: Yeah, no, so it’s capital intensive right? So we’re put you know we’re like I said we we there are many companies in the intelligent transportation space that are selling. You know a software solution in effect and they’re kind of hardware agnostic. We. We don’t believe that’s sufficient because we don’t think that these vehicles ultimately will function as optimally as they could without a full view of what’s going on in the roadway at all times we we call ourselves like a super sensor. So the the hardware requirements are real. And that means we got to get out there and put put the hardware in the road and that costs money right? And so I think that you know we needed to raise enough capital to be able to do deployments of that hardware and then obviously we’ve got ah you know a large software platform. We’re building with a lot of cloud costs associated with that and you know we’ve got a great provider partnership with Gcp with Google cloud as well and so we’ve. You know we’ve really built all of the core elements you need with this first fundraise now it’s about project execution and what’s exciting about the company is we can become a sourcing platform for large-scale project investments. So obviously 130000000 is not sufficient to build 2 $3000000000 of roadways. But there’s so much capital out there looking to do that that we effectively can become a bridge to that capital including sip itself as as an investor in these projects. So it’s ah its a very unique platform I mean there are analogies in real estate and other in in the renewable space where folks are out there sourcing projects for large-sca project investors.

Tyler Duvall: So but we needed enough money to build the core platform and that’s why we went went as big as we did and the valuation is tied to just the incredible promise I mean the the us road system frankly any road system in any country is actually the most valuable asset ah network utility. There is I mean it’s more valuable in many ways. Electricity grid. It’s. So. There’s trapped value there. It’s not a revenue generating asset other than toll roads. But those toll roads themselves get get incredible valuation. So you know there have been 2 transactions done in the us in the last four years ah privatization deals 40 to 50 times multiples. You’re getting on those deals and the operating margins for roadways are typically seventy five or eighty percent so it’s a credible asset class and so reason why these huge investors around the world are looking at roads. They just hadn’t looked at technology on roads yet and that’s what we’re doing so.

Alejandro Cremades: So as we’re talking about people here. How has it been to to um, really built operation where the employees are fully remote.

Tyler Duvall: Yeah, that was a big challenge right? So we have our engineering team has a hub and so mountain view. we’ve got a huge office in Detroit and we’ve got our corporate office in Dc where I am but then we’ve got you know, probably you know 10 other locations. It’s. It was a challenge thing I mean obviously we use a lot of Google meets and and Zoom and teams. Ah you know and it was exhausting for folks to just be on these calls all day and it’s been great to finally be able to collaborate again, but recruiting. Engineering talent in a remote environment was very tough now a lot of the engineers want to work remotely but finding that talent remotely can be can be a bit of a challenge and recruiting them into a new business like this. So imagine if you’re a software engineer sitting in Silicon Valley and you’ve worked at you know waymo or Apple or wherever you work and somebody comes to you with a business model like I’m describing. You need to understand it to to make a career bad. You need to say well I’m not I’m not from the highway world I understand project finance I understand how you commercialize this but these engineers want that confidence that they’re going into a business with a sound business model and I think that. Recruiting people remotely and convincing them of this business model was it took a lot of work. So I I ended up having to do a lot of recruiting in person we brought in a great ah head of people who frankly transformed our recruiting function and that that was our biggest challenge after year one was getting getting the engineering talent.

Alejandro Cremades: So obviously to get talent to get investment. You know it’s all about people and people are all about vision. So imagine if you were to go to sleep tonight and you wake up in a world where the vision of Kavin is fully realized what does that world look like.

Tyler Duvall: Yeah, know look but by the way. Yeah there’s a general motors video of this from the 19 like 56 worlds fair of what a smart roadway looks like but it’s you know it’s the the it’s the largest road systems in the US states and around the world effectively operating digitally. With full understanding of what’s going on on the roadway. All times. So the road operator knows what’s going on the car knows what’s going on drivers can relax to the extent they’re in the car they can drive hands off eyes off trucks can run autonomously through hundreds and hundreds of miles of roadway to ship products much more cheaply. And we frankly see a massive reduction in fatalities. Um, right now you know so the efficiency side is incredible, but the safety side is ah is a true crisis I mean we’re still losing over 40000 people a year on Us roadways other countries experience similar problems. This is solvable I used to always say when I was a government. The transportation is the easiest. Big problem to solve but it does require more systematic interventions of technology and so I envision you know, smart roadways and and I get in my car I go to my office in Arlington ten miles away and I’m sitting there reading an article ah not paying attention to the wheel hopefully and letting the car. do do the work that’s a vision that I think is much more achievable in the next five years and people realize but it does require government and the private sector to work together in ways that they never have to be honest with you I mean the interstate system today in the Us looks the way it does because general motors and Ford.

Tyler Duvall: You know, basically said we need a platform for our emerging products. We’re making cool cars, big cars, fast cars and the road system you got here doesn’t work for that. So.

Alejandro Cremades: So we’re obviously talking here about the future you know and it sounds like a really beautiful future but I want to talk about the past but talk about the past with a lens of reflection. So let’s say I was to put you into a time machine and I bring you back in time you know maybe to that moment that. You’re in mckinsey you know, hey you know like I really want to do something on my own eventually jump to the operator side. Let’s say you were able to have a chat with that younger Tyler and give that younger Tyler one piece of advice before launching a business. What would that be and why given what you know now.

Tyler Duvall: That’s a great question. Um I focus on the people I mean it’s what you said I mean the you know Mckinsey used to talk about performance and health as the 2 prongs of of successful enterprises. And honestly the health is more important than anything I mean the the people are what matters. Ah the people believing in the mission and the people frankly having the tools and resources so you know over focus on people would be the advice I would give over focus on making sure that people have clarity around what they’re doing every day and have the tools to to succeed. Um, you know I’m not I don’t lead with a negative perspective I’m very much a positive leader I believe in you know, empowering and delegating to the extent we can and I want our team to feel that way. But you know you can get trapped in the day-to-day a lot and lose focus on what really matters which is are your people able to be successful. It’s as simple as that. Every other piece of advice is all about you know that’s like the necessary condition for everything else to work and I’ve seen it I’ve seen periods with our even our company in the last three years where we’ve had cultural challenges. We’ve had you know issues with different people that we’ve had to manage and you know it’s it’s not easy I mean everyone’s. Trying to do their best and you have to assume the best intentions but just over focus on people is my biggest advice.

Alejandro Cremades: I love it so Tyler for the people that are listening that will love to reach out and say hi. What is the best way for them to do so okay.

Tyler Duvall: Yeah, you can send an email on the Tyler at happy to to receive anything I yeah you know I Love love talking to folks I Love I Love interacting with the technology sector because it’s just so much So many incredibly brilliant people doing you know, incredibly cool things and. Ah, US Technology Sector I think is really going through a fascinating evolution right? now of it’s of itself and so I kind of love being part of that Conversation. So I Ah I talk those that’ll be other advices ah take take calls and listen you know if I had not had the mindset through these inflection points to to take the call. And listen to the opportunity you know I wouldn’t I wouldn’t be sitting where I am so ah happy to have anybody call me and reach out.

Alejandro Cremades: I love that word hey Tyler thank you so much for being on the deal maker show today. It has been and on earth to have you with us.

Tyler Duvall: Thanks Ali Hound it’s been great.


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