Matthew Roberts has brought about one of the biggest revolutions in the coffee and beverage space that we’ve seen since the birth of Starbucks and the frappuccino. His startup, Cometeer, has attracted funding from top-tier investors like Greycroft, D1 Capital, Elephant, and Tao Capital Partners.
In this episode, you will learn:
- The fundraising process
- The future of the beverage business
- Perfecting the coffee experience
- Helping cities reinvent themselves
- Matthew Roberts’ top advice for other entrepreneurs
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Moreover, I also provided a commentary on a pitch deck from an Uber competitor that has raised over $400 million (see it here).
Remember to unlock for free the pitch deck template that is being used by founders around the world to raise millions below.
About Matthew Roberts:
Matthew Roberts was the CEO and Co-Founder of Cometeer from 2014. Prior to that, they worked at Altran from 2013 as an Embedded System/Product Development, developing web applications to class I medical devices via Foliage, Inc. acquisition.
Matthew Roberts attended Ipswich High School from 2005 to 2009. Matthew then went on to Bentley University, where they obtained a Bachelor of Science in Economics/Finance with a Computer Information Systems Minor from 2009 to 2013.
Matthew also spent time at the University of Navarra studying International Business.
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Read the Full Transcription of the Interview:
Alejandro Cremades: Already hello everyone and welcome to the deal maker show. So super exciting founder that we have today you know obviously the idea it came out you know of you know his visit to Spain. So obviously I’m a little bit biased here. You know that it’s an amazing idea and and he and he came from an amazing place. But we’re going to be you know talking about building scaling and all of that good stuff. You know also turning fishermen towns into brewery towns. You know with now all these fishermen you know, like reinvent them themselves to but again super inspiring. You know the journey of this founder so without further ado. Let’s welcome. Our guest today. Matthew Roberts welcome to the show.
Matthew Roberts: How’s it going Alejandra thanks for having me excited to ah chat you through the history of a commenter and all the exciting stuff we have in our future here for all those up.
Alejandro Cremades: So already originally born there in Massachusetts so give us have a little of a walk through Memory Lane Matthew how was how was life growing up there.
Matthew Roberts: Ah, so I was born and raised in in Ipswich Massachusetts which is actually just a few miles from where our facility is today a town right on the water. Um, everyone growing up in my town was a you know Red Sox Patriots fan this and that. Short shot from Boston ah my my father was an entrepreneur. So I think he kind of laid the groundwork for me. Um I always you know was up to some entrepreneurial venture during my summers in in high school in college and was lucky enough to study ah abroad in Spain. During my junior year and that really brings us to the inception of Comemaeer. So for all you coffee lovers out there commaeer is a a brand new product on the market where category creator we deliver the absolute best tasting coffee on the planet. All from a ah single-ser flash frozen capsule. There’s no machine required and I know a lot of companies out there in this congested space say that they have the best tasting coffee. There’s a lot of gimmicks. But we’ve actually proven scientifically. When you take a coffee bean that’s roasted fresh and you grind and brew it into a liquid and then flash freeze it in a liquid format. It will preserve better than any other packaging format or processing format on the planet. So all you need to do to have the most delicious cup of coffee.
Matthew Roberts: Melt this frozen little puck in eight ounces of hot water. But if ice coffee is your jam. It’s easy to melt and mix into ice water. You can make espresso based beverages afagados espresso martinis anything under the sun and all from this capsule. That’s fully made of aluminum. It’s the first curbside recyclable capsule on the market as well.
Alejandro Cremades: There it is the sweet kicker around we’ll we’ll we’ll get into it. You know in just a little bit I guess let’s let’s rewind back. So obviously you know like you were you grew up there in in in Massachusetts you know right outside of of Boston and and that’s how you knew so I’m sure that you know going.
Matthew Roberts: So that is a sweet kicker.
Alejandro Cremades: All the way across the atlantic you know going there to Spain you know to pampolona where you see the bulls running and you know all all that good stuff. You know I’m sure that that opened up a little bit more your world view about things. How would you say that was the case with you. So.
Matthew Roberts: Oh I mean well I mean it was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. So not only did I grow up in the Boston area but I went to school in the Boston area and you have ah a lot of locals. There. So for the first time ever I was studying in a classroom with ah students from. Barcelona a madrid Hong Kong folks were coming in from all over Europe so it’s great to just get a feel for not only the the spanish culture but it was ah it was a full-on melting pot over there and it was awesome to you know eat indian food with my my my friends. Were studying ah abroad from India ah, the the pinchho or tappas in Spain were incredible. Ah the coffee culture in Spain was awesome and actually you know commaer started because I was missing my Dunkin Donuts ice coffee ah that you know I was drinking every day. In Massachusetts and going over to Spain and getting a taste for better coffee ah was was awesome. But on top of that knowing that there was that void over there and you couldn’t get a nice coffee That’s what that’s what started the experimentations in my apartment or piso out there in pompolona.
Alejandro Cremades: And and just for the people that are listening I mean when you go there to um to one of those bars and and and and basically you ask for an ice coffee. What they give you is. They coffee and then basically they give you a glass with ice so that you can do it yourself. So It’s all messy then you’re putting it everywhere. So I mean I totally get it. So I guess you know for you too I think that you know they say that entrepreneurs are either born with it or they are all of a sudden they develop into it I guess. For you. You know, seeing Dad You know he already had the entrepreneur of buck so gut knows you know Perhaps you were already born with it. But I’m sure that you know going through the ups and downs that he experienced I’m sure that that was you know, quite impactful for you and that made a difference. You know you do as well right.
Matthew Roberts: Yeah, it was. It was an incredible experience to see how his company evolved. So he’s in the automotive industry. He makes capital equipment. So not only is he an entrepreneur but his his capital equipment goes into big automotive factories. He builds stuff that’s physical. So I definitely got the bug on like on that front from him I wanted to make something tangible and I thought I was going to go down ah a saas or a software route at 1 point in time. Um, but knowing that there was the opportunity to scale and manufacture manufacture. Such a unique food and beverage product. It was just ah, a dream come true but watching my dad build ah his machines over the year and seeing how they progressed where you know, ah 1 machine would take up the entire manufacturing floor. Ah and was loud and was noisy and would have a. Let’s say a capacity of ten thousand units a week in that machine going to something that was a quarter of the size that was much smaller of course ah more silent when it was operating and have an output that was 10 times that of ah his first machines. It was awesome. Just seeing that progression. And seeing him win the business of the of the fords in the in the gms of the world now to winning the the business of the rivians and the tesla is out there. So. It’s cool seeing his evolution and I’m hoping that comemater sees a similar evolution where we are putting out a better newer version. Ah year after year.
Matthew Roberts: So that was a great experience to have ah a father as an entrepreneur and watching him through those those turbulent times in in the ups and downs. Of course.
Alejandro Cremades: Well, that’s what you get to learn the most and I’m sure that for you, you know that was quite a ah, very inspiring. Um, you know journey to to really see what he went through as well. So I guess fast forwarding here now you know you find yourself in Spain you don’t see. You know the doncan donuts. There’s no donkin donnus around. You know you can’t get your ice coffee or getting you know this to do do it yourself type of thing which is very messy. You know in cafeterias. So so walk us through how that idea you know for comedy tears started to to really develop. Yeah.
Matthew Roberts: Yeah, so you know when I I couldn’t go to. Ah you know the the Dunkin donut to the big chain down the street and get the the the big gulp ice coffee I had to start making it in my apartment for the first time ever and ah I found it was just super challenging. First off brew a a good cup and even if you made it through that process and you brewed a delicious tasteing cup of coffee. You’d pour it over ice and then it would dilute and it’d get all watered down so you had to find that that balance of brewing the coffee well brewing it strong enough so you could pour it over ice. So you know. Even if you you brewed it and put it in the fridge overnight. It would go stale the next day so there wasn’t a ah, a simple solution to getting that that perfect ice coffee so I came up with a clever idea when I was over there what I was doing was brewing a a super rich pot of coffee something that was. You know 3 or 4 times stronger than a normal cup I’d freeze that pot into little ice chips and then I’d package those ice chips with larger ice cubes that were made of coffee that was less potent of a drinking consistency. So when I wanted a quick iced coffee in the morning I could grab this mixture of ice cubes add water to them. Small ice cubes would melt fast because of their surface area to volume ratio and bring the drink up to a nice consistency and the large ice cubes would keep the the beverage cold without diluting it. So it was just a clever idea for just add water ice coffee and you know if you think about when I had this idea this was this was.
Matthew Roberts: About ten years ago at this point in time this was before everyone had a cold brew on the market and the only real ready to drink product out. There was the frapuccino that was being produced by Pepsi in Starbucks in that North American Coffee partnership so you know the the idea for commenter started with just a solve for my direct need. But as I continued to poke at the concept and share the prototypes with friends I realized that there was an opportunity here because that that quick convenient ice coffee market was underserved at the time.
Alejandro Cremades: So then what happened next when you are like now all of a sudden hey I think I got something here. You return back to the Us and now you’re starting to test things out I mean how do you? How do you bring it to life.
Matthew Roberts: Yeah, so yeah so ah it wasn’t my primary focus at first I was focused on ah on an enterprise software but I kept showing more and more people the prototypes everyone commented that they wish they could buy the product. And I and I actually got lucky from a networking standpoint and I ended up meeting an entrepreneur named George Howell who actually sold the frappuccino ah beverage recipe and trademark to Starbucks back in the day he had 1 of the largest. Coffee chains on the East Coast who is a very successful entrepreneur in this space and I ended up bugging him enough so that he would he took a meeting with me and I showed him my first prototypes and he took a sip. And I thought he was going to say like wow this is incredible. Let’s call up Starbucks. Let’s let’s call everyone in my in my phone book but he he took a sip and practically spit out the coffee. Ah I didn’t know George is is seen as the godfather of specialty coffee. So even though he’s known for this sweet, delicious drink. He wants to be known for the work that he’s doing. At the at the origin ah his work with farmers. He he founded this group called the cup of excellence. He’s helping farmers get paid top dollars for their beans so he threw his arm around me and said kid this this coffee is horrible but let me let me share a great cup of coffee with you and he brewed me a single origin.
Matthew Roberts: Coffee from the barboya region of Ethiopia it was the most delicious coffee I’d ever had in my life. He explained the flaws of the coffee supply chain to me and how difficult it was to actually deliver a cup of coffee as delicious as he shared and honestly after I took one sip wow like. This coffee had all of these juicy nutty notes to it that I had never tasted in my dunkin’ donuts and I thought wow if I can merge the quality of this cup with the convenience of melting an ice cube then there’s really something here now. I was a big craft beer drinker in college. So I really enjoy the nuance of something that has a little bit more complexity to it and I saw how that market. Has really exploded over the last fifteen years craft beer represents 27% of dollar sales and I knew that specialty coffee had that potential so it became my mission to see could I combine the quality with the convenience of melting an ice cube and working with George we discover that. In fact. You could capture that freshly brewed flavor by flash freezing the coffee so I went into his facility one day his barista pulled a perfect shot of coffee I flash rose that coffee between 2 blocks of dry ice and then I brought it back six months later and melted it down in front of his entire sensory team.
Matthew Roberts: And everyone was blown away that the coffee was brewed six months prior it tasted like it was freshly roasted ground and brewed that day and we actually held on to some of the beans that we had used to make the samples and those were aged and cracked. So the whole bean format wasn’t even close to maintaining. The freshness that we were able to capture with this flash frozen method.
Alejandro Cremades: So what do you mean with Flash Froze the coffee or the shot of coffee. How what does that process look like.
Matthew Roberts: Yeah, so so back in the day when you know before I had access to liquid nitrogen I was buying dry ice dry ice is negative one hundred and nine degrees fahrenheit so you could brew a cup of coffee put it into ice trays you know stack the dry ice blocks. Um, over the ice trays and the coffee would freeze in about 5 minutes if you took hot coffee and you put it into a freezer would take about 3 hours and George told me hey that’s not that’s not fast enough I don’t drink a cup of coffee that’s been left out for longer than 20 minutes now here at comeeer in our scaled facility. We have a fifteen Thousand gallon tank of liquid nitrogen hooked up to our building and we actually brew the coffee rapidly chill it and then dunk our capsules in liquid nitrogen which is negative three hundred and twenty one degrees so that coffee freezes instantly. There’s no exposure to oxygen. And just like anything on this planet right? if you freeze it at its peak fresh. It’ll maintain that freshness. So a lot of people don’t know that a lot of the best sushi being served at some of the highest end restaurants that fish is actually flash frozen on the boat and kept frozen. Until it’s brought into land.
Alejandro Cremades: Wow. So then I guess say once once you were able to really prove that the flavor and the taste was there. There was obviously you know validation on the way that you had thought about this process. So what happened next.
Matthew Roberts: Yeah, so so it was great to get that sensory validation from the from the pros right? and we we didn’t have enough money to go and run a scientific study so later on. We’ve scientifically validated that we could capture that freshness. But ultimately our our challenge and became okay, how. How do I brew coffee at scale as well as George’s barista so you know hundreds of pounds of coffee precision brewed and how do I do that using one tenth of the water so we we ship out. Ah, a coffee that is 10 times stronger than a normal cup and we don’t brew coffee and then remove water or concentrated or superheated because then you end up pulling out a lot of the aromas in in flavor compounds that make coffee so special. So our challenge wasn’t just brewing incredible coffee at scale but doing it. With far less water. Um a lot of my family members or engineers I’m not an an engineer so I needed to find some some technical co-founders that could help me develop this industrial coffee extraction equipment. So I I did some patent searches I started networking. And I was lucky enough to partner with three technical co-founders 1 was actually an industrial coffee engineer his name is Paul Koenian and he had a successful exit in the past he sold his first coffee extraction business to carry foods.
Matthew Roberts: Second was a boomerang employee at Kuurig. He did a couple stints there and also worked on a flash freeeze ice cream kiosk machine called muella ah mubela was a startups. We had the right mix of startup coffee and flash freeze experience and then the last co-founder his name is Doug Hoon he’s still our cto here. He was the best athlete that came in learned from our other engineers learned from this world-class chemist that we brought in and he really reinvented the wheel when it comes to how we think about dissolving a coffee bean into water which is the process of of brewing it? Um, so just through. Um, like rapid iteration and trial and getting our hands dirty throughout the years we were able to build um coffee brewing technology that is more precise than anything else on the planet. Our machine. It looks like a rocket ship. There’s over 1000 unique sensors and valves. To perfectly brew every bean that we get in the door here.
Alejandro Cremades: So now I guess say you know for the people that are listening to I mean you guys have raised you know a little bit of money. How much money have you guys raised today.
Matthew Roberts: Yeah, so we’ve raised ah over a $100,000,000 across our seed series a in series b round.
Alejandro Cremades: And how has it been the ah journey of really racing. You know all this money because I know that especially at the beginning during the seat round. He was not easy.
Matthew Roberts: Oh certainly it was not easy I mean um I was I was 23 when the company was founded and my technical co-founders were actually in their fifty s and sixty s so when I would go out you know and and try to raise with. Doug for this frozen coffee business in in Boston I mean we were. We were donkey and Shrek trying to navigate our way through Silicon Valley so what we did is we started close to home right? and I think entrepreneurs always get tripped up on whether or not. Raising from friends and family is a good sign does outlook professional and when you’re just starting out and you don’t have the credibility like your friends and family are the people that know you the best if they’re not investing in you then no one will so we started with a little bit of money from friends and family. Paul had sold his business and had that successful exit to carry food so he was able to tap his network a bit more and bring in some capital so we got just enough breathing room from friends and family to then go out and raise from coffee professionals the tech investors didn’t really understand our product at the beginning. Professional investors. It was too early for them. But we were lucky and we’re able to network through and get get get and get in touch with the founder of Curig Green Mountain I actually sent a cold Linkedin message to his son I got in touch with the family office.
Matthew Roberts: We shipped coffee down to them during a family holiday and they tasted our product next to the kcup which you know obviously they they made a very successful investment ah buying kuurig back in the day and putting it out on the public exchange so they were the ones that came in and in finance the business and gave us more breathing room next came the former president of Nespresso who tried one sip of the product and committed to investing. That day and asked to sit on our board of directors. We got the former r and d director at Starbucks. So once we’ve gotten the the coffee folks so people who know what a homerunning coffee looks like then all of a sudden we started to attract interests from tech investors. Ah. In other institutions.
Alejandro Cremades: And how have you seen you know the um I guess I guess the the experience of going from 1 financing cycle to the next. How has that you know journey gone and and the expectations how have they shifted because obviously here what you were saying is hey it took us a little bit. You know with friends and family to get the ball rolling all of a sudden you know we get this family office to jump in. So then we have that signaling going and then what what happened next? How did you experience next things after that.
Matthew Roberts: Yeah, well certainly when you’re raising seed capital you you cast a big net There’s a lot of rejection right? So during the seed round I mean maybe one out of every 4 one out of every 5 investors were actually writing checks in the in the early days once we started hitting our milestones more and more investors started coming in and all of a sudden it went from one out of 5 to you know, 4 out of 5 because of our process so you know you just need to deal with rejection when you’re raising a seed round. More people will say no and you know what? if everyone says yes and you’re probably not priced correctly. So you cast a wide net in the in the seed round and you just need to keep your company afloat and you need to make progress against your milestones raising a series a or a series b round is a bit different right? Because. You need much larger checks. You don’t have all the time in the world to go out and meet with every fund so you really need to do more diligence upfront and it’s more like ah spear fishing right? You need to find the right 4 or 5 funds to court. It doesn’t happen overnight. Typically what you do is you meet with a fund you get them interested. You let them know what you’re going to accomplish over the next six months or twelve months and then you need to execute. No one’s going to invest right? after the first pitch they want to see what your goals are how are you de-risking the business in the near term.
Matthew Roberts: And if you show that track record of execution. That’s when people will actually start releasing checks into the business. So you know when you meet a series a investor maybe not in 20202021 when things were wild but typically when you meet an investor you should expect six to nine months before you see any amount of money. Ah, hitting your bank account.
Alejandro Cremades: Now 1 thing that was very interesting here is that you took advantage to of where you’re at because it was um, you know a town for fishermen and they I guess you know like they were also used to perhaps you know, freezing fish and you know perhaps they had the technologies the logistics things like that. So you’ve been able to really capitalize on that and and and really you know turn it upside down and and and kind of like make a shift there on on how you know labor and and resources were used in the area. So so tell us a little bit about this. Yeah.
Matthew Roberts: Yeah, so um, Gloucester Massachusetts is is well known for being a fishing town across the us um for the listeners out there. You may have seen the ah the movie the perfect storm the the show. Ah the wicked tuna. Filmed in Gloucester and there was a movie called Coda that Apple Tv released a while back I believe it won an academy award. So it’s known as a fishing town but back in the day every coastal town in Massachusetts was a fishing town in Gloucester really became a hub for fisherman when this inventor. Clarence’s bird’s eye returned back from a a trip studying an inuit tribe up in Northern Canada in the nineteen twenty s so he realized well he was up there that he was eating the best fish of his life because when you pull fish out of the water up in northern canada in the wintertime the negative four degree wind chill would freeze that fish immediately. So he designed and patented the first flash freeze conveyors ever built he he headquartered his business in in gloucester massachusetts and every fisherman along the coast of massachusetts wanted to move in gloucester because bird’s eye was the only only guy who was always buying fish why because he could buy the fish and flash freeze it. Preserve it when everyone else was throwing the fish on ice and the ice or the in the fish had a very ah short shelf life. Um, so when we were looking to scale up our tech. It would have been very expensive to go out and build a factory from scratch right? Not only that, but it would have taken.
Matthew Roberts: 2 3 maybe 4 years because we were hit with a pandemic right? after you know we had scouted a building if we had to build a factory during a pandemic. It would have been delayed forever. So we needed to find a manufacturing site that had a large floor. Right? But also had a large freezer attached to it and we found a beautiful site in Gloucester at Seventy Thousand Square feet the freezer is about Twenty Five Thousand Square feet so it’s perfect for what we need and yeah we have been taking a lot of fishermen and folks who have worked in the fishing industry into our plant. Who enjoy seeing kind of lightning strike twice here in Gloucester this is where the flash freeze revolution started and we’re bringing and a next wave of flash freeze technology up here to the to the city. So. It’s been ah, it’s been a blast building the factory out here where there’s so much history and tradition in the space. And also it’s close to home for me. Ipswich is just ah, you know about ah 20 minutes away by car 5 minutes away by boat.
Alejandro Cremades: So I guess a 1 thing that comes to mind here. Is you know what? a journey now and obviously we’re talking about the present. We’ve talked about where you guys are coming from but I want to talk about where things are heading because I mean you guys have raised quite a bit of money and and and when you share. Obviously your vision with these people I mean as you were saying typically six to nine months it’s really getting them. You know, excited about the future that you’re living into and they getting them that with that alignment to jump on board and write you know things with you. So if you were to go to sleep tonight. Matthew and you wake up in a world where the vision of cometeer is fully realized what does that world look like.
Matthew Roberts: Yeah, so that that that is ah that is a world while where everyone’s starting their day walking over to their freezer instead of to the cupboard to to grab their their coffee beans. Um, that’s a world where you’re seeing freezers in the coffee aisle. Right? That is a world where you may have a ah machine on your countertop that’s designed to melt and dilute rather than brew coffee. So we we do feel like ah we’re one of ah only a handful of category creators. In in food and beverage and there will be a ripple effect that doesn’t end over the next five years or 10 years we want to continue innovating as well. So maybe right next to your frozen coffee capsule. There is a capsule that has ah freshly squeezed juice that is flash frozen freshly brewed tea. That is flash frozen as well. That actually tastes better than what you buy on the store shelves or even out of the refrigerator refrigerator in a grocery store because flash freezing does just stop the clock on deterioration I’m hoping that we’re at the point where people can pronounce our company name right? as well. Comma tier. Which often is messed up and yeah I think that’s that’s what we’re hoping for is kind of those those massive disruptive changes. Um, and right now you know we’re starting to see our vision come true. So in sprouts farmers market for example in California you will see.
Matthew Roberts: 10 freezers stash right in the middle of the coffee aisle there and we’re expanding our footprint there. Um in in food service right? There’s there’s a dramatic impact we can make it’s so hard to get a great cup of coffee because. Brewing coffee is really difficult but melting is easy. So I think on the food service front. You’ll see a lot of folks preparing single origin coffees um from behind the counter people will hopefully look at coffee more similarly to wine because now you can enjoy the good stuff and you don’t need to turn your kitchen. Into a science fair to get the good stuff. So I’m hoping that we have a a we make a massive positive impact on the space in general and 1 thing that certainly keeps us going is we know that we’ll have um, a very positive impact on on farmers. Ah, right now you know a coffee bean really loses its identity throughout the supply chain. But if commenter can can work with our roasters so that we can preserve that nuance in ah in a specific coffee bean and preserve it through the brewing step and the distribution step so that customers can actually taste the difference. We’re hoping more and more dollars will flow back to the farmers they can invest in unique processing methods they can invest in quality in coffee will get better and better for years to come.
Alejandro Cremades: Amazing now. Let’s talk about the past but doing it with a lens of reflection. Let’s say I was to put you into a time machine and I bring you back in time to that moment where maybe you were in Spain. You were sitting at one of those bars and you know having some amazing tapas. Maybe having Apa yeah, or you know gu nose and you know you have the opportunity of sitting down right right next to that you know younger Matthew and you’re able to give that younger ma. 1 piece of advice before launching a business. What would that be and why given what you know now.
Matthew Roberts: Yeah, so um I think the the one piece of advice I would I would give ah my ah my past self is just really doubled down on the people in the talent right? because at the end of the day. When when you’re a Ceo you can do everything in the early days right you have enough time you’re you’re running in every single direction but at the end of the day when companies scale. Um, you’re really responsible for developing the strategy ah in the vision clearly communicating that. And then making sure that you hire and empower the right people to execute against that strategy and your job is really making sure that those folks have the resources they need to be successful. So um, taking more time with hiring. Decisions right? meeting more candidates the importance of back back channel references. All of that is super important because at the end of the day if your company is going to to reach its full potential. You’re not doing everything you have someone who’s 10 times better than you doing every specific task at the company. So just doubling down on the people and the talent you bring in and I was lucky to find some incredible cofounders and early people to join me on this journey right? So I got lucky there but you know it’s 1 wrong hire 2 2 bad hires not getting the right people in the door.
Matthew Roberts: In empowering your people That’s where companies can can get shaky and where your vision might not reach its full potential.
Alejandro Cremades: Very profound so Matthew for the people that are listening that will love to reach out and say hi. What is the best way for them to do so yeah.
Matthew Roberts: Ah, you can you know ah ping me on Linkedin I’m easy to find ah or you can ping me at ah MattAtcommaer Dot Com if you’re interested in in trying our product. You can go to commenter that cometeerdotcom shift the product all over the us frozen right to your door. Hopefully everyone enjoys ah a delicious cup that’s listening and gives the gives the product to try.
Alejandro Cremades: Amazing! Well hey Matthew thank you so much for being on the show today. It has been an honor to have you with us.
Matthew Roberts: Awesome! Thanks Ah Andra Really appreciate it.
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