In the vibrant city of Paris, Jordane Giuly’s journey began – a journey that traversed the gray weather of Paris to the innovation hub of Silicon Valley. In this narrative, we unravel the fascinating story of Jordane Giuly, a Parisian native, entrepreneur, and co-founder of successful ventures like Spendesk and Defacto.
Defacto has attracted funding from top-tier investors like Citi Ventures, Northzone, Headline, and Global Founders Capital
In this episode, you will learn:
- Jordane Giuly’s journey began in Paris, drawing inspiration from his risk-taking parents who launched their company, shaping his entrepreneurial mindset.
- Giuly’s academic journey took him from Paris to prestigious engineering schools, and eventually to Silicon Valley, where he compared and contrasted education models.
- Giuly’s first startup experience emphasized the importance of complementary co-founder dynamics, validating ideas, and the significance of failing fast.
- Founding Spendesk, Giuly achieved unicorn status by combining credit cards with expense management software, highlighting the success of a dual business model.
- Leaving Spendesk post-series B, Giuly candidly shares the challenges of scaling a unicorn and the emotional impact of stepping back from a company he dedicated immense energy to.
- Defacto, Giuly’s latest venture, focuses on instant financing solutions for SMBs, emphasizing real-time engagement, underwriting, and building an infrastructure for instant experiences.
- Giuly’s entrepreneurial wisdom underscores the priority of people over industry or technology, emphasizing the importance of inspired collaborations for sustained success.
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About Jordane Giuly:
Jordane Giuly has diverse work experience spanning various industries and roles. His most recent role is as a Co-Founder at Defacto, a position they have held since July 2021.
Prior to this, in 2020, Jordane worked as an Angel Investor for Startups and as an Independent Consultant as a freelancer.
He has a background in technology and entrepreneurship, having co-founded Spendesk, a spend management software company, in 2016.
Jordane served as the Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer of Spendesk until April 2020. He was also a Co-Founder at Rebble, a company they started in 2013.
In terms of early career experiences, Jordane worked as a Product Engineer at Coorpacademy from 2014 to 2016. He also had internships at TripAdvisor as a Machine Learning Intern in 2012 and at UBS as a Fixed Income Trading Intern in 2011.
Additionally, Jordane served as a Platoon Leader at 5e Regiment du Genie from December 2008 to April 2009.
Throughout their career, he has demonstrated a combination of technical expertise, entrepreneurial spirit, and leadership skills.
Jordan holds a Master’s degree in Financial Mathematics, which was obtained from Stanford University during the period from 2011 to 2012.
Prior to that, he completed a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Mathematics at École Polytechnique from 2008 to 2011.
In addition to their formal education, Jordane has obtained certifications in “Structuring Machine Learning Projects” and “Neural Networks and Deep Learning” from Coursera in September 2020 and July 2020, respectively.
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Read the Full Transcription of the Interview:
Alejandro Cremades: Hey guys welcome to the deal maker show. So today. We have a really amazing episode. You know that we have ahead of us you know with a european founder and obviously I’m a little bit biased. You know being european too. But but we have ahead of us. You know it’s going to be a tremendous episode very inspiring. We’re gonna be talking about the building scaling financing all of that good stuff then also you know our guest today not only has built a unicorn companies and now he’s currently a baby which is a rocket ship. We’re gonna be talking about that too. He’s raised quite a bit of money for that as well. But the first one obviously didn’t pan out. You know so obviously has. As we know you either succeed or you learn and there’s gonna be tons of lessons that we’re gonna be discussing today with you all so without further ado. Let’s welcome our guests today jourhan Julie welcome to the show. Thanks.
Jordane Giuly: Thank you, Thank you very much very happy to be here.
Alejandro Cremades: So originally born and raised in Paris so give us a walk through memory lane. How was life growing up first.
Jordane Giuly: Yeah, so you know going on in Paris it was so first of all gray right? as the weather is is is mostly gray then then it was ah like so pretty interesting from a life from a. Students standpoint you know you go to to to public school ah because because in France ah, you know it’s it’s where you go then then I and I managed to enter one of the ah great engineering schools. Ah that that that is also in ah in ah in in ah near Paris and then I had the opportunity as soon as possible to ah. Study abroad and to be able to live abroad. So I’ve done. Ah I’ve done a bit of work in London and then I studied in the silicon valley in Stanford and so I was able to to compare I would say the the 2 education models.
Alejandro Cremades: To compare notes. But 1 thing that is very important that ah you’re missing you know and that we gotta touch on is the fact that your parents were also entrepreneurs and you saw them building and scaling their own business. You know, basically they were doing impre software for banks. But I’m wondering you know this is really incredible because obviously in Europe Now this is changing but the mentality especially back then it was either. You would finish school and you would become a banker or a lawyer or a doctor or a consultant but really becoming an entrepreneur is it hasn’t been that they will. Received until you know, very recently so how was you know the journey of you being able to experience your your parents. You know, like really going through the cycles and emotions also of being founders themselves.
Jordane Giuly: Yeah, so so so so so both my parents they they launched their company. It was ah ah in 95 so we were I was like six years old and my native sister would what were for. Ah. And and they work together. So so so they took a big risk. You know as parent as a family to kind of ah you know, ah dive into entrepreneurship quit your ah I would say your yeah your set your salary jobs to try to launch your your thing. So. They they they took definitely big big risks and and at first I remember that when we visited the first office of this company. You know it was like ah you could bury. You know a feed for people in there so that so that was like very very small. And then ah eventually they ah were we were lucky enough that the the company you know worked pretty well so they started setting. You know, kind of ah I would say backoff solutions for for regional banks. You know they they they so they sign one bank then 2 then 10 etc. So we kind of ah lived with with my sister with I would say the ah you know the the the expansion of this ah of of this company that that eventually ah load us to ah I would say ah move I would say the the move up the social the social ladder and so that was ah that that was very inspiring. We were ah.
Jordane Giuly: Like moving flats every three years and it was only like a bigger apartmentment so that that was nice and ah and you know dread at dinner like the family dinners. It was more about like ah you know discussing the business. Ah. People problems the ah customer stuff etc rather than you know talking about schools of things like that. So ah I have this kind of a model where ah with entrepreneurships you can. Ah you can build your own freedom and you can like ah build the the stuff how you want to I want to do it. And that ah you can like ah enjoy yourself. Ah a lot while keeping a pretty good I would say a ah familymi work balance so that that was definitely a pretty inspiring and maybe less listening to say that it was ah fully ah like ah it was a self-funded model. So 100% ah profitable they add like huge I would say a pretty good. Ah, ah, gross margin so on on that part as well being a funder of like ah venture back companies I see that how hard it is to generate. Ah, ah you know profitability and that’s one of the. Main topics for two 2024 so yeah I have a lot of ah I would say admiration for their ah for their or for their path.
Alejandro Cremades: So in your case you as you were saying you landed in Stanford Silicon Valley you know you were obviously experiencing the land of innovation right? I mean it’s just unbelievable there now. I guess I guess for you. How was that experience like.
Jordane Giuly: Yeah, so so so so both my parents are engineers. So um, um, ah I have ah I don’t have any credit into into picking engineering schools. Ah then what I wanted to do was to be like a banker like ah you know a trader or a content alyst. You know I saw the movie wall street. Ah, that that you know you have like all the traders in ah in New York city I thought okay that that’s very exciting I did my ah my first internship at the at the city of London which was great and then I landed at Stanford you know, ah to study financial mathematics. Ah, to eventually come back. Ah, ah to work at ah at the ubs. But when you land you know in in California and ah and and especially at Sanford like most of your classes are about computer science. That’s actually what they teach best you know some of the teachers are like yeah I had a class with Peter till. I had a class with with Samman I had a class with the first. Ah I would say ah ah business engine investors in Google ah so those are prettypiing yeah inspiring guys and and yeah, ah and what what they tell you is that? Ah, you know you should ah you should try it. Ah, you should try and and nots your startup and build your ideas etc ah to to to live the experience. So ah, at the end of my studies when I came back to friends. It was kind of ah of views that I wanted to try ah having also in mind that I have the this I would say ah ah this ah family context of ah of entrepreneurs.
Jordane Giuly: So I did not have any choice but to try.
Alejandro Cremades: So then talking about trying you know the yeah, the first company you know that comes knocking. You know that is a Rey I believed no. And yeah, so rebo. So so so what was how how did you guys you know, go about this because obviously obviously is he is the first rodeo is your first day company.
Jordane Giuly: Um, yeah labor.
Jordane Giuly: Um, it.
Alejandro Cremades: And obviously it wasn’t the outcome that you guys had hoped for too. So I’m sure that the lessons there there were absolutely un po all. So so so walk us through what was that journey of of launching the business and and what happened because it was pre product Market fit when the obviously the failure you know occurred.
Jordane Giuly: Um, yeah.
Jordane Giuly: Yep yep, sorry? Ah yes, so so so so on on that part so when when I came back to France I was ah ah, ah, early 2013 ah, basically since then I had like 4 professional experiences the 4 them in startups. And 3 as a cofounder. So the the first one was rebuild ah right after school with ah my best friend from school actually so we came back from Stanford you know the 2 of us we were like okay so we’ve the. We follow the entrepreneurship you know, ah ah classes, etc. We we we know how to code. So obviously we’re going to launch something. Ah we explored I would say a bunch of ah industries. Ah, and we lended into the the newspaper industry ah in the sense that we thought that. Ah. Ah, you know it was an industry with like huge ah transformations so we were like okay there is probably some room for 2 people that know nothing about the industry and be able to build some stuff in it that was obviously I would say ah ah, pretty presumptuous. And yeah, and so we we kind of ah we did every mistake a possible mistake so we spend the first six months doing a business planner without leaving the room. Ah you know so we were like reading articles. Ah ah, theoitizing about ah the future of newspaper and then we build like a business planner.
Jordane Giuly: Ah, that was ah eventually completely useless. Ah, then we spend like about six months you know building a product without talking to anybody. Ah, that was ah that was also like a bad ah bad thing and then we spend the remaining six months try to gather a user. Ah, users and and applying to incubators ah without any business model and so we got declined from like ah 1 2 3 4 incubators and that the fifth one when when the guys you know told us but you don’t have any business model and we were like. Yeah, but why do we need to have one. Ah you have like the Facebook and twitters that don’t have and they business model. They just scale and it’s good. It’s good enough right? And plus we are we came from Stanford so you should trust us right? Ah, when they say no because our business was crap and they were right? Then we decided to kind of ah you know, stop. Ah, and I would say the few learnings that we have is that so the the 2 of us we were not like complimentary enough my friends and I we were both like ah I would say product-ish guys wanted to code stuff and we didn’t ah like ah go out. Ah you know. Ah, in the street. Ah, ah to try to sell the business before building it so that that that was I think the biggest ah the biggest mistake.
Jordane Giuly: Um I Hope it’s not lively.
Jordane Giuly: Um, cares. So I think we have a D chosen. Yes I’m going to wait ah wait a bit.
Jordane Giuly: And wait fire. Yep.
Jordane Giuly: Yeah, so obviously with this ah I would say first experience at tribel we we we made a lot of mistakes. Ah with my cofounder and I think that the biggest one was that we were not ah a complementary enough. Ah team. Ah, you know the 2 others were like very similar I would say profiles and we wanted to do the same things. Ah so we kind of ah you know, coded the the both of us instead of ah ah you know we we code it in your room ah without talking to the market. Ah, so instead of going out of the building ah to to cite. Ah Steve blank si blank I think and to try to meet users and start and set the things. So I I think that was definitely a ah error number one and second it’s about the the business model. Ah so what we tried to build. It’s a ah, it’s a kind of a marketplace of ah of ah blogs and of ah articles and and basically in the newspaper industry ten years ago you know there was like a big crizzies of ah of like ah would people be willing to pay for for news. Ah, and so the the biggest media you know we ah kind of ah losing money on that. So ah, what? What is the business model of like ah a marketplace that would propose a long tail. Ah you know, long take blogs and and long tail ah articles there there there there was none. Ah so I think I think there was the the 2 biggest ah ah, ah mistakes.
Jordane Giuly: Ah, the mistakes that we didn’t make ah though I think there are 2 ah first is that we kind of ah I think we we failed pretty quickly one year one year and a half that that’s decent I think the worst thing as an as an entrepreneur is to is to be kind of ah you know, losing your time. So like spending and I don’t know 5 five six years on something that you know does not really work that that’s very tough so we failed pretty fast I guess and the second thing I think ah is that we ah we separated. Ah, you know the 2 of us. Ah in good terms and that’s that’s so ah.
Alejandro Cremades: Show.
Jordane Giuly: Something that happens a lot is that when when they decide to separate you know funders usually ah kind of ah you know, tear up and fight and we are still best friends today and I think we had the you know, not enough ego to fight for the for the remaining pieces of this empty cake.
Alejandro Cremades: So I guess say in that regardless they say once an entrepreneur is an entrepreneur now in your case you know it happened with spend disk. So what do you think needed to happen for you to all of a sudden landing the opportunity on what was possible. We spend this and.
Jordane Giuly: And that was good.
Alejandro Cremades: And how hard it was. You know to go at it again because obviously the first experience was not so you know not not not that desired outcome. You know it wasn’t as as as positive as you had hoped for. But you know how did you really build yourself up to go and do it again.
Jordane Giuly: Um, if.
Jordane Giuly: Yeah, so so I think one one of the the toughest thing you know for for experience. It’s it’s not the fact that we failed in a sense that we didn’t find like project market feed. We didn’t have like a lot of users nor reviews it’s more I would say the opportunity cost. Ah, because why you are trying to build your I would say like shitty business. Ah you have your friends that that started their carriers in banks in consulting and they’re they’re starting to make good money and they are like but what why are you using lot time you know, ah Jordan on this like stupid you know blog stuff. Ah, and so yeah, so at at the end of date your your self-confidence it’s kind of ah ah is at its lowest ah so you need to kind of ah refill I would say in terms of like ah energy and self-confidence to to try again. Ah, so I it did that by joining I would say a company as first project manager for about 2 years Ah, and this company was initially cofounded by like some very big guys. Super experiment guys so was like you know as a 23 25 years old ah guy ah you know I I would be able to work with some people that ah they know where they want to. They know what they want to do they know where they’re going to ah ah to move the business. So I’m going to be able to to learn a ton from them and so I worked with them for about 2 years and at the end of it was like okay so.
Jordane Giuly: I I think it’s super like ah I learned a lot but I disagree with some things in terms of like how they approach and I know product how they approach company culture and and I feel that I I have the feeling that I really want to kind of ah you know, dive again.
Jordane Giuly: And and be able to not only build a product but it’s like build a company culture that ah would ah value and know a bit more I would say transparency etc. Ah, and that context I kind of ah you know, ah ah, started looking for ah for new potential.
Jordane Giuly: And then you get to meet people and then you you get excited about stuff and so I got excited with those guys that were starting to build ah virtual. Ah, ah, ah, credit cards for businesses and I was like okay, the fact that it’s virtual. It’s.. It’s good. Ah, Ah, the fact that it’s going to touch like payments finance etc. It’s at the costho of ah of what I know that’s right? Ah, but it was a very ah uneducated decision.
Alejandro Cremades: I hear you So then I guess for the people that are listening to really get it. What ended up being the business model of spend disk.
Jordane Giuly: Yeah, so so so we launched spendesk. So I John as a late cofounder and the and head of product there so in charge of building I would say the the features the softwares and also the the fintech related stuff and and basically spin the spend this product. Can you can youa me it gets a bit. Yeah ah spend spend next product is a um is a span management software. So we are working with that we were working with demys all your cost you’re up and help them better manage their better manage their purchases.
Jordane Giuly: So we would like ah issue ah ah credit cards for their employees and then you have a software to manage ah approval flows. Ah do your bookkeeping. Ah keep your budgets all this kind of stuff. Um, and so basically and so we grew from like ah 3 to 200 employees when I left. Ah. Four years later and today’s spandde it’s ah it’s the twenty fifth ah french unicon so pretty a pretty big thing and ah, but when I left it was not a unicon. Yeah yet was ah so I left too early.
Alejandro Cremades: So what do you think were the yeah key ingredients for spend this to ah to make it so big like that.
Jordane Giuly: Yeah, so so. So first of all I think we had like a true I would say ah ah a true innovative product. So before before us you had like expense management solutions which we are like pretty big like. Pure software then you had like ah corporate cards which were like pure cards. Ah ah from from banks and etc and and and we kind of mixed the two so we embedded cards into an expense management software and this. Completely shifted the user experience. It completely shifted the business model as well and so back to your question the the business model was very interesting. It was a mix of a Sas ah subscription like very ah, very high margin vary recuring etc. And the mix of ah ah ho news from payments. Ah, which is like ah a very correlated with usage and and the and so the fact the fact that we had like a 2 leg business model ah made the the the company like ah ah, very interesting from ah from ah like a Vc standpoint. And so we managed to kind of ah raise a lot of money and then we invested this money into like more product I would say development but also I would say a bigger acquisition ah machine and and on that second part I think this is also what explains the the.
Jordane Giuly: Ah, the success of Spandsk is that we we built like a a super efficient ah b two b sales ah acquisition ah machine and so yeah, we were ah we we were able to to to to sign a lot of deals and to offer ah a.
Jordane Giuly: Ah, very nice user experience.
Alejandro Cremades: So it sounds like the company was going amazing. Um, you know, ended up becoming a unicorn you know and being the founder of a company like that is is pretty unbelievable. So I guess what? what made you want to ah look for greener pastures.
Jordane Giuly: Yeah, so basically I left so you know I was saying. Yeah so so I left spdek meet meet thousand and twenty. Ah so we were post series b 200 people in the team. We raised like more than 50000000 years ah like growing a rad. Ah yeah, and I basically basically left. Ah so so that’s I think I think that’s because I was ah so when when when I join us as as ah as a funder. My goal was to ah. since since since I didn’t manage to to do it with re it it was to reach like a you know product market fit and to do like a series a ah and once we achieved those goals I kind of ah did not really like ah actualize my personal goals. So after the series b I was like. You know I yeah I reached my my personal goals. Ah what’s ah, what’s next for me. Ah and and and and then I would say that’s post series b you know the the challenges are much more around like scanning the business scanning the organization building I would say yeah hiring machines. Building carrier path machines, etc. And that was I would say ah there were ah challenges where ah I had a bit less of a fit on the personal notede and so less of an impact as a co from there and so was like okay ah.
Jordane Giuly: I think I think it’s time for me to to to move on.
Alejandro Cremades: So then what did that look like you know turning the page.
Jordane Giuly: Um, so so first of all I felt so it was very empty. You know so one day like you you I would say ah you know, investing 200% of your time of your energy etc. All you all you have into this ah into this business. And then the next day you ah you alone? Ah you know playing video games. Ah, ah at your at your home Ah so yeah, so so so because I didn’t leave spend this to build something else I just left. Ah.
Alejandro Cremades: So then walk us through what was the um that that journey like you know all the way to obviously landing with de facto which is saying you know your latest company. What was that journey like you know to all of us are then figuring out what that next chapter would be.
Jordane Giuly: Um, yep.
Jordane Giuly: Yeah, so so so so so first of all I took like six months off completely off ah not thinking about like ah next business but really like digest the learnings I yeah and and kind of a refill. You know the the the enar la va. Ah, that I think is ah is is super important know as entrepreneur entrepreneur to we have like ah ah good enarg level eventss. Ah, and so yeah, so I tried to kind of ah you know, ah write First of all some of the some of the learnings. My experience, etc. Kind of ah you know take all of these out of your ad to basically to be able to best figure out. You know what’s important for you and what what would make sense. You know for me next and at the end of ah then then ah obviously I took a bit of ah like ah leisure time right? So ah. Did a bit of gate suffing I did a bit of like cooking classes. Ah, but it was during covid so not a lot of travel unfortunate. Um, and yeah and and then basically ah n two thousand twenty I was like okay so either I tried to apply to be like a senior product manager at stripe. Basically in ah in a larger you know fintech cater or ah I launch a new business and and yeah and I I couldn’t resist I would say the ah the adrenaline of diving in again.
Alejandro Cremades: So then let’s talk about diving again. Tell us about the facto. Why the fact out of all things I mean now is the second on you know, 2 startups that you’ve done third rodeo. So obviously you were very well versed. You know you know what the journey of building something from nothing looked like so why.
Jordane Giuly: Um, yeah.
Alejandro Cremades: De facto what made you feel that the opportunity of the facto was meaningful enough for you to invest 200% of your time.
Jordane Giuly: Yeah, so so so so first of all, we we first decided to ah to to to launch a company together with my 2 counders and then we decided to launch de facto. And so so so so so I think the the most important thing is the is the cofundership and the and the people you are you are working with this is this is the things that we that cannot move and then you know the ideas the project the business the business model whatever you you can iterate on that. And so we really spend a lot of time you know, ah, kind of ah discussing together with my two counders ah lining on the on the type of companies that we wanted to build a lining on the ambition etc before ah before launching the company and I think we took about like three months to do so. Ah, but so there’s ah, there’s a lot of serendipity in that ah like what? what What are the odds to kind of ah you know, ah find someone that you get along with ah together that will have fun working with that you are complementary that to have similar ambitions. Ah, similar I would say ah work life targets ah worklife balance targets and ah and I would say that that you are available ah at the same times like what are the? yeah. So. So so there is Marco is a friend from school from ah so we both studied in France.
Alejandro Cremades: How did how did you meet them. How did you meet them by the way.
Jordane Giuly: And then we both stayed in the valley and then Marco stayed in the in the in the silicon valley for for about 10 years and before moving back to France and when moved back to kind of ah you know, got in touch again and and then there’s Morgan with a ah friend from spendendesk who we used to work together. Ah, not directly in the same teams. But ah yeah, we we we we used to get along word and then ah she she she she decided to also leaveand desk ah to ah ah to build a business together. Ah so yeah.
Alejandro Cremades: That’s incredible now for all of us what is de facto. What are you guys doing at de facto.
Jordane Giuly: Yeah, so so so what we’re trying to do here is to kind of ah so so so first of all we we we we we like the the sm is ecosystem in in Europe. So so so at Atendsk we kind of ah you know build the solution for sms. So we were in touch with like thousands of sms or the costups with their ceos with their cfos with their contents etc and so where are you know, referring them I would say a a solution to better manage their their purchases ah like know workflows budgets, etc. But at the end of the day you know those guys that they they would need cash to pay right? and so when you take a look at and at the different solutions that that exist today it’s it’s mostly coming from banks. Ah so it’s like ah you know credit lines or or factoring. Ah you know from from banks. And it’s pretty pretty expensive and pretty heavy ah to set up and so we were like okay so there there there’s there’s a huge need you know so working capital for s andbs. It’s pretty. Ah. Ah, we we thought that we could we could serve it you know like Ah ah quicker and nicer way ah so like and it and it’s huge ah in terms of like market size. Ah for you to have an idea working capital financing. It’s ah it’s ah it’s 18% of the gdp in France so it’s like.
Jordane Giuly: Four hundred and five five hundred Billion Euros that is ah ah, ah, factored every year and that’s for us the the addressable market. So so so we were like okay that that’s a huge pain on on a target that we like that we start to know well ah with solutions that ah that are pretty old. So so yeah, we tried ah to to tackle this problem so we’re basically building a credit infrastructure to to deliver I would say instant lending to sms or your cost job.
Alejandro Cremades: And how much capital have you guys raised to late.
Jordane Giuly: Yes, so so we did ah I would say ah ah 3 ah ah, series. Ah, 1 1 1 pre preced and 1 one 1 series a in one series of extensions we raised in total $25000000 ah for for equity. But but part the the interesting aspect ah of us is that today we’re doing ah a so lending on our own balance sheet. We thought that if we really wanted to kind of ah you know change the user experience of lending we needed to get a license ourselves and be the origin and be the lender of recorder and so that’s what we do and so. To to basically lend. Ah, you know to to companies you need to have money and so we build I would say a line of debts of like ah more than one hundred and seventy million Euros to be to be able to lend this money to ah to our customers.
Alejandro Cremades: That’s amazing. So so I guess you know when when it comes to raising money you know, especially on the equity side. Um vision you know is really what matters now. Ah and you know whether you’re looking to onboard investors to onboard customers. Employees vision is Keys I guess.
Jordane Giuly: So we raised a lot of that.
Alejandro Cremades: In that regard imagine if you were to go to sleep tonight and you wake up in a world where the vision of de facto is fully realized what does that world look like.
Jordane Giuly: Yeah, so so we we strongly believe in you in a few things. so so so so so first of all we so so so so we believe that that everything should be instant and moving toward instant things ah ah so so so so so so so so first of all for for example ah when when you try to watch a movie. You know you you don’t go to the to the to blogbuster anymore. You just go on Netflix it’s it’s instant ah when you want to send money to some friends. Ah, in in France you use like ah anonolyia in us. It’s venmo etc. It’s it’s instant and it should be the same when when you when when you want to ship you know? Ah, when you want to order something on Amazon you get it the you know the next day it’s ah, almost instant and so we believe that. Ah, to best pilot out your business. Ah you need to have like super reactive solutions in terms of like I don’t know engineering ah servers better so finance and so what we try to do here is to be basically be be able to offer financing to any b 2 b transactions that that occur online. Ah, in the most instant way. Ah so it means that we need to engage with with our customers where they are buying and selling their their goods or services we need to be able to underwrite. You know those guys and their counterities in real-time and then we need to have like.
Jordane Giuly: I would say investors that would trust us also in real time and so we are basically building all these payment rails or these financing rails to offer the the most instant experience in ending. Basically.
Alejandro Cremades: so then so then I guess say in that regard as well. The question that I want to ask you is you know, thinking about the past but then also with a lens of reflection right? imagine if I was to put you into a time machine. And I bring you back to that moment where you were in Stanford you were attending amazing lectures from the likes of Peter Thiel you know the investors of Google all of that and you were able now you know you’re at the point where you’re thinking about doing something of your own and let’s say you had the opportunity of having a sit down with that younger self. Um, being able to give that younger self one piece of advice for launching a business. What would that be and why given what you know now.
Jordane Giuly: Sort of it. Ah, it’s sort of a tough question. Ah so I think back then I kind of ah you know so when when when I when I joined my my second job. My first I would say yeah ah failure experience I did this kind of ah ah you know utility metrics where where I put criyas ah, for example, ah I don’t know the salary. Ah the technology the product. Ah the people, etc. And I add like different opportunities and I try to assess you know the opportunities based on on those critaia and then you would like do a kind of ah a weighted average of the ratings that they would put and then it gave me I would say a yeah ah like like like like a winner and and and I picked it. Ah. I think 1 thing that that that ah that I underestimated is the people for sure. Ah, so you know industry. It’s important and technology. It’s important etc. But the most important thing I I would say is the people you are working with and if you you need to be like a at. Ah, mix of like inspired and ah and getting along well with each other etc and that’s the things that ah that we should prioritize.
Alejandro Cremades: I Love that So your land for the people that are listening that will love to reach out and say hi. What is the best way for them to do so you see enough is he enough.
Jordane Giuly: Um, for lingin and pretty easy.
Alejandro Cremades: Is enough while you’re done. Thank you so much for being on the deal maker show today has been an honor to have you with us.
Jordane Giuly: Thank you, Thank you very much.
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