Neil Patel

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Matias Serebrinsky, the co-founder of Cookunity and PsyMed Ventures, has had an intriguing journey from his birthplace in Argentina to leading two successful ventures in the United States. 

His experiences as a founder and venture capitalist, coupled with his passion for mental health, have shaped him into a dynamic and innovative leader.

Listen to the full podcast episode and review the transcript here.

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The Ultimate Guide To Pitch Decks

Argentina Born, Bay Area Bred

Born and raised in Argentina, Matias moved to San Francisco in his late twenties. The vibrant startup scene in the Bay Area quickly captivated him, fueling his entrepreneurial spirit. 

This high-energy environment, teeming with innovation and dynamism, became the breeding ground for his ventures.

Cookunity: Revolutionizing the Culinary Industry

Matias Serebrinsky’s first entrepreneurial venture, Cookunity, was born out of a personal need and a passion for food. 

His wife’s transition from law to culinary arts sparked the idea for a platform that could connect chefs with food lovers. 

The concept was simple yet revolutionary: create a marketplace where independent chefs could offer their meals to consumers who value home-cooked, healthy, and diverse food options.

Despite the simplicity of the idea, the journey to bring Cookunity to life was anything but easy. Matias had to navigate the complexities of the food industry, dealing with issues like food safety regulations, logistics, and quality control. 

Moreover, convincing investors to bet on a physical business in a digital age was a significant challenge.

However, Matias’ tenacity and vision paid off. Cookunity has grown considerably since its inception, raising hundreds of millions in funding. 

Today, the platform hosts hundreds of chefs, offering thousands of meals to customers across the United States. 

Storytelling is everything which is something that Matias Serebrinsky was able to master. Being able to capture the essence of what you are doing in 15 to 20 slides is the key. For a winning deck, take a look at the pitch deck template created by Silicon Valley legend, Peter Thiel (see it here), where the most critical slides are highlighted.

Remember to unlock the pitch deck template that is being used by founders around the world to raise millions below.

Bringing People Together With Food

Cookunity’s success is a testament to Matias’ belief in the power of food to bring people together and his commitment to providing a platform for chefs to share their culinary talents.

Cookunity’s business model is unique in its focus on both the chefs and the consumers. For chefs, Cookunity provides a platform to showcase their culinary skills, manage their schedules, and earn a steady income without the overhead costs of running a restaurant. 

For consumers, Cookunity offers a diverse range of meals prepared by professional chefs, delivered right to their doorstep.

Despite the success, Matias’ journey with Cookunity was not without its challenges. The intense workload and uncertainty of the startup journey led to burnout, prompting him to step aside and prioritize his mental health. 

However, his experience at Cookunity laid the foundation for his next venture, PsyMed Ventures, and instilled in him a deep understanding of the challenges and rewards of entrepreneurship.

Transitioning Out and Prioritizing Mental Health

After several years of hyper-growth at Cookunity, Matias decided to step aside.

He realized that his passion lay in the early stages of company building, and the company was now in a stable position. 

More importantly, he had to prioritize his own mental health, having experienced burnout due to the intense workload and uncertainty of the startup journey.

PsyMed Ventures: Investing in Mental Health Tech

Matias’ next adventure took him to NVIDIA, where he got involved with investing in deep tech startups. 

This experience, coupled with his personal mental health journey, led him to co-found PsyMed Ventures. 

The firm focuses on frontier mental health technologies, investing in entrepreneurial science that bridges intuition and data.

PsyMed Ventures’ mission is to make mental health treatments cheaper, more effective, and more widespread through breakthrough technologies. 

Matias cites the example of psychedelic therapeutics, which have been used for millennia but only recently backed by rigorous data and research.

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PsyMed Ventures’ Vision

The vision for PsyMed Ventures extends far beyond its current achievements.

Matias aims to make the company a leading player in the mental health tech space, which could make PsyMed Ventures a game-changer in the industry. 

More importantly, Matias is dedicated to the company’s mission of improving mental health – one investment at a time.

With the ambition to bring their investments to millions of people, PsyMed Ventures represents a significant step towards a future with better mental health treatments and solutions.

It’s a prime example of how entrepreneurship can be leveraged to solve real-world problems and make a meaningful impact on people’s lives.

The Global Approach and The Road Ahead

PsyMed Ventures’ vision is to improve mental health by investing in innovative solutions.

The ultimate goal is for PsyMed Ventures’ investments to become the default option treatments that help humans heal mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Listen in to the full podcast episode to learn more about more, including:

  • Matias’ journey from Argentina to San Francisco
  • His early career at Cookunity and Nvidia
  • The creation of PsyMed Ventures
  • His global approach to business and team building
  • The future of PsyMed Ventures and its impact on mental health


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Neil Patel

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