The story of Graham Farrar and Glass House is more than a narrative of business success; it’s a saga of passion, perseverance, and a profound belief in the positive impact of cannabis on individuals and society.
As the cannabis industry continues to mature and break barriers, Graham Farrar stands as a trailblazer, leading the way toward a greener and more enlightened future.
In this exclusive interview, Graham takes us on a riveting journey—from his early days navigating the serene streets of Santa Barbara to becoming a prominent figure in the cannabis industry.
His venture, Glass House, has attracted funding worth $4.7M in its latest post-IPO funding round.
In this episode, you will learn:
- The journey from the scenic shores of Santa Barbara to becoming a prominent figure in the cannabis industry is a testament to the transformative power of passion and perseverance.
- The early foray into cannabis entrepreneurship during the cultural shifts of the ’90s challenged societal stigmas, setting the stage for a paradigm shift in how cannabis is perceived today.
- Riding the success of Sonos, the diverse career took a surprising turn in the cannabis industry, ultimately leading to the creation of Glass House—a powerhouse in California’s cannabis landscape.
- Resilience and commitment shine through entrepreneurial endeavors, including a two-year sailing expedition and successful ventures like Elite, laying the foundation for Glass House.
- Building Glass House amidst the intricate legal and regulatory challenges of the cannabis industry showcases an ability to navigate complexities, from fundraising to regulatory hurdles.
- With an unwavering commitment to making Glass House a global cannabis giant, Graham envisions a future where Glass House products are accessible to consumers worldwide.
- The journey is more than a tale of business success; it’s an inspiration for entrepreneurs navigating the cannabis landscape, demonstrating the enduring spirit required to reshape an industry.
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About Graham Farrar:
Graham Farrar is a serial entrepreneur and was part of the founding team at Sonos, where he was involved with product design, development, and customer support.
He ventured into the regulated cannabis industry by founding Elite Garden Wholesale in 2014; an agriculture technology company focused on developing products for the hydroponics industry.
Graham opened the first 21+ cannabis store in Santa Barbara in 2019. He is the President of Glass House Brands Inc., which owns and operates Glass House Farms’ 500,000 sq feet grow operations.
Graham’s list of products includes Glass House Farms, Field Extracts, Forbidden Flowers, and Mama Sue. His storefronts include The Farmacy SB, Farmacy Berkeley, Farmacy Santa Ana, and The Pottery.
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Read the Full Transcription of the Interview:
Alejandro Cremades: All righty hello everyone and welcome to the deal maker show. So today. We have a really exciting guest. You know we’re gonna be talking about. They can have this industry. We’re gonna be talking about building scaling financing all of the good stuff that they we like to hear talking also about believing in what you’re doing culture going about. Building a team as well as obviously going public. You know, really exciting journey. What the our guest has for today for us so without further ado. Let’s welcome our guests today Graham Farr welcome to the show.
Graham Farrar: Um, thanks a lot Thanks for having us having me on hundred I appreciate.
Alejandro Cremades: So originally you grew up in Santa Barbara so give us a walkthrough memory lane. How was life growing up.
Graham Farrar: Santa Bar I mean Santa Barbara is a beautiful town it ah almost feels like bragging to talk about it. It’s right in the ocean kind of in the middle of California so just on the northern tip of what most people would consider Southern California is got fantastic. Weather. Great people I was. Lucky enough to grow up here and I’ve got two young kids who are growing up here as well and also happens to be a great place climate wise for growing weed in ah and a greenhouse.
Alejandro Cremades: That’s amazing now now in your in your in your case. Actually you were always you know in high school and stuff like that you got into weed you were even you know selling it to your friends. But. There was quite a little bit of a pushback there at that point in terms of consciousness around it the way that it was perceived so talk to us about that. So.
Graham Farrar: Yeah, so I mean you know hopefully it’s okay to admit it now but I was certainly ah, ah smoking and and selling weed. Ah you know earlier than I should have been and earlier than I would would recommend in high school. This was you know back in kind of the ah the early 90 s and and back then the culture around. You know cannabis or society’s view of cannabis was significantly different than it is today. We were right in the middle of dare which was drug abuse resistance education just saying no all the Nancy Reagan stuff and that you know the the society society’s ah, kind of stigma. You know, speech on cannabis was that ah you know. made you stupid that it made you lazy that it made you fat that it was a gateway drug. Um you know, basically all things that have since been proven to be one hundred and eighty degrees from that as we said here now you know cannabis is looked at as medicine if you read the studies people who smoke weed have a lower body mass index they’re less fat. Ah, more you know oftentimes more motivated they exercise more? Um, you know I think it’s it’s a really positive thing and at the time though it was told that it was you know it was the devil right? So building out alter to alcohol which is essentially what a you know? what? a bar is. Um, you know prescription pills are fine because they come from pharmaceutical companies cigarettes. Whatever no big deal right? now you look around and you know alcohol kills something like 150000 people a year cigarettes are similar in the 50000 range the biggest you know epidemic we have out there is actually opiates.
Graham Farrar: Which came from the pharmaceutical companies. So you know back back then it was very ah much a hidden thing. Um, now it’s ah nice to see that the you know moral arc of the universe is long but it’s ah, bending towards Justice and the truth always eventually comes out so is very I’m back then but it told me taught me that a.
Alejandro Cremades: Do you think the.
Graham Farrar: You know Cannabis had a lot of positive benefits and ah reoriented in my view in the world that you know alcohol is is really the poison and Cannabis is a medicine. So good people take it just for the side effects.
Alejandro Cremades: Do you think that that’s saying what push you into studying biology and and and perhaps also biochemistry you know later on in Colorado.
Graham Farrar: Yeah, so I went to see you boulder and I studied by ah, molecular biology and biochemistry during the time I was there I’ve always been ah you know I’m kind of a tech geek ah by by nature a cannabis lover by passion and you know all entrepreneur by Experience. So. Always really been interested in how things worked and you know I think that was that the opportunity to combine the science and technology of cannabis with my love for the plant and what I think it can do for society is I think really what you know this is such a serendipitous good luck for me and my life.
Alejandro Cremades: Now in this case, you know for you, you ended up graduating from Colorado and then you know basically you know you had it on the on the side. The the in the closet you know the weed but in parallel too. You know you ended up joining ah what ended up becoming a rocket ship.
Graham Farrar: No I lost it.
Alejandro Cremades: You know that was Sonos you know Sonnos as an early employee there on soos. What was that experience like for you I mean it sounds like that was really incredible as an experience.
Graham Farrar: Me there.
Alejandro Cremades: So after you eventually graduated from Colorado you know you were growing. You know some wheat in a closet and then in parallel you know, like there was a pivotal moment that happened in your career which was you know coming up with the opportunity of joining a startup at the time called sonos unbelievable.
Graham Farrar: Um, yeah.
Graham Farrar: Yeah.
Graham Farrar: Yeah, yeah, so it it actually started before that it started with software dot com which was what brought me back from Colorado to Santa Barbara and you know as you mentioned my first weed grow was there in Colorado this is before it was legal at all. It was very much you know.
Alejandro Cremades: How was say how did the opportunity of seaners come knocking.
Graham Farrar: Under the radar in Klannstein. It was a little two foot by three foot closet in my apartment but I set it up in you know for the time at least a pretty high-tech way co 2 supplementation automated irrigation and en flood system mylar on the walls to maximize the light. Ah, you know, smell carbon filters and high pressure sodium lights. Um and it was small I think it was six six plants but back then you know cannabis cost forty five five hundred dollars a pound right? So even what could come out of my little closet made a difference. It’s actually probably part of the reason that. I have my wife today as she started then as my girlfriend and you know thanks to the business side of cannabis. Um, you know she could either eat and at the cafeteria in the dorms or go out to sushi with me and I think maybe the sushi was the original reason we started hanging out but then fell in love and were you know married today with two two young or not so young kids now my daughter’s seventeen and I came back home for the summer and it was actually software dot com which was we made email servers for isps and telephone companies. Ah back when that was a new thing when everyone was just getting on the internet you know who wasn’t at a university. Every internet account came with an email address and we made the software that ran those it was the mailbox the digital post office. So I came back to Santa Barbara worked really hard. You know at and t was our first customer. They’re the fastest growing isp in the world at the time with over a million users.
Graham Farrar: Ah, we went public. Our timing. There was serendipitous and great and was writing the dot com $200 a share stock prices etc. So I sold now to some of my stock I bought a sailboat from my girlfriend who sarah who was ah from colorado eating the sushi. And we got on a boat and we spent the next two years sailing from santa barbara down in new zealand we got engaged in the middle of our trip came back home ah to santa barbara to get married and to avoid and you know picking up centerpiece arrangements and wedding planning I called my friend john mcfarlane who is the software ceo of up and ask him what you know was going on if there was anything I could help with and he was just sitting down with a few other folks. We knew with the idea of making ipod for the home and that ipod for the home is what? Ah what eventually became sonnos so again I got very lucky that I ah got to be on kind of the founding team of sonnos. Ah, worked there for a number of years and really turned that and I mean fifteen sixteen years later I’d still say it’s the best product in the category which is is amazing. Um I’ve got units in my house which were the original design. You know, pre-fcc certified units and they still work and they still get the software updates which is absolutely incredible for tech. Um, and that was an amazing sonus has been you know since gone public as well. Um, and after I left sono I went on another boat and so for another two years with a friend at this time with my daughter who was one at the time in three when we came back, we sailed around the the mediterranean and the caribbean for a couple years.
Alejandro Cremades: Wow.
Graham Farrar: Um, and then came back again to Santa Barbara and this time went to cannabis with a company called elite which made fertilizers for large scale growers.
Alejandro Cremades: And and before we we go into this you know the I want to ask you there obviously having the opportunity of of of seeing 2 companies from not much to going public what kind of bisibility did that give you into the. Into the lifecycle of a business mean Sonnos what a smashing success I even use sonnos myself we have sons here in my house. So so it’s it’s really amazing. The the level of impact I’m being involved with a rocket ship like that what what disability did that give you.
Graham Farrar: Yeah, yeah.
Graham Farrar: Yeah I mean it really It’s you know, very lucky and just see that lifecycle in the arc of a company like that is ah is is rare and you know have been able to have done it twice from startup to to Ipo with so a Com and sonos. And then now with a glass house. Ah you know makes me feel like ah a really lucky individual. Um, you know I think it’s it’s a couple things. It’s it’s the right team and the right culture and the right product market fit and then a whole bunch of really hard work and with both of those you know, particularly with Sonos um, it was ah. You know, designing something that the world didn’t even know that it wanted yet was not only do we have to get it right? but we had to get it right? that getting it right was something people even wanted and that I think is ah is is particularly unique. It’s one of the but benefits for the beauties that cannabis has which is you already know people want it. Right? It’s ah, people have been paying the price but have been using it since the cost was it was going to jail right? So you know 6000 years of ah human experience with it. So now you just got to figure out. You know you know the product wanted now you just have to figure out how to deliver the best the best quality for the best value.
Alejandro Cremades: So then you you went sailing and then you came back So then what happened after.
Graham Farrar: Lose again.
Alejandro Cremades: So they ground and after you know the second time you know sailing you know around the Mediterranean and beautiful beaches and and things like that you come back and and then what’s next.
Graham Farrar: so yeah so I came came back off our second trip. My daughter was three at the time and I actually did something an app company called I story time which you know again, kind of just solving my own problems in many ways made an app that read storybooks we converted movies. Um, into digital books basically on when the Iphone was brand new so that at dinner um I could give my daughter as something that wasn’t a video game and it wasn’t a movie. It was kind of the books. You know the movies she loved but in a book format. Um, and then. Ah, sold that to a group in New York and then started you know my first kind of foray I’ll say into into the legal side of cannabis with an ancillary business called elite and what our goal with that was was that we saw what we believed to be happening in the kind of the transition from prop two fifteen and the under you know, kind of behind the. In the shadows medical markets to prop 64 which is full adult use and that that was going to mean that you know it was going to be more agriculture less about going to a hydroponic store. There’s kind of these crazy you know ideas around nutrients in cannabis all very expensive and what we wanted to make was a system that was really clean. And that you could buy at large scale so you know when the greenhouses converted and when it became more of a ah commercial business not in someone’s garage but instead in someone’s greenhouse they would have a ah nutrient fertilizers. Basically that fit with that scale and as we were going around and selling. Um this to farmers what we realized was.
Graham Farrar: We were teaching them how to grow cannabis so that they could buy our fertilizer and basically said well if if these are the best farmers and we’re teaching them to grow. Why aren’t we just the ones growing it. So that’s about the time I met my partner Kyle. Ah, he’s a real estate guy a very you know, kind of anti prohibition. Ah, he’s you know, comfortable with I’ll call him hairy deals. You know deals where it’s kind of repositioning of things and and of cannabis of course there are no mortgages right? So if you want to buy a $4000000 greenhouse you need to have $4000000 in cash you can’t put 800 grand down and get a mortgage for the rest. Ah because it’s cannabis and so I worked with him and. Ah, his you know, kind of group and we bought what we thought was the nicest greenhouse in Santa Barbara for cannabis I was one hundred and fifty Thousand Square feet this is about you know, kind of about eight years ago and at the time we just thought it was you know the biggest thing you could imagine for for weed and and the time it was we liked how that was working. And so we used that as a model to buy a second one. Also in Santa Barbara at three hundred fifty Thousand Square feet which which we were totally sure was the biggest thing ever in cannabis and at the time it was I kind of you know, put that together so we had a half a million square feet of cannabis greenhouse which made us one of the larger greenhouse growers in the country and for sure in the state. Um, and also gave us a lot of experience so we’ve been doing this kind of large-s scale. Ah cannabis greenhouse growing for you know with an amazing team for longer than most people have um and then we combine that with the retail side so you know Kyle and I partnered again.
Graham Farrar: Um, on the pharmacy which is the first ever 21 plus dispensary in the city of Santa Barbara um so we won when a 3 licenses there and that started us on the retail side and then we eventually decided to put the whole thing together to become what is now glass house brand.
Alejandro Cremades: So what is house glass brands today I mean what’s the business model. How do you guys make money.
Graham Farrar: Like yeah so um, there’s really, we’re vertically integrated California cannabis we’re public the ticker is glasf on the otc. We’re on the neo exchange in Canada because it’s cannabis. We can’t let yet be on a Us exchange. Um, and so what it is today is we’re the largest cannabis. Greenhouse Cultivatator anywhere on the planet as far as um I know that’s currently operational. Ah we went public for the reason to raise money to buy what we believe is a unicorn farm down in Camaro we call it our socal facility. It’s one hundred and twenty five acre Greenhouse Five and half million Square feet which would be far and away the largest ah cannabis greenhouse anywhere on the planet. It’s you know a top three greenhouse ah by size in the country of any crop not just cannabis and we went public to buy that. Um, and so now we have that farm. It’s a million and a half square feet. That’s currently in cannabis we are. In the process of adding another million and a half square feet down there. We still have our 2 farms and carpenterhea. So that’s about two Million Square feet going to three and a half million Square feet we also have 10 retail stores across the state. The pharmacy brand the natural healing center brand pottery are all our stores. And then we’ve got a top a number of top flower brands. 1 is glasshouse farms that’s kind of our signature where we started alls well is a recent value brand. That’s an amazing product for an amazing incredible price. We also acquired plus gummies. So we’ve got a top edible brand as well. Plus is a.
Graham Farrar: And the top 10 and his amazing product. Also forbidden flowers field extracts um or number the brands we have so we take it all the way from you know the seed to the ashtray in in California and we’re one of the largest I think the largest California public cannabis company at this point.
Alejandro Cremades: And how has it been the process of raising money first and then you know like taking the company public. How has that the journey been like.
Graham Farrar: Um, yeah I mean it’s ah it’s ah, an incredible amount of work. It’s really hard. You got to be very gritty and then cannabis just kind of you know is it makes everything in order of magnitude harder. So having done a few you know businesses before at least you know the regulations were were steady. Ah you know people. Weren’t afraid of you know, getting seized. You didn’t have to do all your business and cash like you know, even today you can’t use a credit card in any of our stores right? I mean that’s ah, an amazing restriction. It’s like trying to ride your bike with a you know brake stuck halfway on um and cannabis just makes it all. Ah, more difficult when you’re raising money you know insurance payroll. We used to do back in the old you know old days we did payroll and cash right? So we had a hundred employees and they get an envelope for their you know their kind of their pay stub in it but it wasn’t a check it was you know $600 bills a five twenty and three nickels right and it would take 2 people an entire day to do payroll because we couldn’t actually write a check now we’re fully banged now that you know you know we’ve made a lot of progress on that by going public I think going public period is hard going public in cannabis is incredibly hard and then we did it during covid as well. So it was day after day of a road show. Ah, raised I think it was like $85000000 in a pipe to go along with the ipo to to fund the greenhouse and it was just and then you’re still operating the business and you’re still doing it in a federally illegal industry and you know everything that should be easy is is is hard so it was a very educational process.
Graham Farrar: Experience is what you get right? after you needed it a lot of times and we got a lot of experience but we got it done and that’s the important part.
Alejandro Cremades: So I guess you know for building a company like this. How do you go about balancing not only the uncertainty of building a company from nothing but then also dealing with the regulatory restrictions.
Graham Farrar: Yeah, so I mean canna but canvas is really unique as as for sure, the hardest industry that I’ve been in and if you know if you don’t have ah and I think this applies to everything if you don’t really have a passion It’s going to be really hard to be successful, but. Like we fundamentally believe that cannabis makes the world a better place and so what we’re doing is trying to bring as much quality cannabis to as many people as possible. We’re trying to build a company that people enjoy working at we’re trying to make a product that consumers. Love and if you put those together almost by definition. You’re going to create shareholder value. So right? Like. We’re making the world a better place. We’re creating products. Consumers. Love but we’re making a company that people enjoy work at and we’re creating value for our shareholders and that to be able to do all that together is what makes it worthwhile because what it takes to do that is incredibly hard right? I mean we live in a world where. It’s federally illegal so you have all kinds of legal considerations. You can’t use a credit card in our stores you can think of the drag that that puts on ah making sales. Ah, we have over taxes that are absolutely astronomical for every $3 a consumer spends one of those dollars is going to taxes. I mean to put that in context the excise tax on a bottle of wine keep in mind alcohol kills 100 and something thousand peoples a year the excise tax on a bottle of wine is fifteen cents the excise tax on a one gram joint cannabis has never killed anyone and recorded history is a dollar 50 right? So the x the taxes are 10 times.
Graham Farrar: But they are on Alcohol. We talk about Cannabis and more and more realize that Cannabis is medicine but we tax it like it’s a vice and we put regulations on it like you know, most dispensaries end up over by the dump or by the strip club right? It’s like people. There’s this real stigma around. Around Cannabis and that’s one of the things that we have to fight with every day insurance is harder payroll is harder banking’s Harder. You know we can’t be still to this Day. Can’t trade on a Us stock exchange right? So you’re doing all the normal hard things of a business, especially a growing business and then you have this you know extra weight and these you know. Weights around your neck as you’re trying to swim through the surf of Cannabis. So if you don’t have that passion.. There’s no chance that you’re going to make it.
Alejandro Cremades: So definitely.. There’s a lot going on in this Space. So I Guess the ah question that comes to mind here. Is you know as you were thinking about the future now and obviously you know being a public company having raised money from Investors vision is everything now it’d say well gets everyone around you know and and pushing towards you know the. That exciting you know world of Possibilities. So if you were to let’s say go to sleep tonight and you wake up in a world where the vision you know of the company you know is fully realized for glasshouse Brands. You know what would that world look like.
Graham Farrar: I mean what we want to do is create the most consumed cannabis brands in the planet. That’s our goal is so you know we’re I think we’re some of the best farmers we run the largest cannabis greenhouse anywhere on the planet right now and we’re only you know 20% full for where we’re going. So. Think it’s well within our sites to have the largest cannabis greenhouse in the known universe as far as we’re aware and everything in this in this industry starts with a plant right? So growing quality cannabis for good price and good value for the consumer and being able to do it at the scale that can address and national and eventually global. Market is is our goal I mean I want I would like glasshouse to be within reach of every every person on the planet who you know is is 21 or or older and in the legal state um is really what we’re what we’re trying to do and take everything that we grow put it in ah you know a product with our label on it. And get that into everybody’s hands in today’s world um you know our entire market is California because there is no interstate commerce yet in cannabis but we believe that’s ah, a win. Not if that that changes cannabis is not going to be the only cpg product on the planet where you’re stuck in ah in a state market. It’s horrible for the consumer and the patients. It’s horrible for the environment right? I mean there are states out there where patients who need cannabis as medicine are being forced to pay 3 or 4 times what they could in a state like California for a product that’s a quarter is good. So I think you know that comes down we want agriculture to happen. Ah, where you know grow plants where plants like to grow I e.
Graham Farrar: California for most people you know California is to cannabis what Cuba is to cigars or tequila is to Mexico um, you know the idea that if you’re in Wyoming you drink Wyoming wine would be is crazy. You don’t drink Wyoming wine you drink wine from napa because that’s where the grapes like to grow cannabis is no different the illicit market tells us. What consumers want which is California cannabis across the country. So if I wake up in the morning. You know my my dream is that we’re growing in all of our greenhouses were shipping cannabis across the country consumers. Love it. It’s making them feel better. It’s making society better and you know we’re. Ah, company. That’s worth billions of dollars because if you can create a product that consumers love and they’re willing to pay you more than it costs you to make it you make money and that’s what ah you know that’s the business side of things so you know I’d love to see glasshouse on the shelves across the country and across the world and. See the stock price reflect that.
Alejandro Cremades: And obviously right Now. Ah 300000000 market cap. So really Amazing. The fact that you guys have been able to create this from nothing. No Now we were talking about the future but I want to talk about the past and doing so with a lens of reflection. Let’s say if you were to go into a time machine I put you into a time machine right Now. And I bring you back in time back in time to that moment where you were thinking about getting into this space. You know, perhaps building a business. Let’s say you were able to have a sit down with your younger self and you were able to give your younger self. Ah, piece of advice before launching a business. What would that be NY given what you know now.
Graham Farrar: Yeah I think ah you know I think there’s a lot of I’ll call it like tenure overnight successes right? What what kind of looks from the outside is like all of a sudden sonus is a good example, right? It was nowhere and then all of a sudden it seemed to be everywhere but we were there griming away. For a long time before anyone had heard our name. Um, and I think it’s similar. You know if I was going back and telling my younger self I’d say you know I give myself the advice to be prepared for a longer and harder road than you expect because so many things when you get down to the actual doing of them. Are are harder than you can imagine. There’s challenges that you can’t foresee and particularly with cannabis right? like the idea to me that ah props you know prop two 15 came around like 1996 I think right? So we’re twenty sixish years in to that the idea that we still would not would be federally illegal and we would have 0 progress on that and like I would have lost that bet 10 times over right? The fact that we’ve prop sixty four has now been around for over 5 years in California to this day five years into the legalization in California. There are still only a thousand dispensaries open and the entire state of 40000000 people right? Like for context, there’s 11000 liquor stores in California there are 77000 places you can buy a cock you can you know, get a cocktail There’s 1000 places that you can buy a joint right? and this is for something.
Graham Farrar: That argue you know that makes the world a better place right? Alcohol is poisoning cannabis is medicine and five years in ah you know the market’s basically stagnant because the regulations are so are so tough the taxes are so high and we’re you know they’re talking at the federal level. Maybe they’ll reschedule cannabis from schedule one which is. No known medical benefit and a high potential for abuse right? Fentanyl for example where we have an epidemic of people dying is scheduled too. Cannabis is scheduled as more dangerous than fentanyl there’s talking about it going to schedule 3 right? which is in line with like codeine and things like that. The fact that it’s even on the schedule and that we don’t have federal legalization is just is is mind boggling to me and I would have told myself you know be ready for you know, take everything you thought you’re gonna do double it because that’s how it always is and then double it again because it’s cannabis and if you’re not you know, committed to that then you know Savior effort. But. Again, we really believe we’re making the world a better place with what we’re doing and you know building a great company and giving you know our employees a great place to work and making products consumers love and creating value for the shareholders shareholders all at the same time so that makes it all worthwhile.
Alejandro Cremades: I Love it so ground for the people that are listening that will love to reach out and say hi. What is the best way for them to do so.
Graham Farrar: I’m on Twitter as just Graham Ferar G A H A M F A R R A R our website our brands are glasshouse farms plus mamaoo field extracts. Alls well so you can look up for all those things and that’s that’s probably the best way to find us is ah track down our products and ah and try for yourselves because at the end of the day. That’s what really matters.
Alejandro Cremades: Amazing! Well Graham thank you so much for being on the on the show today. It has been an on earth to have you with us.
Graham Farrar: Um, yeah, thanks a lot for having me on Andro I appreciate it. Great chatting with you.
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