Neil Patel

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In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, the journey is often as captivating as the destination. Duncan Logan, a seasoned entrepreneur with a trail of ventures behind him, sat down for an exclusive interview on the Dealmakers Show, providing a captivating narrative of his entrepreneurial odyssey.

Duncan’s latest venture, 9Zero, is in the process of raising a friends and family round.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Specialize and stay focused within your chosen industry vertical to maximize impact and success.
  • Thorough due diligence is crucial in all business dealings, especially during acquisitions.
  • The entrepreneurial journey is filled with highs and lows, but resilience is key to overcoming setbacks.
  • Building ecosystems fosters innovation and accelerates progress, as seen with RocketSpace and 9Zero.
  • Climate change presents both challenges and opportunities for entrepreneurs to drive sustainable solutions.
  • Compounding knowledge and networks within a niche industry can lead to exponential growth and impact.
  • Embrace serendipity and strategic partnerships to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of entrepreneurship.


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About Duncan Logan:

Duncan Logan is the Co-Founder & CEO of 9Zero, a company focused on investing in solutions to tackle climate change.

Duncan is also a Board Member at Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center and has a background in founding and leading technology-focused companies such as RocketSpace Inc. and OneLife Ventures.

With experience in various leadership roles and a degree in Agricultural Business and Management, Duncan is committed to empowering entrepreneurs and making a positive impact on the environment.

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Read the Full Transcription of the Interview:

Alejandro Cremades: Alright, hello everyone and welcome to the dealmakerr show. So today. We have an exciting founder. Ah the founder that has done it multiple times you know I and T we’re gonna be talking about the building the scaling the financing the exiting So all of the good Stuff. You know we’re going to be talking about. How to think about acquisitions. How to do diligence perhaps on the potential acquirers How to raise money? How to think about raising money and the lessons you know along the line you know of of raising capital and then also why climb it you know with a his current business which is a rocket ship but again very inspiring conversation.

Duncan Logan: I.

Duncan Logan: L.

Alejandro Cremades: We have in front of us so without further ado. Let’s welcome our guests today Duncan Logan welcome to the show. So originally born and raised in St Andrews you know which people may recognize you know for golfing you know in Scotland so give us a walk through memory lane. How is life growing up.

Duncan Logan: Thank you very much good to be here.

Duncan Logan: Yeah, well I’m probably living proof that there’s nothing genetic, genetic about golf. Um I love to play it but I’m not very good. But yeah I was very fortunate to be born and bred and in the kind of home of golf in St Andrew scotland my parents were farmers. Ah, they had a ah pretty large, but 5 six Thousand acre agribusiness up in Scotland my father was very pioneering and trying to grow new crops like broccoli or or lettuce or or so forth in Scotland so that was my yeah, my upbringing I then went to. University up in Aberdeen which is an an oil town as most people know for norse sea oil and studied agriculture up there? Um, but at the end of the the course decided to go into derivative trading in London so I first worked for Lehman Brothers and then for swiss bank. I did their graduate program and became ah a drift of trader in London um, after a couple of years of that I I really longed to do my own thing. So I I broke out and became an entrepreneur and I’ve been an entrepreneur ever since and.

Alejandro Cremades: So then let’s talk about the becoming an entrepreneur entrepreneur. You know what was that what was that thought process you know because obviously you were coming from you know, humble beginnings. You know your parents were farmers. You know here you were you know, grading from school being in banking you know corporate job. You know that was quite successful. You know So why.

Duncan Logan: Can.

Alejandro Cremades: You know, throwing everything you know to the side and and venturing into the unknown I’m sure that was not an easy process for you to to really take the um the stance and go.

Duncan Logan: Um, yeah I think a lot of people thought I was crazy at the time. Um I think that the actual trigger point was bonus time in the bank and realizing that you know a large part of my. Um, my income and my career was in the hands of other people and one year I felt I got sort of passed over a little bit on on bonuses which are a big part of of why you’re doing banking and I just said you know I need to be more in more control of my destination and um. I found an opportunity to to set up a customer relationship management business actually focused on banking and we we set that company up and I got it going and three years later we sold it so it it turned out to be a really good decision.

Alejandro Cremades: So I was citipro you guys ended up selling it for eight million bucks so I guess the yeah the question that I have for you. There is I know that on the diligent side. You know there was like quite.

Duncan Logan: Yeah, yep. Yeah.

Alejandro Cremades: You know a few lessons that you got you know I Obviously you know like the the they were doing a ton of diligence on you guys. But perhaps you did not reciprocate So what? what was that lesson there to we learned.

Duncan Logan: Yeah I think um, we we built the company. It grew very quickly and then we got this offer for acquisition from actually what was a publicly traded company on the small. So called the in market and um. They came in and did their full due diligence on us and we were sort of wowed by the the money in the terms and and really did no due diligence on the team that were acquiring us um and you know they acquired us in the year two thousand things got tough. Ah, for the company but the deal terms at the last minute were were swapped from sort of high cash low equity to high equity low cash we still we still took the deal which we shouldn’t of in hindsight. But um, yeah, the equity turned out to be worth zero and. It was only when I I got into the company after the acquisition that I realized you know they had sold us on something which really was pretty fanciful to what the truth was so that was a a lesson there and if you’re if you’re going to get if you’re going to get acquired do your due diligence on the chorer. As much as they do it on you and and the people running the deal I mean at the end of the day so much of business comes down to the quality of people. Um you know and you you got to do your your diligence on how those people have behaved in the past and.

Duncan Logan: You know that gives you a pretty good indication of how they’ll behaving the future.

Alejandro Cremades: So then so then in this case too I mean what was that full visibility into the full cycle of a company you know from building to scaling to reaching the finish line.

Duncan Logan: Yeah, well it it happened very quickly I started the company when I was 24 and we sold it when I was 27 so um I think and it was you know I always talk about these these stages of competence you know from unconscious incompetence to conscious incompetence. Um, you know that’s a ah huge step I don’t think we really ever got out of unconscious incompetence. We were just lucky on timing. Um, you know as long as there was paper in the fax machine. The orders kept coming in and we just deployed assets against it and made sure that. Um, you know our people costs were were less than the revenue coming in and and the business was on ah on a tear. So um, we we never really you know it was ah it was a quick Mba into how to run a business but um I was probably more I was definitely more lucky than good. And getting that business to to an exit.

Alejandro Cremades: So talking about getting an Mba in business. You know you joined your friend you know and you got going with message laps as the next chapter that was a pretty smashing outcome of ah of a transaction so walk us through how was that journey like I mean why joining a friend versus.

Duncan Logan: Um, yeah, so um, one of my customers at Citibro is a company called star internet and ah.

Alejandro Cremades: Doing it again on your own.

Duncan Logan: It had this really awesome founder Ceo a guy called Ben White and um Ben and I had become pretty close and and he just described to me this idea he had for scanning email rather than scanning it at you know at the desktop of actually scanning it at the Isp. And it just made so much sense to me I I just within ah within 15 minutes of him telling me the idea I was like this is going to. You know this is going to change the security market this is going to be a huge company and so um, the timing was fortuitous. So i. Jumped on board joined the company and I really only meant to stay for six months or maybe a year um but I learned so much in that business and you know we built the company from you know, just a few of us up to 700 people and we ended up selling the company to semantic. And I think I stayed for you know over six years because I just learned so much so much about sales so much about product and and market fit and scaling and and I just loved every every day of working for that company and um, you know thought it was it was a good. You know I was learning stuff every day and you know we’re fortunate in 2008 that semantic came along wanted to buy the company and that transaction went through even though 2008 was a pretty hairy hairy time to get a a deal done.

Alejandro Cremades: I mean 700000000 was the transaction mean what is smashing I’ll come. What do you think worth the mean ingredients that allowed for that incredible all outcome to happen.

Duncan Logan: Yeah.

Duncan Logan: Um, so um, it was it was a well you know I think it was a well-structured deal in that the the company you know I had learned all the the Sas metrics about you know arr and recurring revenue and and so forth. And this was you know Ben was a real pioneer in the sas space and companies were learning that this idea of people paying you know per person per month was just a very sticky good business model. So when you take that that revenue. And then you look at where you are in the market adoption and I’ll I’ll never forget that you know when semantic came in they said you know we think you’re just getting to an interesting part of the market where you’re moving from the you know the early adopters into the the majority and that’s going to see. Incredible growth over the next four or five years and you know here we were thinking oh my god we must be far further along in market adoption than just you know 7 8 % but they were they were absolutely right? and it was a great deal for them. They they took the took the company and and grew. Revenue significantly over the next three four or five years and um I think everyone was super happy with that deal. You know I think it was a great deal for semantic. A great deal for message labs and all involved there and um, yeah, it was a great great learning opportunity.

Alejandro Cremades: So here what was different. You know when he came to the acquisition to the money experience that perhaps you know it it. It just felt different from what you guys did on the first transaction.

Duncan Logan: And yeah, you know Message Labs was a much bigger company. It had a much more professional executive team. It had you know Citippro didn’t have any investors message Labs had loss of Investors. So there. There was far more experience. Heads looking at the deal. Um, and it it was a risky time to get that deal done. But um, you know it was It was just quality people who had experienced dealing with other quality people and I think everyone was happy with the deal that got done and and that that also triggered.

Alejandro Cremades: So then.

Duncan Logan: Ah, a really you know, big thing for me which was to get out to Silicon Valley

Alejandro Cremades: So talk to us about getting to Silicon Valley you know how how was that for you to because I mean obviously quite different from the Europe you know and scottish you know type of look and feel.

Duncan Logan: In.

Duncan Logan: Um, yeah, so I think um I think whatever you do in life. Um, getting to hang around the best people who do that is really critically important. So I don’t care if you want to be a ballerina or a sportsperson or a musician or whatever but being able to practice your craft while surrounded in an ecosystem of the absolute pioneers and and best of that ecosystem is is phenomenal. And and it kind of comes into the model that we’re building at Nine Zero at Nine zero but um I just was like ah a moth to the flame of wanting to get to Silicon Valley and you know had the opportunity to do it I got a visa and and got out here and it’s been the. The best move I ever made with that event.

Alejandro Cremades: So then let’s talk to ah talk to us about the next chapter then because the transaction happens with message labs and and then you’re like okay, let’s go again. Rocket space so rocket space why rocket space out of all things. At this point you know you had 2 transactions under your belt. You really had this ability into.

Duncan Logan: So yeah.

Alejandro Cremades: Business models into building and scaling companies or rocket space. Why.

Duncan Logan: So rocket space was an ecosystem play and the the basic I started rocket space in 2011 and you could just feel It’s kind of interesting because it kind of feels the same as where we are today but in San Francisco in 2011 there was just this feeling of where. We’re through the worst of the you know the the financial crisis and things are going to start building and and growing again and the the idea of rocket space was really taken from ycombinatorycombinator is this phenomenal accelerator program where. People go in and and turn their ideas into a business and the program lasts for you know, twelve weeks and then at the end of that they all they all disperse and and go their own way and I I just had this idea of why don’t we build a space that y combinator companies could could stay in that. That ecosystem in a kind of graduation school and we we called it rocket space. We were. We weren’t affiliated with y combinator in any way. But I put the idea together and and put it out on the internet and the response to it was just incredible. Um. You know companies started funu I hadn’t found a building hadn’t found space but people started calling me and saying hey I hear you’re building this thing and we get some desk and we move in and it was sort of co-working before coworking existed but with a very focused approach that you had to be a technology company to get in.

Duncan Logan: And you had to have raised one round of funding before we would we would consider you and um it you know it just took off like a rocket and we were fortunate to have you know people like Spotify and uber and kabam and mogg and supercell and all these unicorn what turned out to be unicorn companies. Coming into rocket space and I think the ecosystem just harnessed this idea of of building big fast-moving companies and when you’re surrounded by you know when when so many companies around you are unicorns or building unicorns I think you get. You know the the struggle to build a unicorn becomes less. You know it’s a bit like running the 4 Minute you know if everyone else around you is doing it then it just feels ultimately more possible to do and yeah, it was just an incredible ecosystem. An incredible environment and. You know people like flexport Ryan and and all these amazing companies just came through rocket space at this same sort of time. So.

Alejandro Cremades: That’s amazing. So with Rocket space you guys raised quite a bit of money you know how much did you raise and what was that experience of raisingcing the money.

Duncan Logan: Yeah, so we we raised? um a total of 3 rounds of funding. There was sort of friends and family early investors and then we raised this. A big round of funding 336000000 from a chinese entity called Hainan Airline Group H and a and I had spent because we had uber and uber were pushing into China I had been going to China and had a kind of interest and everything I heard was you know. America was growing rapidly but China was just growing at this different pace and and the the people of China had been given a sort of taste of capitalism and they were just loving it and so the more time I spent in China the more I just thought there was a really. Big opportunity there um to help connect China and America through technology and ecosystems so we we ended up taking this deal 336000000 from hainan airline they were. They were great people. They they did a lot of investing into the us they bought ingram micro for I think 7000000000 they bought temp percent at Deutsche Bank 25% of Hilton They bought gate group menzies a lot of airline service companies Avalon And Aircraft leasing so they were.

Duncan Logan: They were very experienced deal team very western thinking. They had a big team in New York and everything seemed to be going. You know, really great until ah the chinese government I think had a change of heart and said listen all this money leaving China needs to come back and they were. Relentless and brutal about it and very quickly. It became clear that things at h and a were were changed I think some of the executives put in a house arrest. Um, you know it just became really impossible to get things signed off. They were obviously a board member and. I don’t think we would have learned anything different doing different due diligence on them. They were a very aggressive, very gregarious company. Um, and and I generally enjoyed working with them. But once things changed politically in China and then obviously. Ah, Donald Trump became president and and kind of the the China American relationship soured and it just became. You know we tried to to bring in an investor to buy them out. Um, but they they wouldn’t sell their position and it just became. You know we started losing key members. Staff and it just became a real hardship to the point where we we had a meeting one day and we just decided to to you know we would wind the company down and return the capital so that was an unfortunate end to rocket space. Yeah.

Alejandro Cremades: That’s amazing. So what a wild journey now I guess I guess for for for Rocket space. Obviously you know the um, incredible lesson learned there. No I mean I think that you know you either you succeed or you fail no and in terms of the journey and the journey that you had with Rocket space is absolutely amazing. You know from.

Duncan Logan: 9

Duncan Logan: Me.

Alejandro Cremades: Start to finish I Guess the ah the the outcome obviously is not what everyone had to hope for but without a doubt you know I’m sure that the journey was unreal. You know for you too know? So I guess what? what was the take. You know as a whole you know when it comes to to the lesson that you’re taking you know, especially from.

Duncan Logan: Here now.

Alejandro Cremades: Ah, journey that doesn’t have the desired outcome. You know what’s what was the takeaway for you.

Duncan Logan: Um, yeah, it’s I think as an entrepreneur you have to decide what you know? what? what drives your passion and um, you could you could definitely There’s. Loss of entrepreneurs who avoid venture capital avoid taking in external vet investors. You know, build incredibly successful businesses with no external. Um you know shackles if you like and it tends to be a slower ride it. It? um. You know I’ve always just been driven to want to build big fast companies because that’s that’s just what kind of motivates me um and the the China thing I think there’s a million ways for a startup to die and we always see this It’s that you know some company would be doing phenomenally well and then you know there’s some macro change which is way beyond their um you know beyond their control and it just kills the company and you know for a company actually to make it to an exit. What you know is they have managed to get around get over work through just so many different challenges that um, you know it’s a marathon and it’s grueling but they they make it to the ad make it to the end zone and and very few companies. You know.

Duncan Logan: Percentage-wise very few companies actually make it. Um, So I think that the learning was I actually really enjoyed the journey of building Rocket space and it it. It didn’t give you know the outcome and it felt terrible that you know on paper I think everyone staff and investors thought this is this is going to be a great outcome and then. Just you know, find ourself in this predicament that um it wasn’t um and you know that that was a shame but I still enjoyed the journey I Still think I learned a lot and I think it sets me up well for what I’m building now and hopefully we can navigate. You know the choppy waters that I’m sure will be in front of us to get to a better outcome this time for sure.

Alejandro Cremades: Well, there’s always choppy waters you know without a doubt always choppy waters when you’re in startup land. But now for you, You know it sounds like climate change. You know why say you know what keep knocking next so you know in this case, you know you you thought it but it made sense to to jump in. So.

Duncan Logan: Now l. And.

Alejandro Cremades: Walk us through the thought process you know to really you know, bring the company to life here.

Duncan Logan: Yeah, so I think I think there’s 2 core things if I’m you know and I I want to be really honest about this and the first one is absolutely I have 2 little children. You know, 9 and 6 and that’s their ages, not their names. Um, and um, you know they are little climate warriors going through the California school system which is great. Um, and I live in Santa Barbara in a fire zone. You know Santa Barbara’s being playedgu with landslides and forest fires and stuff and you just see climate change. Effects of it all around us. But the starting point was was that indefinitely my kids and then I started to look at climate as a marketplace and then the most incredible thing happened. Um this I realized what the size of the climate problem is and from an um entrepreneur. You look at when you find a big problem. The thing that excites you is. It’s going to need a big solution and I think most people fail to understand that the climate revolution is going to dewarf the digital revolution if we think the digital revolution which we’ve all lived through. You know with the production of mega companies like Microsoft or Amazon or Google or Apple. Um, you know the climate revolution is going to de dwarf you know digital revolution produced 4 mega companies climate needs to produce 80 to a hundred companies of that size. It is.

Duncan Logan: It is incredible. Ah, the size of what we have to solve for in climate and and I genuinely think it’s not ah, a common view but I generally think if we can make it a capitalistic solution. We will get a lot more people a lot more investors. Excited about solving climate change which we we’re going to be forced to do either you know over the next Decade Twenty years we’re going to spend trillions of dollars on climate change either trying to defend against the effects of climate change or um, putting in solutions to. Reverse climate change. The truth is. We’re probably going to do a lot of both but it’s been forced upon us, we’re not going to have a choice this is going to be a multi multitrillion Dollar marketplace. And part of my job is to encourage more entrepreneurs more investors to get involved so that was the the starting point and I think capitalism as much as it. It kind of feels bad to be saying we should make money out of climate change I think it’s the best tool the best. Way we’re going to solve climate change. It can’t be We’re never going to solve climate change through scarcity. We can never say to people stop flying stop driving stop eating meat what we have to do is innovate to come up with with cleaner methods of mobility or cleaner food. Um.

Duncan Logan: You know, cleaner processes and that is going to happen and um I have no doubt the human race is not going to disappear off the face of this Earth We will solve this problem but the longer we leave leave it the more It’s going to cost so that was that that was the draw just the size of this. Problem and therefore this opportunity was really a big drove for me to come into the Climate Market. So.

Alejandro Cremades: So then for the people that are listening to get it. What ended up being the business model of nine zero how do you guys make money.

Duncan Logan: Yeah, so nine Zero is an ecosystem play. We are trying to build the ecosystem to make it. You know this is from my background of rocket space. But what we’re trying to do philosophically. We’re solving for serendipity and critical masks where others are solving for linear progressions. Nine Zero is more likely to drive an exponentiation of the entire market versus a 1 in 100 exponential outcome for a single innovation and what that really gets to is. We’re trying to work out. How can we make the marketplace for entrepreneurs who are trying to build solutions for climate. How do we make that marketplace far faster. Um, you know far easier to drive success and and a starting point for this is. You know for an industry of this size which is just getting started. There is no silicon valley for climate. There’s no hollywood for climate or or wall street for climate. So that’s our starting point. We’re going to start by going to 8 cities in the us and build a climate district in each of these cities. Um, so we’re starting in San Francisco on California street and you know in a decade we want to see California street as the climate alley for San Francisco then we’ll look at Seattle and l a and then Boston New York and other cities across the us across the Us.

Duncan Logan: And in each one of those cities we want to build this community and this kind of comes back to my background. You know my first career in banking the city of London was that banking ecosystem where everything sort of happened and and sure. In the evening we we might head to the west end of London which was more the media publishing area but these ecosystems were really powerful and if you wanted to get into banking or you were passionate about banking just being in the city of London or wall street here in the the us. Would have been a great start. It’s where you can build your connections your your network and and away you go and you’re likely to work for several different companies in that space and so I think post covid there’s a real opportunity to build those ecosystems again and and that’s what we’re. Purposely trying to do so we have started with some event space. Some co-working space some club space for for drop-in memberships and we’re pulling together private equity companies venture capital companies sustainability teams of corporations. Obviously a lot of.

Duncan Logan: Startups and we’re pulling these these companies into an ecosystem where they can quickly make both digital and physical networks to pull this together and and you know we’ll do ah a geofocus ecosystem for. Bay Area so bring everyone working on climate in San Francisco and the bay area together into nine zero there and then we’ll do other cities and then once we have that that network across the us we can start moving from the geofocus into. Ah, like the niche focus. So now we can start pulling together all the people working on energy or energy storage or sustainable aviation fuel or whatever so we move from the geofocus to a ah niche focus as we bring that community together. So that’s um, yeah.

Alejandro Cremades: Um, so and and then also how have you guys going about capitalizing the operation.

Duncan Logan: That’s the that’s the business.

Duncan Logan: So um, we have various investors we’re raising capital at the moment. You know we’re still very early nine zero we put nine zero together we registered the company in October last year we got our first building in ah, a partnership. With Sks and swgg in San Francisco at 53 California street which is a three hundred Thousand Square foot building mostly empty like a lot of buildings in San Francisco which we’re now attracting as many climate companies into that building as possible. Um, and yeah, we’re raising our friends and family round. Of capital into the business at the moment and then we will go on to raise a seed and an a round and and so forth from you know, probably more from family office high net worth maybe corporate moving forward. So yeah, it’s another fund. Funded business and we think there’s a big outcome to be generated by this. You know we we are building a sort of Linkedin for climate throughout our membership and that is something we’re really excited about and is already showing you know, great traction. So we’re really excited for that. Yeah.

Alejandro Cremades: So I’m going to put you into a time machine right now. Duncan imagine if I was to bring you back in time and I bring you back to the late 90 s you know, maybe to 97 where you were starting to think about a world where you would bring something of your own a company of your own. And let’s say you were able to you stop that younger self on you’re way out from you know corporate the corporate world. Let’s say you just gave your notice and you’re now venturing into the world of being an entrepreneur and let’s say you’re able to stop that younger self and give that younger Duncan.

Duncan Logan: Yeah, yeah.

Alejandro Cremades: 1 piece of advice before launching a business. What would that be and why given what you know now.

Duncan Logan: Um, I think oh there’s so many things I so many things I would I would go on there I think the first thing is um I think it would be really worthwhile as a young person. To kind of think more about what your entire career should entail. What’s the what’s the common thread through your entire career and then compound on that experience. Um, so you know I’ve managed to do that in small parts. But not not holistically as much as I I probably should have and what I mean there is if you want to be an entrepreneur you know if I said well the security business was one I obviously did with message labs. And so I’m going to build one company in the security business and then another company in the security business and then another company in the security business and so forth and you end up building 6 or 7 companies in that vertical I think you can compound on your knowledge your network your people the team and everything. And it just gets stronger and stronger I think when you flip from 1 industry to another. Um you you bring a certain amount of knowledge. But you also discard a lot of value in in you know, pushing that forward. So I think that would be something you know back.

Duncan Logan: Saying hey this is the this is the swim lane I’m going to stick to and I want to build my network I want to build my reputation I Want to build the trust and team and everything in that vertical and stick there I think that’s that’s probably an easier way. To get to significant outcome or multiple significant outcomes. Yeah.

Alejandro Cremades: So for the people that are listening Don’tcan I would like to reach out and say hi. What is the best way for them to do so. So.

Duncan Logan: Email Duncan at 9 the number 9 zed e r o dot com you can check out our website at but yet just Duncan at nine zero dot com but love to hear from people if you’re passionate about climate passionate about entrepreneurship. Um. Capital any of these errors. It’d be great. So.

Alejandro Cremades: Amazing. Well don’t come. Thank you so much for being on the deal maker show today. It has been an on earth to have you with us.

Duncan Logan: Thank you very much.


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