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Cam Doody’s entrepreneurial journey isn’t just a story of success; it’s a blueprint for aspiring business leaders. During this Dealmaker’s Podcast episode, we talked about the ever-evolving legacy that started with the establishment of Bellhops and continues with Brickyard.

Brickyard has raised funding from 11 top-tier investors like GoAhead Ventures, Revelry Venture Partners, and Front Porch Venture Partners. A venture capital firm, it backs early-stage startups and offers founder-friendly software to manage equity plans, fundraising efforts, and investor portfolios.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The journey showcases the power of resilience, turning challenges into opportunities in the ever-changing landscape of entrepreneurship.
  • Bellhops’ success is a testament to the transformative impact of innovation, shifting from labor-only to full-service moving and reshaping the moving industry.
  • Strategic prowess and leadership philosophy were instrumental in steering Bellhops to success, setting a standard for the startup ecosystem.
  • Beyond business, the commitment to philanthropy and community building highlights the importance of giving back and creating a positive impact.
  • Navigating the complex funding landscape, Bellhops’ substantial capital raises fueled its exponential growth, offering insights into venture capital strategies for startups.
  • The legacy extends beyond business success, emphasizing the significance of social impact and community engagement in the entrepreneurial journey.
  • The transition to Brickyard, the venture aims to redefine the startup ecosystem, nurturing a community of dedicated founders known as “junkyard dogs” committed to extreme sacrifice for success.


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About Cam Doody:

Cam Doody is Co-founder and GP at Brickyard, a seed venture fund, portfolio club, and residency for radical focus. He’s also Co-founder and Board Member of Bellhop, a tech-driven relocation company that has moved +350,000 U.S. households and has raised over $90m in venture capital.

Cam is husband to Hannon, dad to two wonderful little girls— Margot and Liles, and a serious aviator and outdoorsman.

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Read the Full Transcription of the Interview:

Alejandro Cremades: All righty hello everyone and welcome to the dealmakerr show. So today. We have a very exciting founder. We’re going to be talking about both sides of the table not only being an operator a founder but then now being an investor to and how he went about you know building both building scaling financing and also. Exiting. You know we’re gonna be talking about that just a little bit too but without further ado let’s welcome our guest today cam duty welcome to the show.

Cam Doody: Hey thanks for having me pumped to be here.

Alejandro Cremades: So let’s do a little of a walk through memory lane here. Come so born in Houston I know that you were not for a long time there but but tell us how was life growing up.

Cam Doody: That was good I mean you know we my entire family really came from Texas um, both sides of of my my mom’ side and dad’s side were um, were were texing and. Ah, but I yeah I was there for nine months we we moved to East Tennessee when I was very young. Um my dad’s ah is he’s a surgeon um and but but really where I sort of got my entrepreneur bones. He’s an inventor on the sides is. He’s a surgeon is a day job but he you know he’d come home every night and he’d be up until midnight. You know, working on different different patents that you know various patents all growing up. Um, and yeah I’d grew up and not in in Knoxville tennessee as my hometown went to Auburn University

Cam Doody: 2004 to 2009 took a victory lap ah during the the financial crisis graduated in the middle of financial crisis nobody was hiring. It was a pretty bleak moment to be you know 22 years old and and. Ah, starting off in just a totally stagnant market and you know my friends and I everybody we you just had to take whatever was was was open a lot of my friends. Ah, they they decided to take a year off and kind of try to wait it out I just had. Too much anxiety I just I had to to do something my brother in law worked at a bank in Birmingham my first job out of college I was like you know I wore a full suit and I was I was the guy that would repin your debit card in a bank branch in a mark mall parking lot. Um total like you know. 9 to 5 situation scared the absolute shit out of me and honestly I think that’s why I I became an entrepreneur was it was it was almost like running from the fear of wow the real world in the corporate environment is a pretty scary place.

Alejandro Cremades: But what? what? what scared you from it. What scared you from it.

Cam Doody: At least for me I could just see you know, ah and and I I think it makes a lot of sense for a lot of people. It’s not you know I don’t want to ruffle any feather feathers there I for me personally seeing somebody. In the role that I would be in in 10 years you know the 32 year old. You know that that had the position that I would go into in like 2 promotions. Um like it was almost like so looking at a caged lion like their their their eyes were glazed over they’d they’d forgotten the thrill of the hunt. They were sort of living for their fifteen days of pto um very little ambition. Their life was sort of like plotted out for them. Um, and that was like about the scariest thing you could put in front of me as a 22 year old kid that thought that you know that. The real world was going to be the land of opportunity and the ability to to have ambition would would allow you to climb through and it was just ah, it was very stagnant stagnant environment. Um, and so I immediately started looking for for jobs that that had opportunity or autonomy and. So I moved into a medical equipment company startup medical equipment company where I launched ah hospice medical services in state of Alabama and Tennessee and my bosses were in in Texas and it it gave me a little bit more autonomy. Um, but it was clear by the the three years into that.

Cam Doody: That company has 25 ah I had to to take responsibility of my my own financial financial Independence. You know it was like this neurotic feeling that I had of ah I’ve got to do something with my life and I have to be able to wake up every day. Ah. And and live life on my own terms and ah and I knew the the only way to do that would be to start a company So but my my cofounder and I started thinking about things that we could do and we ultimately that’s how we came with the idea for for Bell hop and you know think in a lot of ways we got lucky to have an idea with legs on the first run and we spent the next. You know 10 years building that company.

Alejandro Cremades: So then let’s talk about like how did that come together. You know, woka you know through how the idea of it. You know came together for Bell hop and and how you guys went about bringing it to life. So.

Cam Doody: Yeah, well the the initial idea was okay, what’s the biggest problem that we that was close enough for us to solve and it was college kids ah moving in you know, moving in on on freshman. Ah moot you know move in was a nightmare for parents. And we we realize you know Auburn University is 25000 students. There’s 12000 you know 2020 year old kids that are broke you know sitting there playing halo two doors down from a hundred pound girl that’s trying to get a futon up 3 flights of stairs. And so this was 2000 and ah, let’s see eleven you know the iphone was just getting the point where most everybody had them in their pockets. Ah we had we. We’d never heard of uber before but the idea of like an app-based workforce management platform where we could you know connect. People with instructions for a job and then manage payments ah through through an app um was the original idea for for the first the company that ended up becoming bellhop the the first name of the business was called the dorm movers and.

Cam Doody: So we put all our money into this ah booth at a parentorientation session at Auburn. It’s like fifteen hundred bucks and ah we basically handed out business cards and said hey you know you won’t have to lift finger on on moving day. We’ll have 2 belt you know two college. Students waiting at the curb for you to unload your stuff out of the car and take it up to to your dorm room and we were hoping to move you know 3 4 hundred kids ah or we were hoping to move like like twenty five thirty kids in that that first year ended up having to move in I think 420 kids and in ah. Ah, in three days we had we had to go and hire 80 college students I mean we were walking on knocking on doors for attorney houses and Rotc programs and it was some mad dash to get it done and that’s that’s the beginning of what ultimately ended up becoming bell hops which now. Ah, it’s the fastest growing moving company in the United States you know we’re in 42 states now. Ah thousands of of movers cross country and and you know we’re doing local long distance corporate location. Um, yeah, it was just a story of it started with moving college kids and. And scaled up into you know, moving everybody in in in the country.

Alejandro Cremades: And also a massive space is an $18000000000 space or or more but but I guess same for the people that are listening to really get it. You know the business model. How are you guys making money there.

Cam Doody: So I mean you know we started moving college students and then their parents started begging us to to move them. You know we didn’t have any assets. We had no trucks. We had’t. You know we didn’t have any moving equipment. It was just we were sourcing you know. High judgment high eq labor from college campuses. Ah ah through ah through a ah mobile interface and and matching them with jobs that you know for for people that needed to basically load or unload u-hauls and so we we charged by the hour and what ended up happening was is you know we’d we’d started moving you know thousands of college students. Their parents were like well I loved but you know when when Bell Hos moved you know my daughter and you know into college like can you just move us in our yeah u-haul we’re moving houses. You know we started turning down those requests like well no, we only move students. It’s funny how you know the market has to slap you around and until you start paying attention. Um, ultimately started taking non-student moves loading u-hauls etc. Ah. Got to the point in 2015 where we were doing you know Tens thousands of moves across the country just labor only. Um and we’d been. You know, asked by our customers a hundred times like hey we don’t want to have to pick up the yeah u-haul. Can you guys like show up with a truck and ah.

Cam Doody: You know we turned down the first hundreder requests to that and then until finally we’re like well how hard can it be and we set up a corporate account with with yeah u-haul and and and started booking. Yeah u-hauls our bell hops would go and pick up the the u-haul. They’d drive to the job. Do the move and then they take the truck back so we were essentially scaling up ah an asset-based moving company without any assets. Um, came a top 10 customer of of uhaul ah in you know over the course of like a two and a half or three month period um and I think you know probably scared the executive team at uhaul because they had a labor platform you know in the yeah uhaul umbrella of companies called and they were watching us go and and scale up this full service moving company using their trucking if structure. And so they changed corporate policy in July of 152 ah where we had to actually show up with a credit card and so this was before any of the you know the the preloaded card companies out there. Ah we were booking all these these trucks you know, just through their website. Ah. And our bell hops just had to show up with a confirmation number. Um, now we had to show up with a card. There was no way that we were going to be able to issue cards to you know all these bell hops all over the country and so we had I think 2500 trucks booked for the month of July ah

Cam Doody: And Uhaul canceled all of them and so we basically threw in a hail mary to penske um, and said listen we need to book 2500 of your trucks this month all over the country a couple days later the penske executive team flew into chattanooga and um. Ended up filling every one of those jobs with pensky trucks in that first year and and that was like the ah that was the the realization of okay we have to really control the the transportation stack with with bell hops and we can’t be reliant on anybody else and so. Ah, we started leasing trucks and bell hops started. You know these are like untrained college students driving trucks two you know twenty six foot box trucks around the you know country that were going under bridges and taking the the tops of the trucks off, they’re wrecking the trucks they were you know they were falling asleep at the there was. It was just a total nightmare. Maintaining these things was was a really it was a pain in the butt and and so we ended up reaching out to this guy that had started ah ah a company in final mile logistics where he had 6026 foot box trucks 1 customer was Amazon and his trucks moved from midnight to like 3 or 4 in the morning and we went to him to say you know how do you train people to drive trucks. How do you keep the tires on the you know how do you run maintenance programs how you know all these questions we had about fleet management and he like stopped us 10 minutes in he was like.

Cam Doody: Say why? don’t you just onboard my trucks and drivers is your bell hops and then we’ll just do the trucking component and your bell hops can do all the moving and ah and you can turn you know what is a fixed cost for the rest of the industry into a variable cost and maybe that’ll work. And ah and so we rolled it out in our in our biggest city at the time which was Atlanta ah and it it ended up taking every full service move that we had and then you know within six months it took over every full service move. We had in the country and you know so here we are you know. We have the ability to go into a new market close 1 or 2 contracts for you know in final milelogistics that have these 26 of a box trucks and um turn on our our levers for for labor demand um, and so within like a five or six week period we could have. Capacity of every moving company. Ah in the city combined without owning any assets in the city and and ah without having to have real estate without having ah to to scale up, you know, local administration or ops. Um, and that’s really what. The breakthrough for for bellhopp was and and that’s how we spread all across the country so quickly is you know we could cram in the growth of a company like 2 men in a truck. You know it took them fifty or sixty years to do that. You know we did it in in a couple years.

Alejandro Cremades: And then also how do you guys go about capitalizing the business as well.

Cam Doody: Ah, so we we raised venture capital so I guess go to go back to 2012 we raised our first round of venture capital from a group called lamppost group. Um, we raised 600 k in our our preseed round and we ended up. You know over the the following decade we raised about $115000000 for ah from ah you know various groups mainly and is sf in New York um and yeah, we we took the venture path.

Alejandro Cremades: Now in total prior to the to the transaction that you guys did on the secondary side of things How much how much capital was raised until that point.

Cam Doody: Ah, ah when we when we sold part of the business Twenty late 2019 probably eighty or 90000000

Cam Doody: Can you hear me.

Alejandro Cremades: And then also what about yeah I can hear what? what? What about to the um, the the journey to of of going through the private equity you know transaction as well. You know like how how was that like you know how was that experience like I’m sure it was pretty. Unbelievable 1 true real.

Cam Doody: Yeah, well I mean you know we had been through a lot of fundraise up to to that point you know and in in a lot of ways. It wasn’t much different than you know our series a or series b or or series c that you know we raised just through you know, traditional venture. Um. We. We had a group that ah out of ah, Minneapolis that. Um, we just really loved the business business was was exploding you know numbers were ah were really great I mean we really we have. We had a ah we had the market really pinched and um. There was a you know ton of growth. Ah opportunity left in the marks that we were in and you know we were you know, probably in less than half the cities that we ultimately wanted to be and you know it it just it checked a lot of the boxes and um I wouldn’t say it was any different than than raising you know any. Any of our other venture rounds. Ah the exception of of you know it wasn’t a ah new money capital injection for the business it was it was buying out some early investors and and you know providing some liquidity for the ah for the founders.

Alejandro Cremades: And how was it like to to ah now seeing the business from a you know, not an operator role but more from like a board member role.

Cam Doody: Yeah I mean very different I mean the the crazy thing is is we stepped out of the company ah in in late twenty nineteen right before covid and so what happened you know that next year we were growing. You know at the time we were growing 140% ah, year over year on some big numbers and all of a sudden the you know May March April of 2020 everything locked down and so we were in the middle of our supply ramp for the year hiring Bell Hops we had to totally halt that. Um, moves weren’t happening lockdowns were happening um demand completely went away just because people are just like you know, literally like sitting in place and ah and if you remember like late summer and and by the way you know the moving industry is highly seasonal. You know it starts really in like April and goes until October and ah, that’s when you’re going to do you know sixty seventy percent of of your business. Ah for the year and in in those months if not a little more and. Um, and so we we essentially killed our supply ramp. Um demand came like roaring back late summer once lockdowns had lifted um but we didn’t have the supply. You know we we couldn’t go back and and hire these thousands of bell hops that you know that.

Cam Doody: Ah, on ah on a moment’s notice once you know the lockdown started lifting and so by the time we started ramping some supply the the moving season had ended and so 2020 was really tough and then 2021 you know with all the stimulus packages. Basically the labor went. Away entirely nobody wanted to work. Ah, you know hourly labor labor was you know they were just collecting checks and you know everybody was kind of playing the the game of you know, living in in this covid era world where nobody wanted to be around other people and. Ah, you know so it was less that we are demand constrained and more that we’re a supply constrain because at at the time everybody had started moving long distance to get out of some of the cities that sort of had you know stricter ah policies around lockdowns.

Cam Doody: And so the the long distance business was like booming and 2020 twenty one and and 22 but no one was working and so you know that’s the the challenge of any ah marketplace managed marketplace businesses. You’re you’re always in a supplier demand mismatch and and so we were just. Heavily supply constrained during 21 and 22 um, and so as a board member you know trying to you know you’re out of the day to day right? You’re not in the trenches anymore. Um, but you kind of.

Cam Doody: It it was just it. It was just a very surreal experience to to watch. You know the the company under you know, new leadership operate through this this really just you know, perfect storm of of you know, a pandemic. Um, so that was that was very weird and. You know we’ve been ah, executing all the way through it. Ah ever since and have have done ah a really great job being able to to grow every year through ah you know 2020 and beyond. But it’s been a real knife fight. You know, um, you know now we’re dealing with with. You know, interest rates in the Eight Nine nine percent you know is people aren’t moving as much so much more demand constrain than than than than supply constrain right now but you know it’s part of it. We’re we’re executing companies. We’re doing what we need to do.

Alejandro Cremades: That’s right now I guess from a board member perspective. What have you learned to you know now being in at a strategic level providing guidance on the execution. How how is that you know as well.

Cam Doody: You know I mean I think what I’d say about a healthy board. We have an incredibly awesome board of bellhop and have for the last eight nine years we have something really special the best board meetings are not reporting sessions. Where the executive team shows up and goes through a big long deck and basically just reports on the progress of the last quarter you know the best board meetings are strategic sessions where you get in a room and you know you go over ah a business. Update. Um. To sort of recenter everybody around you know what’s happening in the business but every board member should have already gotten the materials few days prior and you know be familiar with what’s actually happening in business. You know good board meetings are like sitting around a table with a bunch of really smart people. Um and just going after the biggest problems. You know where you can speak candidly in ah in an environment where ah you know you get some really bright people together to to be able to to work the problem. Um and and and that’s how it should be and I think unfortunately ah you know if there’s weakness and in an executive team. Boards tend to bear down and get more operational which obviously you know puts a lot of like stress on the executive teams which usually trickles down to the team and you know.

Cam Doody: Generally ah when a board starts to get operational things start to really break down as long as the executive team is is capable of of ah you know, really commanding the business I mean no board wants to be operational. They just get scared. When when they don’t feel like the executive team has has control so we’ve we’ve been in a very ah fortunate position to to have very highly you know confident executive team to to be executing through. You know, tough times and ah.

Cam Doody: But it’s fun. You know on in a lot of ways’s a lot of fun to where you’re you’re not, you’re not actually in the trenches anymore and you can kind of just parachute in every you know every once a month in a call and onces once a quarter and you know in a meeting and ah and just serving ah in a little more. Ah you know. Hands off in direct way.

Alejandro Cremades: That’s amazing now when the transaction happened you guys same you know took some time off so during that time off you know, like how did you start to think about you know to what could be next and how did you know the next chapter breakyard. You know come to together.

Cam Doody: Yeah I mean we knew so we took a year off and ah you know every entrepreneur you talk to is you know when you step out of a company that you’ve been building high-growth business. Are you building for a long time it’s it’s it’s a super unnatural feeling. It’s like. You know when you wake up one day and and you’re not operating at the like the speed and the tempo that you’ve been operating for for such a long time. You just feel like a fish out of water I mean it feels like you’re you stepped out of your car in the interstate I mean you’re just not, you’re going it just feels it feels like you’re going backwards um you know you wake up eat breakfast. You kind of mull around the house you you know ease debt you know into the city you go to a yoga class at 10 a m on a Tuesday it’s just like you’re just not used to it I’ll put it that way. Um. And it. It’s it. It is a very uncomfortable feeling. Ah, and so most entrepreneurs that go through an event like that you’re back at it pretty quick. Um, so never thought that we were going to be venture investors we. We really had not been drawn. To that side. My co-founder Matt and I think always we thought that we were going to start another company. Um, and ah we started talking in our the investors that wrote our first check you know.

Cam Doody: 10 years prior back in you know 2012? Um, everybody was kind of coming up for air. They had started a number of businesses themselves had sold them There were a lot of free agents that were sort of like picking their head up and saying all right? What are we doing next and so like it led us to. This realization of of like seeing the culture of startup founders change over the last ten years from like ten years ago you just felt sorry for founders. It was just like there was no reason to raise venture capital and build a high high-growth company and other than. Because you wanted to build a really big business. You know and now because of you know, zero zero s straight environment for the last ten years and just the the sheer amount of capital is flown and you know, flooded into venture capital um, you know capital was cheap and. Vc started throwing money around and you know diligence process started going out the window and there was so much money that the venture capital farms. You know started leaning into like making this whole thing sexy like the the idea of making like a startup founder story sexy is the funniest thing to me. Like it’s anything but sexy. It’s just it’s it’s pain and suffering and immense pressure. And yeah, they’re like crazy high highs. But ah, they’re way more lows than highs and you know I think in an effort to get more founders in the market.

Cam Doody: You know to have more opportunity to put money in ah in a high-growth business vcs started glamorizing it and ah and by our math like you know 2021 22 the peak of the froth and venture where valuations were just like you know going straight to the moon. 90% of the founders that were building in that phase like shouldn’t have been there in the first place like they were in it for the wrong reasons they they wanted forbes 30 under 30 you know they they wanted the vanity of it. The status of it. They wanted a pro athletes on their cap tape. You know it’s like. But if you’re an investor you want to be put money and in the dogs like the founders that are in it for the right reasons period and and so we started brickyard is like essentially our answer to what we believed was a broken. Industry ah where we set up a ah series of filters essentially with with um, how do we only get how do we separate the wheat from the chaff and how do we only get the founders with with pure intention around what they’re building.

Cam Doody: And ah, we’re based in Chattanooga Tennessee which is by no means San Francisco it’s not New York it’s not a major tech hub. You know we built bell hop from here. Ah largely by you know, having to have you really dial in ah ah, ah, a deep recruiting function. Um. But once we recruited somebody here. It was like you brought them to an island and you know your retention was something you just never worried about and so there was something magic about building inside a mid-sized city where you’re not dealing with the noise and distraction of. Ah, what other founders are dealing with in other places you’re not getting pulled out to networking events 3 nights a week you’re not invited to you know founder summits in Portugal and all this bullshit like you’re building your company and we bought this building. And we renovated into what we wish we had in the in the early days ah which um, essentially serves as like a portfolio club ah and put in a gym locker rooms sauna cold plunge steam room which sounds like you know, like kind of. Soft ah fact is is you know in order to get funded by brickyard you have to leave wherever you are in the world with your co-founders relocate here for a minimum of a year but every one of our teams is coming here.

Cam Doody: With under the handshake of like we’re coming here as a forcing function to get to a series a and we’re focused on the trofus sorrow. So if y combinator is ah the best institution in the world for getting teams their first raise which they are you know. Every team that comes out of y so y c falls into what’s called the trough of sorrow and it’s like a law in startups. It’s like you you get to this like peak of disillusionment where you think you have all the answers and then you find out really quickly. You don’t have any of the answers and then you’re like down at rock bottom for two or three years in this sort of knife fight towards product market fit and then you get to the wiggles of false hope and then hopefully you get to product market fit and but no one had focused on the trough and so that’s what brickyards for so teams come here to hit rock bottom. Go all in in sort of a work culture. That’s pretty hardcore. Um, you know we value extreme inputs around focusing hours. Um, the community of founders. Everybody has sort you know burned the ships come from from other places to force themselves to just. Radically focus and and and work really hard and everybody here is a portfolio company of Brickyard which we’re investing out of ah our second funds $20000000 fund now. Um, and as 28 companies in total.

Alejandro Cremades: How many companies in total have you guys invested in.

Cam Doody: That we’ve backed over the last two years um

Alejandro Cremades: So then so then let me let me ask you this for Brickyard then if you were to go to sleep tonight and you wake up in a world where the vision of Brickyard is fully realized what does that world look like.

Cam Doody: Um, it’s um, we’re we’re we’re branding a type of founder. We’re backing founders you know founders the the decisioning that that we make in teams 90% of it has to do with you know, staring into a founder. Cofounding team’s eyes and saying do you have what it takes to go to war for a decade because that’s that’s what it takes um, 10% of it is like the box checks of venture like yes, this one you know investment can return the whole fund. You know this a big market. Ah, they’ve got some unique insight you know. Those are like table stakes. It’s all about the founder and so we are building because we’ve set up this series of of filters. We’re building a a community of junkyard dogs. Like founders who are in it for the right reasons they’re not in it for the status. You know every first meeting that we have with a team It’s like this is not for everybody. It requires extreme sacrifice. You have to move here for at least a year but you really are here for two or three years you know everyone here is putting in seventy eighty ninety hours a week um were you know it’s it’s like half the the time when when we lay that out in the first two minutes with the founding team. It’s like you see him like slump back in their chair and they you know they start to get defensive because you’re sort of like you know threatening their their current way of life. The other half are like leaning in and they’re like yes this is exactly what we need.

Cam Doody: Need to focus and build and and so that’s like the first filter of all of this is this self-s selection component or like how how in are you you know? and so 7 years from now. Yeah brickyard is going to be the most difficult organization in startups to get into. Be the toughest community to get into where I think we’re going to be skimming the top teams ah in pree and seed um buildingee and seed companies from all over the world and everybody is is going to be opting into this thing. Like we we aren’t like marketers. We really are we’re staying under the radar and that it has to be an if you know you know, kind of thing and it’s turning into that and um.

Alejandro Cremades: And now obviously we’re talking about here about the future but I want to I want to talk about the past real quick you know with a len of reflection. So if I was to put you into a time machine and I bring you back in time to let’s say 2011 where you were you know, putting together Bell Hop and you had the opportunity of giving that younger self one piece of advice before launching a business. What would that be and why given what you know now.

Cam Doody: I just say ah I don’t think any found any first time founder understands the sacrifice that building a company takes if you’re gonna do it right? If you’re gonna make it it it. It. It requires everything you know the 5 f’s faith family friends fitness and finances like most people get 3 of those to focus on founders only get 2 of those but 1 ne’s already picked for you. So it’s like your company and then 1 other thing and that’s all you get for like a decade. And so your personal relationships are going to be. You know, sacrificed your your relationship with god is going to be sacrifice your relationship with with fitness or your body is gonna be set like something is gonna give right? and ah I think. The best advice that you can give ah an early stage founder is to to level set on that expectation say this is what it is and not sugar code it and you’re doing it that” you’re doing a net good for humanity when you do that because you’re keeping the founders out that shouldn’t. Ever have been there in the first place who would would almost certainly suffer greatly in in an environment like that like you want the founders that they know what they’re signing up for and so that I would tell myself. Um.

Cam Doody: It’s going to be hard, but it’s it it. It is worth it.

Alejandro Cremades: Navy Seal Mentality I Love it come. That’s what you know K pay keep hitting me when I was when I was saying listening here and I and I fully agree to that. So for the people are are listening come that will love to reach out and say hi. What is the best way for them to reach out.

Cam Doody: So if you’re a team and you’re interested in learning about brickyard our our urls just lay so check that out. Um I’m on Twitter cam duty camd o o dyah or Linkedin ah, pretty active there as well. Um. Yeah.

Alejandro Cremades: Mason well hey come thank you so much for being on the deal maker show today. It has been an honor to have you with us.

Cam Doody: Thanks for having me all Ajandra appreciate it.


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