Arvind Jain knows the value of hard work and conviction. His passion for creating a system that solves problems has led to him being the founder and mastermind behind brilliant applications such as Glean and Rubrik. Arvind took his passion for solving problems and thought about ways that he could help everyday people to improve their lives in different ways. Arvind learned early on that innovation must be coupled with determination and effort to create a successful business. So he started by pursuing his passions and interests in school and later took the tech world by storm when he decided to launch his own business. His venture Glean has attracted funding from top-tier investors like Slack Fund, Kleiner Perkins, General Catalyst, and Lightspeed Venture Partners.
In this episode, you will learn:
- Innovation and hard work as stepping stones to success
- Fundraising and finding your investors
- Key points to creating a successful business
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For a winning deck, take a look at the pitch deck template created by Silicon Valley legend, Peter Thiel (see it here) that I recently covered. Thiel was the first angel investor in Facebook with a $500K check that turned into more than $1 billion in cash.
The Ultimate Guide To Pitch Decks
Moreover, I also provided a commentary on a pitch deck from an Uber competitor that has raised over $400 million (see it here).
Remember to unlock for free the pitch deck template that is being used by founders around the world to raise millions below.
About Arvind Jain:
Arvind helped found Glean to make it easy for people to find the information they need to be more productive and happier at work. Prior to Glean, Arvind co-founded Rubrik, one of the fastest-growing companies in cloud data management, and worked at Google, where he spent over a decade leading various teams in Search, Maps, and YouTube.
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Alejandro Cremades: Alrighty hello everyone and welcome to the deal maker show. So exciting is an understatement with our guests today because the guests today that we’re gonna have he’s built multiple companies to thousands of employees and I think that the way that he thinks about building and scaling companies is ah is ah is. Has a very interesting approach and we’re definitely going to go through his story go through his journey and I’m sure that you are all gonna find it very inspiring. So I guess without furtherdo. Let’s welcome our guests today a being giant welcome to the show.
Arvind Jain: Thank you so much and Andrew excited to be here.
Alejandro Cremades: So originally born in India so you grew up there and they eventually you ended up in landing in Delhi. But how was life growing up there.
Arvind Jain: I mean it was fun like we yeah like you said I we I I was born in India went to high school in the you know in the city like stayed in in that whole city for you know until high school then went to college a lot of great times. A lot of great memories. You know from the childhood. Um.
Alejandro Cremades: And engineering and computer science I Mean how how do you land with computers. How do you develop that love for computers. So.
Arvind Jain: Yeah, it was awesome.
Arvind Jain: Um, the so we when I was about ten years old my elder brother. He he bought a pc and and bought it at home and I think it was actually really it was sort of the rare thing to you know you know in that in those days like you know, nobody like most of the people had not even. Seen what it is or understood what computers are like we will remember like in India we were actually behind like you know the it was not as common probably as it was in the us and so my first interaction with the computers was playing video games on that on that device that he brought I used to play pacman and. You know that I have to have these you know big floppies. You know, put them you know play a game and and that that’s how you know that that’s how we sort of started to get into it but I didn’t actually like I actually like I until I graduated from high school I didn’t I didn’t feel like hey computers was anything but to sort of just have fun play games on. And like I had not developed the the the love for like hey this is some you know I won’t to actually be a programmer or any of that like that was that was not the case for us. You know in India you know things fall differently. You actually go and apply you don’t take it like a etcd like an exam to actually go and ah you know, ah study engineering. When you study engineering you to actually declare what you’re going to study before you write write right? before you actually enter the program and the the and like you know we just got it I just got advice from you know from consors that computer science is a future and going and and and and enroll in that and that’s how I started my journey there. I’m glad they know they they help me you know figure that out because I loved it so much like it has been. Yeah.
Alejandro Cremades: So so in in that regard. How did you figure out that you wanted to come to the Us.
Arvind Jain: The the so as you know you’re going through that undergraduate program. The I got you know, really interested in um, in in in the in the field of Computer science. Um, the my favorite topics were. Just figuring out like you know how to build Algorithms you know and and solutions you know to to hard mathematical problems and and I wanted to just keep doing more and more of that and doing a Ph D in the Us you know with you know in best schools at the best professors you know that was sort of what most of our. You know, ah like fellow students would do and like you know I joined them and was excited to just keep working on it like that. It’s such a fun subject to to study and read.
Alejandro Cremades: And the idea was to do the ph d and keep building on the academics you know side of things but all of a sudden you decide to drop I mean I’m sure that the whole dropout thing you know was kind of scary I mean you you ended up dropping out for. Microsoft would say obviously incredible company. But what was that thought process.
Arvind Jain: Yeah, so this was this this was after I got my master’s degree so there was there was a milestone like and I was in grad school. You first got your master’s degree then and then you continue on to get your ph d later on. So after I got that like you know I sort of felt that you know the. Like I didn’t have you know enough experience or ah or background and I actually never had a job like before that this are unusual like you know like we like didn’t have any internships that I’d done. Um and had no idea like you know what are the real world problems. You know that companies like you know Microsoft or any other company solve and. But felt a little bit unprepared. You know in terms of even figuring out. You know, like what I want like to do more research and you know when it comes to computer science and so I you know went on a leave and which is what like the most people do like you know you don’t quit the program right away haven’t done the leave I wanted to spend a few years in the industry learn more about. Like real world problems and then maybe have like you know I felt that I would have a better context to them continue my research but then you know of course I never went back and ultimately lie I see un enrolled and topped out for the program.
Alejandro Cremades: Now interesting that so you you were working now at Microsoft really getting involved with the with with the employment side of things but but I guess you know at 1 point you know after only being there for about 2 years then venture world comes knocking so how was entering in the in the startup venture world. How did that look like.
Arvind Jain: So so after 2 years after 2 years at Microsoft I joined this company called akaai and this is this is this was um, like it was a hot startup like it. You know it actually solved a very basic fundamental problem. It made websites faster. So like you know they would actually go and sell you know like you know, enable you know websites like you know, Cnn or like any other large site you know they would make you know make their pages load fast and that was actually something that we needed a lot in those days like in ninety nine like you know broadband was not you know was was not that common and. You know you have to wait a lot on the internet you know to get you know to actually read a page you know to get information. So so it made a lot of sense. You know for somebody to come and focus on like you know, hey how how can we make internet more snappy and seemed like a great problem I had a couple of friends. You know who’d gone there and they said you know this is. You know this is so amazing. Like Nola working here and you should come and and I joined them so that was that was the journey and was it was a bit you know scary you know coming from a really dominant large company. You know from going from there to this company that doesn’t even have hundred people and and and like barely had a business. But like they were building an exciting product. But I you know like I I wanted to be now I you know living in Seattle you know I we would always hear about you know Silicon Valley and you know the charm it had and the the spirit of entrepreneurship there and I wanted to experience it so it just made it like was a easy decision for me to. To go and work on a great product and figure out like you know how startups are great.
Alejandro Cremades: That here you were about employee thirtieth and now the company has over 8000 employees. So I mean unbelu I mean there you were for for 3 years but I guess the question that comes to mind is. You know, many of those companies and we’re gonna you know, discuss about the the other businesses that you’ve been involved with whether you were a co-founder or the first employee like what happened with riverbed you I mean it’s interesting how you been able to manage to get involved with companies that have gone out. To become billion dollar companies with thousands of employees like every single company that you’ve been involved with you know has gone to become you know a thousand plus employee company I mean. What? what What does it look like especially when you know you were employee thirty first or employee number one in riverbed or a co-founder I mean what are the key elements that you typically see in in a culture that goes out and does you know some really magical things
Arvind Jain: Great question. Um, so so I think 1 thing you know like I also look back and and analyze this you know like you know how like how did you know every company that I was part of like how did we actually? how why were we able to actually go and and achieve some level of success. And I think like I attributed to 2 things 1 like first and foremost you know luck like you to get lucky you know and I think that’s basicallyally were you know what? what happened here like I was lucky you know to find the right people like you know who are who who knew how to build companies and like you know, build great products and so just you know like you know and I joined them and I benefited from. You know from their experiences. Um the but but other than that like you know one one thing which maybe I did a good you know, um, you know I made good decisions on was I was I never thought hard about hey like you know, ah about businesses try to understand them in depth typically whenever I went. You know and joined a company. You know they were solving a very obvious basic problem that I could easily relate to myself and I know this was a problem it needs to be solved I take an example like in Google you know it helps you know answers people’s questions. All of us have questions all the time you know it’s just so hard to actually. You know, find those answers across like millions of websites on the internet like you know Google built a product like I used it. You know I benefited from it. It was obvious to me. They know they’re solving a problem that all of us can benefit from and the same thing applied to every single company that I worked but at you know these are obvious problems that everybody knows. Exist. You know these are large markets and if you if you do a good job solving that problem. You know that you know you’re adding value and you’re going to build a successful business. So I think that that is sort of 1 key. Um, you know like you know that was like 1 criteria for like when I picked you know my you know the companies that I wanted to work at. Um, and and that actually like you know that sort of you know, ah you know, worked out. You know for me and and then then of course the second part you know of your question there was that you know once you identify that? yes you know this is a problem of word solving. This is you know? Ah, um. You know, obviously you know since it’s so you know since it’s obvious it’s you know impacts so many people like you can actually build a large business the next part then is like how are you actually going to you know like this just having a problem is is is not enough like you know you need to actually solve it and for that you need the right team and. And that was another thing that I would always look for like I always looked up to people I would I would you know I would look you know, look at the leaders I would look at their backgrounds and I the the main decision that I would make when I you know I was actually choosing a company is hey are these the faults like who I feel I’m going to learn from. Are they better than me.
Arvind Jain: You know and and and and and that that that is something that you know is is I think again, you know the the reason for why those companies became successful because they had to best people.
Alejandro Cremades: So so 1 thing that comes to mind is obviously you had the experience now with Akamai with Microsoft so you had the startup side of things with the corporate set of things. Why did you ended up going to Google and spending so much time in Google I mean most of your career you spend that in Google I mean we’re talking about over eleven years so what really brought you to Google and what do you think? kept you going for so long in Google after you had that exposure to the to the early stages you know type of things. So.
Arvind Jain: Yeah, so so like I said I mean with Google first of all, it was a product that I used every day and I loved it. I felt that you know the it made me so much effective in you know in doing my job every day. Ah, and then the second thing was Google. You know in 7004 I mean it was by far the the company with the with the the best reputation for hiring amazing people. Everybody you know there who I knew of they were they were the people who I really aspired to work with. And so those 2 factors you know were were basically why I was interested in them and I interviewed with the company and when I interviewed I actually just realized that oh man like you know, look look at all these people like you know these are like you know like you know, ah I would learn so much from them like if I I’ll be really lucky if I actually get a job here and I did. And and and that’s start me journey there now once once I was there, you know it was a very Google was built in a very unique way. It was a very different culture than what I’d experienced anywhere else. So one one of the things that Google you know, ah about unique about Google culture was that this was a company run by engineers. Engineers rule the company and everybody else you know all other functions. You know those were there to help engineers achieve the most and so as an engineer of course I like that I like that environment where I can be. You know the most powerful guy like I can actually go and work on any idea that comes to me and like you know I will get the funding and the resources. Sort of you know make those ideas into real products so that was a great place and then as the company succeeded the you could actually you know really you know have a huge impact on everybody around you. So at Google you know you you got you know we got this opportunity which you know felt like it was just hard to get anywhere else where we could start products and we can start impacting you know millions or even billions of people around us and make their lives better. So as an example, first time you know when I when I first joined Google you know search was. The the only product that the company had and worked on on improving Google search but in 2005 ah, you know I was given the opportunity to do to run Google india and and as part of that you know we realized that hey you know the the maps you know online maps are not available. You know as if as a product for most of the countries. You know most of the users in most countries in the world and and so at Google you know we could actually you know we you know we had the audacity to do thing like that we say okay whenever actually is going to build maps for the entire world. You know mean may take billions of dollars of investment but the company would make it and.
Arvind Jain: And you could see that hey if I actually do that like you know every day you know people’s livess are goingnna get better. So we started to build maps for the entire world and we you know and and and and we did that like you know, even in two or three years we had Map Maps Map you know maps online maps available for ah you know all the 200 countries in the world and. You know that ability to have that big impact was what actually you know was what actually always kept me excited about working there. Um.
Alejandro Cremades: And and when you when you joined I mean there were 800 employees at the time where you were leaving in 2014 to start your first company. We’re talking about 200000 employees I mean it’s a it’s amazing that you for some reason in your career. You’ve been able to place yourself in places that end up. Growing like crazy because the company that you actually went to Google you know, right? prior to that river bit I mean there you were employee number one that has close to 2000 employees now I mean you were part of of all of that crazy growth. So that that’s why I was asking that question. So I guess one of the things that. That really stands out for me like being able to be on the right places at the right time I mean you say that that is being lucky but as they say luck is preparation meets opportunity. So how do you place yourself or in this case, how do you place yourself in the right place. So that the opportunity would come to you and in this particular case given where we are adding the discussion of your journey with Rubrik because Rubrik ended up being your first baby your first company I mean on the other ones you were really riding as the passenger on rubrik you ended up being you know driving there as as the as the driver. Right? I mean writing as the driver because you were one of the co-founders so tell us how rubric really came about and how did you really decide to say you know what I’m going to give my notice you know at Google especially after the incredible ride and the journey that you wrote at at Google and having that security and. And and and and the 9 to 5 you know, stableness you know versus like hey, let’s let’s say goodbye to this and let’s go and put out some fires.
Arvind Jain: Yeah, so the so after being at Google for or a decade. Um, one of the things that the like in the in Silicon Valley you know you you know we live in a very dynamic environment and um. I have I have friends. You know who you know we would always talk about technical problems all the time and problems that are you know were not being solved problems. You know where there were good opportunities to go and and start start a company and and and actually you know and succeed as a business. So so this was like something that i. Did like you know I’ve done almost my entire career like you know you you know, outset of your work. You always are always thinking about other ideas. You know you like yeah talking to friends about it and 1 of the things which you know we in like 2013. Um, one of the observations that we had. Was you know, along with my friends and and and with my with my cofounder from rubrik who’s who’s was the Ceo there was that there was so much attention being paid to you know in the technology world to build great technology for consumers I we like amazing companies that got started you know in the late. You know 2010 s to or late late like two thousand s to early twenty you know until 2013 companies like airbnb and uber and ah like this like you know the tech world was going through a boom. You know that had never been seen before or all of that all of that energy was basically. You know going into like how to actually help you know like you know how how to actually build great. You know tech products to help consumers and we felt that businesses were getting ignored. They were like you know, not that many you never hear about you. You won’t hear about amazing companies that are actually helping businesses. You know, solve problems using technology. And 1 specific problem. You know that we um, we you know we thought was really you know long ignored was how do you keep make it easy for businesses to keep the data safe and and and and do more you know with that data with that data. And so that sort of you know what we discuss you know and the them and my the cofounder and and and and and and me like the 3 of us you know you know identified that there was an opportunity to help enterprises. You know, build an enterprise you know software technology company and solve that specific problem. And when when the problem became clear to us. You know I also felt that okay like you know spent a lot of time in Google and was time to learn something new and that that was the thought process on my mind when I said okay, let let’s let’s change and build something will build something different.
Alejandro Cremades: And what was the business model there with with rubric How how do you guys say make money with the company.
Arvind Jain: So We So we build a product which makes it easy for businesses to keep their data safe. So We go to an enterprise. Um, let’s say Enterprise of a company and or or any any company and you know they have lots of data across lot of their different. You know you know you know. You know technology systems and so our product will basically go and connect with all of those systems and build a time machine of all of that Data. So if anything bad happens in your enterprise like if you lose data because you know there’s a fire in the data center or if somebody makes a mistake then you always have that you know another safe copy of that data that rubbreak is hosting. You know and it’s Cloud and and you can record back and you know resume your business so that was a business model. So. So basically you sell a a service as well as a product to to businesses. Um and typically would charge based on the amount of data that you’re protecting there.
Alejandro Cremades: And it’s really interesting here I mean you guys have on rubric you know the company has raised a little bit over 550,000,000 and the very interesting investors that you guys have also onboarded people like costsla ventures graylock.
Arvind Jain: You.
Alejandro Cremades: I Mean great Great investors. So how do you guys? you know thought about capitalizing the business I mean what was that journey like.
Arvind Jain: So we we capitalize the business on day one um like instead of bootstrapping it and and and and partly it was convenient for us because um, one of our founders. He used to work at Lightspeed venture partners and. And so he had a relationship there and so it was like the the default you know like no when you when you have a when you build le and b the three first when we built out our pitch together The first thing you you know we did was actually to go and talk to them and and they had a good offer in metok it and like I think we didn’t even go and um. Like you know, talk to like a whole bunch of investors to figure out. You know, figure out who who raise money from because they familiarity with that firm. You know we knew news the people and and they have good terms for us. So that’s how we we got started with lightspeed as as as there was a first round there were those they were the initial investors in the company
Alejandro Cremades: So nice and the rubric I mean incredible company I mean it was say a release not not long ago in twenty twentieth think the company did like 600,000,000 in revenue 2500 employees I mean unbeliev. The the size of a company that rubric is is is right now and and I’m wondering why did you decide to turn page into thousand and nineteen and and go ahead with your next baby.
Arvind Jain: Yeah, so it’s a it’s an interesting you know turn of events like you know so you know one of the things you know which so but at Rubri we’re very lucky. We had a um we had a successful business you know and you know a product that every business in the world needed. And and you know we built a good product. You know a good modern product. So so so great business and it allowed the company to grow very fast so we were I think we were about we’re more than thousand people within 4 years of starting and that’s that’s actually like you know that’s say there’s an unbelievable growth and it’s actually also hard because. You know by the end of those 4 years we saw that hey we we’re growing at such a fast pace you know, increasing our expenses and but we’re not seeing the results from that people are struggling if you look at you know how much you know how much code is being written every day. Um, it’s actually you know staying flat no matter how many people you add. If you look at you know how much how much you know is sales person can sell you know the so their productivity is going down and so started to wonder like what what is happening like you know why why? What are we not doing correct like why are people not getting enabled the right way. Um, and and we would do these? Ah you know like you know twice a year or once a year surveys pulse surveys where we would actually ask people like you know like tell us more about like what the company can do better on what are what are the what are the key problems. You’re facing and the number one complaint that we would actually hear from our our employees was that hey I cannot find anything in this company. You know any information that I need. And also don’t know who to go and ask for help but I need help so so in in like you know we were not really enabling people the right way and and this it was it. It was not a surprise I was hard to find information because you know at at at the company like we were built in this modern world with Saas you know applications where. Very easy for people to bring you know a new application in the business to solve some business need and you know before you know it like you have hundreds of these applications and your company knowledge and information is spread across all of these different systems and so we had so many of these applications data spread all over and the people people who are struggling. So. So decided to solve that problem and to solve that problem like you know I’m a search engineer because I worked for over a decade you know building Google Search so my first thing was that hey if you know you have lot of information that’s spread across so many different locations you know places and you should like you should put a search product in front of them that can search across all of those systems right. Will make it easy for people to find things that they need. They don’t have to remember what what? What information is where so try to buy a product in this space and we couldn’t find anything nothing that was you know that would work for us I was surprised at hey like why? why is that the case like you know this this seems like a.
Arvind Jain: A problem unique to us as a companies I’m sure everywhere the company that has gone through this saas transformation is facing the same problem and and it turned out that that was a case like we talked to a bunch of other startups. You know and learn from them that this was a problem that they also faced to talk to our customers. They also faced this problem. So ultimately, you know it became clear There was a very big large unsolved problem in the world of business people were struggling. People were spending one third of their time just looking for information. So there’s a lot of big product. Productivity loss. So and I got initially really excited about solving this problem because it was somewhat related to um. To our our core product in ruby because remember like in Rubrik. We keep all the business data safe. So as part of that you know we bring all the data from all these different systems in 1 place you know, just for the purposes of keeping it safe but you know we thought that hey we could actually now also make it searchable and it will you know, give us a new line of business. But then you know we realize that you know like business wise you know it’s not things are not that easy and you can’t lose focus and like before you have actually succeeded in your first product. You don’t want to start like building a new product. So but but but by that time I was really excited about the problem that wanted to solve it I felt it could have a huge impact on the on the world and. And so we just say this described this as an end band company
Alejandro Cremades: And and that ended ended up becoming gleen. So I guess say for Glean what is the business model today. How do you guys make money for the people that are listening to get it.
Arvind Jain: so so Gleen Glean is a product that you can deploy in your company. It will it will you know Glean will connect with all the different sources of data within a company the different enterprise apps and and and and and then it basically gives this search engine. Um. Your employees where they can go and quickly find information and so you so you buy this is a saas product you buy the service when you pay you know when you buy the service you pay you know for every user that uses it on a per user per month basis and that’s how we make make money from it.
Alejandro Cremades: And it sounds like you created quite an impression in lightspeed because they invested again.
Arvind Jain: Yeah, so the yeah, absolutely like you know we I mean we had good success at Rubric and like we really love working with the Lightspeed team. They were big supporters of us throughout our journey through quick and and so we caught them as one of our you know first investors along with.
Alejandro Cremades: For plant Burkins General Catalys this lack fund. So so how much capital have you guys raised so far for the business.
Arvind Jain: No kind of perkins.
Arvind Jain: Favor is a little over 55,000,000 so far. Um, yeah.
Alejandro Cremades: I got it and in terms of um, the company I mean anything you know for the people that are listening to get an understanding of the size I mean anything around employees or anything else number of employees or anything else.
Arvind Jain: Yeah, we we are we so fast growing so we’re less than hundred people right now and we hope to hope to double or triple in team size. You know in the next one year this you know we built a really awesome product that people love our users really like this product. You know they feel like you it save them multiple hours of time every week. So you know this is the time where we you know ah step on the gas and and and really you know scale the company for the next few years
Alejandro Cremades: Now 1 thing that they you’re a big fan of is say allowing everyone to attend board meetings of the company and typically you would have the board meetings. You know, attended by board members like investors or the management. The the the leadership team members but it’d say. Quite interesting to have absolutely anyone that wants to join being able to join and being able to listen to some of the key sensitive issues of the business. So so what’s the ah, what’s the um thought process behind you know, putting that in place. So.
Arvind Jain: Yeah, so so so building a company is is a you know it’s a difficult task like it takes many many years and you to work hard at it and the first thing you have to do is you want to make sure that you have the right people you know who like who you know like who are going to actually build this company. You and and and and typically like your folks. Yeah, um, you know, ah who are best for joining a startup are those who want to actually really succeed who want who are very driven want to learn how to actually build a startup because you know they probably want to be you know entrepreneurs you know themselves in the future and. And and you’d to be able to track those people and so from our side like you know one thing that we always strive for is how do we create the the best learning environment for for people so that we can actually get best people in and they actually. You know, enjoy you know, working at the company and learn all the skills that they wanted to learn so from that perspective you know we make sure that um you know for everybody in the company gets that holistic experience of what what does it mean to build a company whether you’re engineer whether you’re a marketing person. We want. We want you to have a full look at the company and what’s like how it’s going to get built and like you if your engineer learned like talk to sales peopleople talk to marketing people and learned like you know how to sell the product. What are they need from you. Um, and so so part of you know this like why we have our board meetings also being open is. So that people can have their experience people can learn like you know how it start you know how this company is being built like you know, get that you know driver’s seat into into you know, seeing that you know seeing that um journey over time and then say the second reason why we we we. We keep the we we have this culture of you know, high transparency is because startups are always a difficult journey and you know there are lots of up and downs like sometimes you’ll win a great deal. Sometimes you’re going to lose something you know some like sometimes you make a bad hire like you know somebody is not a good fit. And so there are a lot of problems like it’s not It’s not like a successful business yet where the the underlying business is so strong that other problems can be looked over and so in this in this world of you know like ups and downs the the it’s better for the company. You know to actually be fully task as opposed to sort of hiding things which are you know things that are not going well and then you know losing trust of your employees because they will feel that hey like you know the company doesn’t share the challenges and only talk awkward stuff and they sort of start to lose belief in in you know in the company as a whole like they’re not sure anymore.
Arvind Jain: Of like how well the company is really doing and that will start to then you know like you know they will have challenge like you know being you know, staying committed to it as opposed to that we feel the easier path is that everybody knows everything everybody knows exactly how the company is doing and and then people can decide you know like there’s some people. Won’t actually you know, go and look at things that are not working well and they won’t actually they see those as opportunities and they want to go and fix them. Others. You know who sort of get scared with that and they want to start maybe new one and then that’s the right thing for the company you want people who want to actually you know come and solve Problemss for Us. So. So feel like transparency houses you know and think in and big way for that.
Alejandro Cremades: Got it now imagine if you were to go to sleep Nirn and you wake up in a world where the mission of gle is fully realized what does that world look like.
Arvind Jain: So glean will succeed when everybody who we know uses clean every day in their work life to get more things done so that’s our mission. You know it should be as pervasive as Google is for example in our in our personal lives. It’s hard for anyone to imagine living without Google search today and that’s how like we we want gle to be at you know in your work life when you need you know an answer to a question like you go you go to clean and get that answer so so that’s that’s when mission will be accomplished for us. And we see that we’re bringing bringing you know making everybody in the world more more productive. Um, and and and you know getting you know like enabling everybody to get a lot more things done in what they can do today.
Alejandro Cremades: I I love it now. Imagine I put you into a time machine and I bring you back in time back in time to have a chat with that younger arvvin that younger a arvin that hasn’t really launched anything yet and you have the opportunity of having a sit down and telling or giving. That younger arwin 1 piece of business advice before launching a company. What would that be and why given what you know now.
Arvind Jain: Good question. So the one like you know one thing which I didn’t talk about is that you know so you know I got I got to start you know a couple of companies. Um, and but my you know journey you know in terms of how those companies got started. But not that like you know I was you know in that mindset of that hey I want to be an entrepreneur and I want to actually go create a company and now let me figure out like hey what is this company going to be about that was that that’s always a hard process in my in my opinion like if you want to be an entrepreneur I think the best way to start companies. Is to just like you know, keep your eyes open. You know in your in the current job that you are at the problems are going to come to you. You are you know there are enough technical problems that actually need to get solved in the world like you know technology has a long ways to go and just as. Being part, you know in know as as part of a day- to day job. You’re going to encounter those problems and when when when you encounter a problem like that your conviction in that is going to be much higher and you’re actually going to you know and actually build a company because most of times what happens is as what happens is that you. You know you have this I’ve seen this many times where somebody wants to be an entrepreneur and they start to sort of say you know pick a problem they will do research they talk to them few people you know, talk you know, learn about you know 1 problem to be solved and then they’ll start to sort of figure out a solution to it and at some point they’re going to lose faith in it themselves. So. People say that 9 or 10 Startups Fail I always tell them that no ninety nine or a hundred fail because the other ninety you know fails in the in the mind of the engineer who wanted to start it before they even tried to do anything before that had to raise funding or anything and and it’s because of conviction. So you you know and conviction doesn’t come when. You have only had exposure to a problem for like you know, two weeks or one month conviction comes and you’ve seen a problem you know for a long time and you’ve seen lot of people facing that problem and that naturally happens you know as part of like you know where you’re working at so so my advice to you is to actually you know. You know you know think that way like you know for your entrepreneur entrepreneur journey think first about the problem I think about a problem that you’ve seen and make sure that you have exposure to that like so we you know go and you know be at places that give you exposure to like you know like what problem you know what problems you know, potentially customer space. So so from that point if you like in generally I advise people to also work at startups because you get powder exposure there. You get to interact more with customers you learn more about you know the environment the industry and typically what you learn at a at a larger company.
Alejandro Cremades: I love it. So Arvin for the people that are listening. What is the best way for them to reach out and say hi.
Arvind Jain: Um, you you can you can connect with me at my you know through email my email is arevin that and and and yeah like I’d love to hear back phone here from from you.
Alejandro Cremades: So amazing. Well Arbi Thank you so much for being on the dealmakerr show. It has been an honor to have you with us. Thanks.
Arvind Jain: Ah, likewise. Thank you so much for inviting me.
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