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Amit Haller has had startups acquired, taken them public, and is now onto his biggest venture so far. His new startup, Veev, has attracted funding from top-tier investors like Khosla Ventures, Western Technology Investment, Bond Capital, and Eclipse.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How Veev is reinventing home building
  • Knowing when to quit
  • Putting off retirement forever
  • Amit Haller’s top advice when launching a business


For a winning deck, take a look at the pitch deck template created by Silicon Valley legend, Peter Thiel (see it here) that I recently covered. Thiel was the first angel investor in Facebook with a $500K check that turned into more than $1 billion in cash. 

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The Ultimate Guide To Pitch Decks

Moreover, I also provided a commentary on a pitch deck from an Uber competitor that has raised over $400 million (see it here).

Remember to unlock for free the pitch deck template that is being used by founders around the world to raise millions below.

About Amit Haller:

Amit Haller is the CEO and Co-Founder of Veev Group, Inc., as well as the Founder of Reali, Inc., a real estate brokerage company.

Amit has over 20 years of experience in the high-tech communications industry, including leading positions in public companies and over a decade of extensive real estate development, asset management, and construction experience.

Amit brings a global perspective and an eye for successful investment opportunities, as well as deep knowledge in engineering, entrepreneurship, and business.

Amit has led Veev since 2008 with a high-tech business lens, reimagining the way the home experience is designed, built, and serviced.

Today, Amit is dedicated to utilizing Veev’s proprietary technology and a vertically integrated approach to build better homes, faster.

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Read the Full Transcription of the Interview:

Alejandro Cremades: Alrighty hello everyone and welcome to the dealmaker show. So today we have ah we have a legend you know that is going to be joining us. You know someone that has done it so many times I’m so successful that I was like losing losing the amount of times that he’s done. It. You know, unbelievable. We’re gonna be talking about building. We’re gonna be talking about scaling on everything in between and also about having some really nice successful outcomes so without farther do let’s welcome our guest today Amit Holler welcome to the show.

Amit Haller: Thank you very much happy to be here all the handle.

Alejandro Cremades: So obviously I mean today we’re gonna have here the battle of accents. You know the israeli accent the spanglish you know going on that I have on my into but nonetheless we’re gonna be talking about coming to this beautiful country the us now in your case born in Israel. How was life growing up there. Us I walk through memory lane.

Amit Haller: Yeah I mean that was the that was an awesome. Ah awesome period for me to grow in Israel and grew up with with a lot of opportunities to to innovate to learn freedom and. And and even through my military service that was probably an amazing experience for me. That’s where I learned a lot about technology I served kind of in a technological unit. So best time of my life. Following by the second part of the best time of my life which is in the Us.

Alejandro Cremades: Now 1 thing that I see a lot you know from founders that come from startup nation is that they they need to do the military service and then. What what does that give you I mean I’m sure it’s like incredible discipline I mean you guys are so well prepared for becoming entrepreneurs and for really dealing with the unknown and for problem solving so how thus the culture of startup nation of innovation and then also the discipline of. Being in the military. How does that prepare one to be successful as an entrepreneur later on.

Amit Haller: Yeah I mean it’s definitely has a lot to do with with the dis preparation for for the entrepreneurship in general and for the real life in particular, you take a eighteen years old kids and overnight change their mindset right? I mean so and the mindset is about. It’s about discipline. It’s about the the importance of of what they do every day. It’s about a very hard walk I mean walking 16 hours a day it’s becoming it’s becoming a norm six seven times I’m sorry six seven days a week for sometimes and. And it’s ah it’s a mission-d driven right? I mean which is exactly what you have in the startup you have the mission. You know exactly why you do it. You are surrounded by people which are subscribing to exactly the same mission and and that’s what keep you going you build over their friendship for lives. By the way we’ll talk more about it. I guess later on today but some of those friends from thirty five years ago they’re still with me in this company right? I mean so so the the friendship that you are building over There are really based on trust and common values and common mission and that’s ah, that’s take you long way. So after 3 4 5 years depends.

Alejandro Cremades: Wow.

Amit Haller: Depends different and the different Journeys you take in this military you are actually walking into the into the real world very well prepared.

Alejandro Cremades: So then let’s talk about walking walking into the real world more than prepared because I mean you walked into on entrepreneurship and you did it with a bang you know with butterfly communications. You know. In fact, I’ve used my Bluetooth A Few Times today and I’m sure that you know. But you did you know, really contribute to push things into what we are experiencing today from a technology perspective. So what were you guys doing at butterfly communications and how was that journey of all of a sudden you are running a company in Israel but then you end up coming to the Us.

Amit Haller: Yeah, um I would love to tell you that we had this brilliant strategy and we understood how we are going to take the ward in a storm but unfortunately it’s not the case. So the case was really. Was really kind of a group of team of of people from the same unit I served that we we had the dispassion and the bug that we want to be entrepreneurs and we want to do something different and we want to take control of our life and then we start to think about what we’re going to do those days I’m talking about 9092 the venture capitals in Israel were very real so we really funded ourselves I mean we we did all kind of and subcontructing projects to other companies in particular to communication companies in Israel. And some international communication companies as well and we we kind of tried to. We started to build our muscle as ah as entrepreneurs as a private company is understanding what the what? the private sectors are looking for and and looking for looking our way about what what’s. Ah, we are going to differentiate what we are going to be louder and then we came across to a company that ah deal a lot with the in the computer industry paard bell at the time and altalannsing both companies that are not necessarily there anymore.

Amit Haller: And the and entire Pc industry start to pick up and we had a very simple crazy idea. Can we cut the wires of the mouse of the keyboard and the the solarphone industry started off the of the Headset. Of the speakers and the the Multimedia speakers are on the Pc and we realized that we need to do it very very cheaply because in order to be able to penetrate into consumer Product. You cannot ah you cannot provide a solution which is like a military grade. You need to do something which cost dollars. Um, road even senses and that was all new groundplay for us I mean we we didn’t know how to do cheap stuff but a challenge We love challenges and immediately everyone all in here’s our mission we are going to replace the the wire with the cost of the wire but do it wireless. So like almost like an impossible challenge at the time and and that’s how everything started.

Alejandro Cremades: And obviously you know like in this case, you know with the company I mean you guys were doing pretty well I mean you raised 17,000,000? We’re talking about the 90 s where Vc was almost nonexistent. You know I mean it’s pretty amazing now everything is developed you know on the vc ecosystem people are raising money all the time you see it on the bras. But at that time you know he was quite a success, especially you know, raising all that money now 1 thing comes to the next and then all of a sudden you guys ended up selling the company to Texas instruments. Why did you guys you know decide that was the best way to go and how did that transaction come about.

Amit Haller: Yeah I mean that’s a the transaction came came about a with us actually approaching Texas instrument to fabricate our chips because we were a fabulous semiconductor company and we needed a very strong fab relationship. They. Earlier fab relationships where they were not ah were not strategic enough and didn’t allow us actually to scale and to create and to create the right added value for those chips and the the semiconductor and and at the right cost our chairman at the time. That was also my co about into this business I mean he for him. It was already kind of the third company. The first startups and he was very instrumental at the time to bring to bring us in front of venture capitals. So my very first tip. Cultures mentors are very very important in the early stage for for first time entrepreneurs I mean that’s that’s saving a lot of pain and and troubles and he brought us in front of Texas instrument and Texas instruments started to. Start to talk about to license our technology and integrate it into their chipset because they were the leader in the celllar industry and and sooner than later the the acquisition proposal came from them and that’s that’s kind of a very very defining moment for for entrepreneurs like.

Amit Haller: What I’m going to sell it to them for so cheap by the way it was $50,000,000 a lot of money those days. But yeah, but but entrepreneurs always believe that they worth much more and right that’s ah, that’s a part of the of the dilemma and then basically we we sat down and fought for it and said.

Alejandro Cremades: But I miss especially back then? yeah, no kidding Yo yeah.

Amit Haller: Why did we start this company and first and all entrepreneurs. Don’t start companies to make money I know it sounds counterintuitive but all the research about entrepreneurs says that they really do it for the product. So there is this giant Texas instrument recognizing our product. They believed that we did something something good. They’re willing to pay so much money for that so we are successful. Secondly we did realize that we need very very close relationship with with a fab and a real semiconductor company in order to be able to to scale. So here’s the number one company out there. In this market and third yeah there is exit here. We are going to make money. Maybe we thought you’re going to make more money because there’s always the dream but we are making very very good money around that. So that start to make sense in this in in this context by the way. Something we are so proud of is that the very recent new Ceo of Texas instrument that was appointed on April first is a guy from the butterfly team. So not only with so company to Texas instrument. The new ceo havi vlan.

Alejandro Cremades: Wow! yes.

Amit Haller: Of the most amazing person just was appointed to become the new Ceo of Texas instrument. So that’s how well we integrated into this company.

Alejandro Cremades: That’s some Bo you now now the um first company first takes it really amazing. How was that you know after after all of a sudden you know like you’ve closed this chapter you sold your company did that feel like um. Like a roller coaster of emotions to like a sense of loss to certain degree because this was your first company I’m sure that to certain degree. You thought that you were the company at some point and then all of a sudden you know everything that you knew you know it was it was gone. Did you did you feel like a sense of loss.

Amit Haller: Oh totally and there were a lot of would say micronec dots like you know changing the logo on the do the day after from butterfly to Texas instant and obviously you know we are very foolishly.

Alejandro Cremades: Move now.

Amit Haller: I mean I know it today in a retrospective right? But at the time I thought that our logo looks better than ti and it’s more important. So so that’s that’s kind of that’s kind of the maturity that takes to to I would say first time and entrepreneurs. But in particular young entrepreneurs because this cell was when I was 29 years old right. And so that was I was also young relatively in business and in life in general and and you have this sense of loss and initially you start to battle it because ah because you feel so committed and so I mean it’s your baby right? I mean it’s ah.

Alejandro Cremades: Yeah.

Amit Haller: And the baby graduate but you are not ah willing to let it go yet so it takes it. Ah, it has this kind of a transition. But after this transition matured and I I also allowed myself. To let it go and actually to leave Tix’s instrument because that was also part of the maturity process for me putting aside that my entrepreneurship bug never leave me but putting this aside, it’s really allowed me to say well you know everything is in good ends actually. It’s in better hands than my hands. It’s going to be in a place that it can grow to to to to levels and and to to heights that I could never take it myself. It’s about time for me to to move on and to and to go for the next Journey. So.

Alejandro Cremades: What happened next.

Amit Haller: What happened next is that I was still very much involved in my mindset with bluetooth and and I was really very busy thinking about what Bluetooth can make the world or what type of products can happen with bluetooth. Never happened before. So now it was not for me anymore about cutting the wires of the mouse is that what is this mouse that isn’t doesn’t exist and could have been exist by Bluetooth and that’s where we came with a concept. The early on of the concept. The name of the company was ii mobile it started in 2000 and we came with the initial concept which says you know we need to build actually distributed devices around the phone as a center. The phones were not smart at the time I mean they were. Were very very rarely smartphones at the time blackberry par maybe there was the Nokia 9100 which was the the kind of the enterprise version. The Calmshell kind of keypot device but it was mostly. What they call it the time feature phones I mean phones with a little bit games a little bit kind of ringtones but nothing really too smart around that and we came with this crazy idea of and I’m talking to you about 2000? What about a watch that can be connected there with bluetof to the phone and I can change the screens on those watches.

Amit Haller: And and the and hi-fi headsets and the gaming devices and all kind of other ideas way prettyma all one because the bluetooth was not really deployed yet. The network the bandwidth on the network was not right. The time we talked about gpsrs two and a half G I mean very very slow networks. The back office of the networks or the back end of the networks. They were not ah we not there yet and we haven’t even had the project with seco to do this bluetoo watch. But it was running out of battery every 10 minutes not very practical right I mean so a lot of the technology. The code technology was not was not at the time and and we did develop around all those different devices. We did develop a very interesting conceptset. Which is actually mobilizing what at the time was the killer application for teenagers instant messaging and again talking about 2000. It’s icq Aol Messenger Yahoo messaging etc all those different different messaging platforms. Instant messaging and the time to mobilize them and that’s where we actually evolved into a smartphone and we did the first teenager smartphone the product name at the time was ogo focusing on teenagers focusing on the fact that teenagers of the time the millennials of today I guess.

Amit Haller: A didn’t want to talk on the phone. They really want to chat all day long and that was the first massive chatting device out. There was very very successful when it was launched in the us by at and t it was very successful in Europe in particular in Switzerland Germany. And this device took by stall until iphone was launched in 2007.

Alejandro Cremades: No Kidding. And I mean obviously with this journey I mean it was same unbelievable I mean you guys even took the company public.

Amit Haller: We took the kalin republic in 2006 funny enough or maybe not so funny is that was via a Spark Acquisition so I even managed to do a spark before it was a thing in 2006 and by the way ended up. Very unfortunate spark journey that we see in the recent sparks that that we saw a few few years back and but the company did go public and by 2008 I thought that it’s ah it’s the time for me actually to be very very candid about it. It’s I thought and the bold fault. And that it’s a time for me to move on from the this company.

Alejandro Cremades: Yeah, now now. Obviously you know how how would you say you were saying that the that the iphone you know came out and that kind of like changed plans for you guys I mean how how do you say that that impacted you guys and and how were the um. The events. You know that rabbled after that.

Amit Haller: Yeah I mean obviously iphone is a brilliant product and but what way more brilliant about iphone is the ability of Apple to move the entire ecosystem. No one managed to but to build kind of the the Itunes stall. No one managed to convince carriers at the time the server carriers to provide flat fee for for data usage. They tried to charge by the kilobyte. And they they were not ah they they didn’t manage to go through this threshold of understanding that actually data should be flat and data will overtake and minutes of talking minutes ah or or basically all the phone calls.

Amit Haller: And they were still making money out of voicemails I mean it was a very very all day and Steve Jobs like only Steve Jobs can do and could have done actually managed to to bring those carriers into a very different level and and that’s what Apple really invented.

Alejandro Cremades: So.

Amit Haller: Smartphone industry by all means so it was a big ecosystem push that only a company like Apple could do.

Alejandro Cremades: So then in your guys’ case you know took the company public you know in total you did you know about one hundred and thirty five million that you raised you know between venture capital and then also public money and then you know like oh obviously you know like things you know like come to show and January Two Thousand and nine you know that’s when. You decide that it’s time to turn chapter. So how do you come to that realization.

Amit Haller: So and the Ai mobile was a very tough company to operate the company had software engineering in Israel how were engineering in Taiwan manufacturing in China customers in Europe Investors in wall street. And and all the business development partners in the bay area I was literally circling earth right? I was I did the attempt of Superman to try to slow down earth it didn’t work for me so much. So so but I was literally around around the around earth all day long. And I had a two years old girl at the time I mean today, she’s ah sixteen years old and I was exhausted and and I looked for a a different kind of a balance in my life right? more than more than anys and. And read the book again and finally understood it of the rich dead poor dad and I realized that even though I can report financials on the public market have no clue how money works and I decided to learn how money works.

Alejandro Cremades: Love it.

Amit Haller: And obviously the best way or not obviously but the the best way for me at least was Rivia real estate I found Ah I found some mentors and it was a perfect timing because everything was cheap in 2009 And I thought I’m going to become a real estate investor and will retire and as the job goes real estate investment went very well for me not because I’m smart just because I was lucky right? I mean I could do all the all the mistakes in the book and still make money just because it was 2009.

Alejandro Cremades: But here they as they as they say luck in luck is preparation meets opportunity. So I mean you you definitely need to generate that luck.

Amit Haller: And retirement went very poor. Yeah go ahead.

Amit Haller: Totally I heard the I heard the lecture once of a very smart person which he says that his entire success is 95% luck and 5% smart and it was really hoped that the other 5% smart would be also 5% luck right? I mean so yeah luck. Lack is is the fundamental a the fundamentals of entrepreneurs the need to understand that they can plan all day long, but it’s really about always keep your eyes open and and take the opportunities.

Alejandro Cremades: So then let’s talk about taking the opportunity of eve because I mean here you are you know, doing real state left and right and once an entrepreneur always an entrepreneur. So um, what happened coming out of retirement to do it again. What happened with vive. Yeah.

Amit Haller: Take it.

Amit Haller: Yeah, by the way retirement lasts like two ah two months two and a half months that’s pretty much it I think I checked but the box I can move on no retirement for me in life anymore. So I’m done with retirement for the rest of my life as far as vive.

Amit Haller: And we learned from the ground up me and my 2 other co-founders at viv one of them was in my head of product in ah in axai as well and and a second for co-founder I met in the bay area and we really started. Buying forec closed homes and remoddeel them and rent them and sell them and flip them and then we went for small apartment buildings and larger apartment buildings and super large apartment buildings. So it was very evolutionary the way we built our actually real estate experience and understanding. And we did pretty well actually at one point we we manage about half a billion dollars of asset under management. So we’ve done pretty well about that and and then we started actually construction of new homes and new apartment buildings and new complexes and. Initially it was working very much for our favor because the construction industry had way over supply and basically almost no demand because people didn’t build. But when the market start to recover it start to flip over and it start to be more and more demands to the point that it was over demand with shortage of supply and every day the construction cost goes up and actually the way I like to describe it. This is the only industry.

Amit Haller: Every year it costs you more it takes longer and the quality goes down any other in the streets that away on everything else is faster cheaper and and better.

Alejandro Cremades: So then so then in this case, you know, like 1 thing you know leads to the next year now you’re with vve so that for the people that are listening to really get you know what the company all about what ended that up being the business model. How do you guys make money.

Amit Haller: Yeah I mean so vive in in the in a simplified way Vv is actually a builder we build homes but in a slightly more and if I’m zooming in. Vive is building home as a product we manage to productize homes in a way that we can build in precisely in a factory ship those homes in pieces the pieces our panels So we ship walls and flow separately. Connect them in the field very quickly one to another in a plug and play method including all the electrical and plumbing and hfax systems and everything else which goes into the home and building a whole home out of it now. The big difference of Viv versus many many other companies that are ah. Yeah, typically would be defined as off-site construction or modular construction is that we have a point of view that the home is the ultimate consumer product out there. It’s the largest. It’s the most used. 65% of our lifetime is inside this all and it’s obviously by far the most expensive there’s nothing more expensive in our life in the most people’s life and once you start to think about the home as a product you start to think about it very differently. The materials.

Amit Haller: The way we fabricate those materials the precision we do stuff how we design it in a digital twin environment and how we how we shift from digital twin into fabrication into assembly into maintenance into the lifetime Support. We start to think about it much more like. Like a car like a phone like ah the most ah the most important product in people life versus as a construction site as a collection of trades that are building those homes and and that’s what make us So so unique Now the beautiful thing is that we Manage. We on all aspects. We build way faster than anyone else actually up to 6 time faster than traditional homes we we at cost Parity. So There’s no premium for that. We created new quality standards I mean some name it as the Tesla or the apple of the homes kind of so really. Try to follow these type of companies that redefining redefining markets and and and segments and we are so Sustainable. We actually build it with about 50% less of a carbon footprint of traditional construction which is the most polluting. Industry out there 38% of it and body carbon is coming from from homes actually and we build it with 10 time less waste than traditional construction actually 50% of the landfill in the world is Construction. So This is Crazy. This is the most polluting industry in the world and we manage to.

Amit Haller: To dial down those aspects significantly significantly. Well.

Alejandro Cremades: And the for beef. Also you guys have raised quite a bit of money. How much capital have you guys raised too late.

Amit Haller: We rest to date about $400,000,000 and we did it I know and oh it’s ah it’s a great question and.

Alejandro Cremades: And my God I mean that’s a lot of money That’s a lot of money. So why so much money.

Amit Haller: When I started when I started vv as a technology company when we shift into technology company. We were a little bit overshoed of ourself. We said hey you know we’ve done semiconductor. We’ve done software. We’ve done backend servers. We’ve done. And mechanical engineering we’ve done so many different things I mean how difficult could be in a construction and and we realized that this is by far the most complicated thing we’ve done in our life and it’s the most multidisciplined industry out there. So highly regulated on so many aspect many of those regulations for for the right reasons right? I mean so I’m not I’m not challenging many of those I regulation. It’s a product that needs to stand for fifty seventy one hundred years over there and it’s a very complicated product and when you are reinventing. Ah, hundreds of years old industry everything around this industry the framing the electrical the plumbing the the dry wars the the foundations because everything needs to be different in order to be able to deliver on this promise. It takes a lot of money. It takes a lot of effort.

Amit Haller: Good news is that compared to many other companies that tried to do it in this industry. We are only fraction of what they raised some of those companies used ways at the time or as at the time billions of dollars but it’s a cheap journey. The opportunity is unlimiting. And it’s it’s a limitless opportunity.

Alejandro Cremades: Now 1 thing here that did that happened while you were pushing vve you know ah is really so reality comes to the picture in 2015 and they basically you ended up folding the company ah in 2022 actually ah, you guys are raised. You know about a 100,000,000 or so you know in there and they you know obviously as they say you either succeed or you learn so you know in this journey with reality you were the co-founder and the executive chairman because obviously your full attention is on vive but what happened with reality I mean what. What happened there and what was the lesson that you needed to take with you from that journey.

Amit Haller: A really was a company that was set in order to change significantly the experience of buying a home buying a home ah was a very or is still a very fragmented process. It’s the Loans. It’s the Esco. It’s the title. It’s the insurance. It’s ah and it’s inspection buyer agent selling agent and this is one of the most a frustrating moments in people life actually think Zillo did this research that 50% of the buyers are going to cry at least once for this process.

Amit Haller: And and and and by the way this is also similar to vive in many ways homes of shelters shelters, shelters food and water are the fundamentals of the muscle Hiarchy. that’s that’s the basic of everything in our life. So it really goes very very deep into. Into everything we do as as as humanity in our in our life. The promise of really was to simplify this process reducing the cost of it significantly creating a 1.1 focal point for the buyers and to buy the home if they need to sell their previous home. And actually product-wise the product market feed was very very well done and did very very well what we learned is that it’s very difficult to acquire the customers by the way we learned it in the entire I would say. Poptech industry at the time and still is struggling with this process part of it. Ah part of it was outside of our control when we start to figure out. How to optimize the advertisement on Facebook and Google and Apple and these guys changing the algorithms and the other guys Apple always said the ios is asking for the permission to share the data and the and the cost of acquisition double triple overnight.

Amit Haller: It’s really very difficult ah to to to build the right unit economics around that and every time we will almost there something happened.

Amit Haller: And the last thing that happened was the end of last year or when the interest rate start to goes up on the mortgage. It just reduced by half the conversion rate right? because there’s so much less so many less buyers and every time something like that happen boom the cost of acquisition goes up. And we got the thought we we got to the point that we felt that it’s better to shut down the the company in a very I would say a dignified way for the for I mean we didn’t return a panny to the investors. But we didn’t put anyone kind of in in a very tough situation without going through bankruptcy without ah being able to pay ah all the duties to the to the employees being able to make sure that all of our none of our customers is being damaged from this process. And that’s also if you ask me? what was the biggest lesson I mean there’s tens of lessons on the day to day and what you can learn from the product market feed and the conversions and managements and hiring and firing etc. The biggest lesson is when is when to realize that it’s really the end. You did everything you can in order to try to make it happen and sometimes even as entrepreneur you need to learn when to give up and when to back off so to me that was the biggest lesson and the biggest lesson my dear friends and entrepreneurs out there.

Amit Haller: It’s not going to be hundred percent win rate way less.

Alejandro Cremades: Yeah, but I mean I As long as you are giving absolutely everything and leaving everything out there on the pitch you know on the game. You know you know they’re coming out with your head up high so I can totally you know, get that from what you’re sharing Now. Let’s go back to weave. So with beef. You know as you were saying you know which you were pushing and you have been pushing in parallel you guys raised 400000000 tremendous success that you guys are accomplishing is like a rocket ship for the people that are listening to get it. What is. You know, just on the side on the scope and size right now of of where you guys are I mean anything that you feel comfortable sharing maybe like number of employees or anything else.

Amit Haller: Yeah, definitely. We are well about ah quite quite a lot I can share of actually a headquarter in California a haold the California and the Bay Area we have a pretty larger engineering and professional service facility in Israel as well. So as entrepreneur I always have this in israeli arm for some reason and I mean it sounds obvious but but it’s always tough also to manage the time zones and to fly etc. But I always find myself ending up with with a big israeli operation. So I guess ah. Cannot take the kid out of the neighborhood eventually and the company is about 270 people and so quite ah, quite large, but it’s also a very operational company right? I mean so we have a factory. Ah, we have installation team supply chain logistics I mean so it’s not like 270 engineers. It’s a heavily operational company. We are building a very a very real thing right? I mean there’s no I mean there’s a lot of software obviously and tools. Not of technology around it. But at the end of the day. It’s a it’s we we build walls and flows with as the as the outcome of all this technology and super interesting. Super exciting.

Amit Haller: There’s so little innovation that was done in housing for so many hundreds of years that this could be a lifetime I can I can retir or as I told you I’m not ever going to retire I can end my life in this company doing innovation and keep it driving stuff. So this is kind of I really see it as then of a end of my life journey and I plan to live for many many years so so so there’s still a lot of stuff to do and then and. And we are doing something very very important because housing housing is ah is probably the most important mission I could I could do it in my life I mean six and a half million shortage homes in the us. It’s a mega problem. It’s an international problem and it’s not just an american problem and every year you have less construction walkers because the new generation doesn’t get in and the old generation is retiring and every year there’s more population in the world that you need to sell so the demand of the supply going very different very different direction demand is growing deficit is very high supply is shrinking and we need to do something very very major for for our children for our grandchildren.

Amit Haller: That’s that’s how big it is.

Alejandro Cremades: So Then let’s talk about I mean you you were saying that this is until the end of your life. You want to push this right? So Let’s say you’re able to um to go to sleep tonight and then you wake up in a world where the vision is realized. You know you say you say that you want to push this until the end of your life. So Let’s say you’re up there somewhere and you’re looking down and all of a sudden the vision of vive has been realized what does that world look like.

Amit Haller: The the wall there will look like that every single person in the world can afford the whole the size of the homemit verai. The real estate part of it right? The location will be changed. It might be an apartment building. It might be a single family home and the home will protect them will create the real habitat for them. Will it’s almost like going back. Tens of thousands years old right? I mean it’s like going to be the real habitat that protecting them collaborate with earth right? I mean so doesn’t waste energy doesn’t ah doesn’t waste. It doesn’t drop waste into earth leveraging what earth has to do. Know that it sounds very philosophical but it’s actually it’s actually a a dream that I think can be realized way faster than that. Not next year it’s going to take a couple of decades probably but it’s ah it’s a real dream that can be realized out there because the home at the end of the day is the one that. Protecting us and protecting is not just from weather. It’s not just from paid people. It’s need to protect ah us from pollution. It’s need to protect of us by by by make sure that we always have the enough energy that that we need to consume.

Amit Haller: It’s need to make sure that we have drinking water and good quality drinking water all the time and this big machine that we called home. That’s what said it’s so complicated machine can really do it. We have enough surfaces of this home to create enough energy. We have enough enough. Technology is out there today that we can deal with water and and water generation out of atmospheric water or water recycling and everything else that the home really need to provide us.

Alejandro Cremades: I Love it Now. Let’s talk about the um the past but give it but being able to do it with a length of reflection. Let’s say I put you into a time machine I meet and I bring you back in time to that moment that they you know perhaps you were coming out of um of the Army. You know. Wondering What will be next for you and let’s say you were able to have a chat with that younger self with that younger I meet I’m being able to give that younger I meet one piece of advice before launching a company. What would that be and why given what you know now.

Amit Haller: Ah, this is a great tough question really make me think about what what that would be and.

Amit Haller: Mentors mentors mentors. Every point of the journey. There’s a different type of mentor. There’s a different type of a a coaching There’s a different type of help unit and I still need to give you a second one. It’s not going to be the only 1 and hire the best people on earth always people that are way smarter than you.

Alejandro Cremades: I Love it I mean nothing like being surrounded by the right people as they say to? you know when you go alone, you go faster. But when you go together you go farther. So no doubt So I mean so I’m sure that there’s a lot of people right now that they that are listening.

Amit Haller: Um, how.

Alejandro Cremades: Then I’m sure would love to reach out and say hi. What is the best way for them to do so.

Amit Haller: Absolutely Linkedin a I’m expect I may accepting almost everyone unless it’s it’s really kind of a fraud or something and yeah, that’s probably the best way I would say yeah.

Alejandro Cremades: Amazing. Well I mean.

Amit Haller: Connect ah Linkedin and they’ll be as ah as responsive as time allow I promise.

Alejandro Cremades: I love it. Well I mean it has been an absolute honor to have you with us today. Thank you so so much for being on the deal maker show.

Amit Haller: Absolutely Alehandro. Thank you so much for this opportunity.

* * *
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