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In a world driven by constant connectivity and instant gratification, the story of Adam Cheyer, a visionary innovator, stands out. Raised in a small town with limited screen time, Adam learned the power of imagination and creativity from an early age.

His latest venture, Sentient, has attracted funding from top-tier investors like Horizons Ventures, Tata Communications, Disruptel, and Access Industries.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Early experiences in a small town with limited screen time laid the foundation for remarkable creativity and innovation.
  • A diverse and liberal arts education can be the catalyst for broadening one’s horizons and thinking beyond the confines of a single discipline.
  • Articulating your core emotions and ambitions during pivotal life moments can serve as a powerful catalyst for success.
  • Transitioning from academia to commercial ventures provides a profound understanding of the real-world application of technology.
  • Success often depends on aligning your vision with the right moment, recognizing trends, and seizing trigger opportunities.
  • Open, developer-friendly ecosystems are crucial for the democratization of technology and its widespread impact.
  • To address complex global challenges, combining the power of AI with human ingenuity is essential for problem-solving on a massive scale.

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About Adam Cheyer:

Adam Cheyer is co-founder and VP of Engineering of Viv Labs, a startup whose goal is to simplify the world by providing an intelligent interface to everything.

In October 2016, Viv was acquired by Samsung. Previously, Adam was co-founder and VP of Engineering at Siri, Inc. When Siri was acquired by Apple in 2010, he became a Director of Engineering in the iPhone/iOS group.

As a startup, Siri won the Innovative Web Technologies award at SXSW and was chosen a Top Ten Emerging Technology by MIT’s Technology Review; Apple’s version of Siri was presented “Best Technical Achievement” at the 2011 Crunchies Awards and is now available on hundreds of millions of devices.

Adam is also a Founding Member and Advisor to (180M people taking action victories every day) and a co-founder of (solving the world’s hardest problems through massively scaled machine learning).

As a researcher, Adam authored 60 publications and 25 issued patents. At SRI International, he was Chief Architect of CALO, one of DARPA’s largest AI and machine learning projects.

Adam graduated with the highest honors from Brandeis University and received the “Outstanding Masters Student” from UCLA’s School of Engineering.

In addition to his technology work, Adam is an award-winning magician. He is a member of the prestigious Magic Castle in Los Angeles, the Academy of Magical Arts (AMA), and the International Brotherhood of Magicians (IBM).

He has performed on stage in front of thousands, on TV for millions (including on the well-known “Penn and Teller Fool Us” show), entertained heads of state with close-up magic and mentalism, and fooled some of the top pros in the business.

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Read the Full Transcription of the Interview:

Alejandro Cremades: Alrighty hello everyone and welcome to the deal maker show. So we have quite an incredible. Um, you know founder today joining us I mean someone that is able to literally foresee the future I mean he is the. Brains nine siri I mean I’m sure that you’ve probably used Syria a bunch of times this week already and we’re going to be talking about that moment where he received the phone call from steve jobs to get a deal done and also you know some really other ah cool stuff that he has been up to so. Without further ado because we’re gonna be listening about all the good stuff that we like to hear building scaling financing exiting all of the above. Let’s welcome our guests today Adam Chire welcome to the show. So originally born.

Adam Cheyer: Glad to be here. Thanks for having me.

Alejandro Cremades: Outside you know, born and raised outside of Austin so give us a walkthrough memory lane. How was life growing up. So.

Adam Cheyer: Sure I was born in Boston and lived in Sharon massachusetts a small town. We had no stop lights growing up so my childhood basically I was bored. My I was only allowed 1 hour a week of screen time. Television so I had a lot of free time to use my imagination to come up with all sorts of ideas and visions and toys and whatever I could make with my hands. So I think that boredom really led to any creativity I had later in my career. Today kids are so consumed by media beaming all the time that they don’t have time to create and imagine on their own.

Alejandro Cremades: Now thinking about imagining on your own I mean obviously in this case for you, You started to to really imagine or let’s say to to get that interest towards how the human mind works you know and and obviously you know this was the case, especially when you went into. Into Brand day University But what really triggered that interest. How did you get? you know so excited I’m passionate about how the human buying works.

Adam Cheyer: Yeah that’s a great question I was graduating from high school I knew I loved computer science I had done some computers at my school but I was interested in many things math science reading. So when I went and chose a college. I chose a liberal arts school not just an mit or a very technical school. Um Brandeis is very well-rounded and I said if I’m going to major in something to focus on something. What’s the most interesting thing on this planet and for me it was the miracle of the human mind. Every one of us is just incredible and I wanted to learn how we do the magic that we do so I took classes in Linguistic Psychology Sociology Neurobiology Computer Science Artificial Intelligence all trying to understand. Miracle of of what we do without even thinking about it. So I ended up with a bachelor of arts in computer science a pretty rare combination in the tech field.

Alejandro Cremades: So so obviously after getting the degree you had to enter the workforce and like the good life of university doesn’t last for as long as we would like but but in your case you ended up going to France. How would you say that perhaps having that global. Perspective now you know shaped who you are today because you were there for 4 years

Adam Cheyer: Yeah, thank you? Great question so I’m going to share in answering that question share my greatest secret this is the secret that has brought me everything I think in terms of success in life and so there are times. When you come to a chapter change moment for me I was graduating school and like what’s next, but there are other moments in your life where this happens. Maybe you get married. Maybe you’re not happy at your job anymore. I believe that life is short and it’s a gift and it’s our job. To make the most of it. So how do you do that? What I do is when I’m coming to that chapter change moment I focus on the core emotion and really shut out all the what society is saying you should do what your parents or friends are saying what am I feeling at that moment. And then I turn it into words which I call a verbally stated goal and once I’ve distilled that that truth that core truth into words I tell everyone I meet and by telling them. This is what I’m going to do even if I have no idea how I’m going to achieve it. It commits me to it and then people start to help. So my very first verbally stated goal was you know I had different job offers. What do I choose my grandfather was so worldly he walked down the street he spoke 7 languages he was learning an eighth language in his ninety s he could talk to anyone.

Adam Cheyer: And I wanted a bit of him in me I had just grown up on the East Coast I love my life but I’m like I need a foreign perspective and that became my first verbally stated goal I managed to find a way by committing myself to it and getting people to help me I went to work for the largest. Um, european computer company. It was a french company called bold they were working on expert systems. This was the 80 s um but that that isolating what was really important to me at that time. It was the truth of what I what I needed. Um. I wanted to go and and and see the world and travel and and learn a language and and be able to look back my previous existence from a different perspective to to really see how much I valued it.

Alejandro Cremades: And 1 thing about perspective here too is you know one one of the patterns. You know that at least I see on in your career is the way that that you’re able to envision things and to to visualize things to to to see well how the future is going to unfold I mean. For you. It was literally 9092 I mean right now everyone is talking about. Ai you know there’s Ai you know, implemented on everything you everyone talking about Chad Gp you know all of this stuff but bucky 9092 nobody knew what the hell Ai was I mean how do you come to the idea of hey I think i. I have to put now my professional you know 9 to 5 you know, perhaps aside and it’s my time to really do a masters in Ai.

Adam Cheyer: Yeah, thank you? Um so ninety ninety two I left france I loved my time in France I learned a lot but I really wanted to learn again. Go back to to school maybe see the west coast I’d never been to California before really. Ah, so I went to use Cla I did a masters in artificial intelligence. We were doing neural networks and machine learning and natural language processing. You know, but in a research context. Um, and and for me it was a. Ah, chance to grow to learn and continue my journey and exploration of how does the mind work. What can we do to simulate um the amazing capabilities of what humans do every day and um, yeah I loved it. It was a fantastic opportunity.

Alejandro Cremades: And it sounds like right after that you know it was one of your pivotal moments. You know in in your career and that was joining Sri and being involved with the first version of Siri so tell us about this experience.

Adam Cheyer: Yeah, yeah, thank you? So um, again, there was a chapter change I got my my master’s degree and the question that was burning for me at the time is where could I stay for 10 years and not get bored. Thought I needed a career where I would. You know my dad worked for 1 company his whole life. I loved my time in France but I got bored so Sri was the answer to that question. This was a research university where our research institute. Um, where. Everything interesting in computer science was happening. They had an artificial intelligence group where robots are roaming the halls. They had virtual reality speech recognition the most exciting technologies were there and you could really create and imagine and play and for me, it was incredible. So my first project at the time now this was 1993 ah everyone used laptop computers or desktop computers and you had to load them up with software from floppy disks and Cd -roms and things like that and I said someday. There will be content and services around the world now. This was before the web remember and I said you will need a way to both discover those services on other computers and to interact with them. So I never imagined hyperlinked documents as the way that people would.

Adam Cheyer: Interact with services elsewhere I thought everyone would have an assistant that you could say I want to know this or I want to do this and the assistant would understand what you did break it into sub tasks routed to the right places around the world. Recover the results present them to you learn. And help you get the job done. So really? um, my first conception of Siri which I built as a prototype was really my imagination of what the web would be and then the next year the web browser came out and the rest was history. But I carried along that vision saying I still think it’s a good idea I still think it’s a wonderful um experience and as we’ll see later in the story I turned it into a company.

Alejandro Cremades: I mean you you you definitely did I mean there were um obviously you you you left Sri for just a a tiny bit of time there. You know you took like maybe like close to 4 years you know in in in between you know where you ended up being landing back into sri. And you were taking bp of engineering jobs I guess during those 4 years when it comes to building products what were like the 3 biggest things that you you know, really learned about building successful products. Yes.

Adam Cheyer: Ah I learned so much because even though I had been a software developer in France and a researcher at Sri I really didn’t know that much about how the commercial software development process worked. And at the end of 99 remember there was the ecommerce boom business to business e-commerce was taking off I joined one of the top Ipos of 99 ah top 5 ipos called vertical net it was rocketing to the to the top I was vp engineering. And so all of a sudden I went from being a researcher sitting in my lab and playing with you know, playing with Siri and other things like that to now having to deliver $200000000 of software deliverables managing teams trying to really understand. Space of value chain and supply chain processes all the tools that work with them. So if I were to say 3 lessons 1 is um, how to how to really manage large distributed teams so I had a team in israel a team in texas multiple teams in the us. Um, so really just kind of the engineering management process trying to build a culture in this distributed world was was a challenge I would say learning the space for me. It was ah a huge piece. A very um.

Adam Cheyer: Open and inventive time as people were trying to understand how the internet would change manufacturing and supply chain completely. So we came up with some amazing technology and ideas. So really a lot of technology ah learning and discovery. Um, and I guess I would say kind of life in a public a recent public company. So I do say that there’s a few ways to really make money um in the valley one is you can be a founder of a startup. That has a successful exit and I’m sure you’ve had many such founders and and really the rules are slightly different if you’re a founder in it versus if you’re an employee number one. It’s better to be a founder if you can so you can exit and get some real Moneym the other is if you can acquire an important role. Um, at a pre ipo company and when it goes ipo and now becomes liquid you can actually you know transact a fair amount of of money but newly formed. Ah first newly public companies. It’s a huge transition. For them. They now have analysts looking at every little detail every three months you need to have new results and so just kind of watching and learning how that’s how that works was was an eye opener for me.

Alejandro Cremades: So after 4 years of being out of sri walk out you back.

Adam Cheyer: Um, for me, you know when I was in the research world I had this kind of puffed up view that oh we’re doing cutting edge next generation state of the art commercial world just does commercial off the shelf. Like I had this this view but when I went to the commercial world I realized there were all sorts of really smart people working on hard problems and they you don’t get to choose which corners you cut the customers are going to tell you what problems you really need to solve. So I kind of flipped I’m like oh research is just playing with toys and I had this dilemma and my verbally stated goal at that time the question I wanted to answer when I left the commercial world to go back to Sri was really how do breakthroughs happen. And in the commercial world especially in public companies you’re racing so quickly on incremental that a year or 2 years seems impossible to imagine right? You’re just driving so fast and incrementally in the research world. You’re thinking about big problems but you don’t have the customer. Value and so I was trying to understand how do I feel about research and so I went back to Sri I led the largest research project in government funded history. There were more than 400 people from 28 universities. So the top of the top.

Adam Cheyer: In Ais Stanford mit Carnegie Mellon Berkeley everyone and we all reported into me as sort of vp engineering for this project and I said at the end of this project a five year hundreds of millions of dollars project I will have an opinion of what do I think about research are they really solving hard problems or are they just going around to conferences in Maui and and publishing papers and it’s all a ruse. It’s kind of all a game so that that’s what I wanted to learn is what. It’s more about a value system of myself. What do I value in this world.

Alejandro Cremades: So walk us through what happened then towards doing this spin out of what ended up becoming Siri.

Adam Cheyer: Yeah, yeah, thank you? Um so 2003 I joined Siri and it was doing this big project. But um, there was an important event that happened in 2004 so 2004 for me. Was the tenth anniversary of the web. The first time I saw a web browser remember I started my series ideas in 93 and 94 mosaic appeared so 2004 I said it’s been 10 years the web has evolved but there’s more to go. And I I got up and made a public presentation ah called 10 predictions for the next ten years of the web and I sat and I I really thought about these these problems I’m not going to go through all of these predictions now I’ll just pick a few. But on the web and maybe I can share a link in 2013 I stood on stage and said some people just tell you the good ones that they did I’m going to show you the presentation I did ten years ago and score myself on how I did some were good. Some were bad. So 1 of my predictions was that social networking would take off mainstream now in 2004 there was Linkedin which was business friendster had 13000000 users and orchi was kind of big in Brazil but that was it. It was not clear social networking.

Adam Cheyer: Was going to take off but few years later there was a trigger moment. So I always talk about trends and triggers. My space became the number one most popular website in the us social network for music and I said oh here it comes social networking is going to go. So I started with Ben Rattray a small company called change dotorg. The first social network for social change today. It has you know seventeen years later something it has more than half a billion members so make a prediction I think social networking. Will to go mainstream see the trigger moment. My space. Well what does that mean and start a company right? that my a second prediction that I made is that everything is going to move to the cloud we didn’t call it the cloud in 2004 but I realized there used to be data and little laptops and desktop computers things like email and files and all of this media rather than getting Netflix sending you a Dvd in the mail. Everything would move to the cloud and and. Now we’re going to have a lot of compute power and a lot of data in 1 place so made. Ah ah, a prediction that machine learning was going to take off because I believe machine learning at scale. Um.

Adam Cheyer: Could could really be important but we never had that scale before so in 2007 I started a company with several co-founders called sentient which was the first large scale machine learning cloud platform we reached about an 800000000 valuation and then exited various ways. And my third prediction is that once everything moves to the cloud. There would be innovation at the interface because I thought that the companies who manage the data and the services are not necessarily the same companies to provide the best interface and access to that data. And for me the trigger moment was the iphone 2007 and when I saw that now I don’t know if you remember but many people thought the iphone would fail. They said oh. Only a phone company can make something as complex as a phone Apple makes this little ipod music player. This is just a fat I saw it because I had this prediction this trend that I knew an innovation was going to happen at the interface when I saw the iphone I go this is going to be huge. 2 years from now every handset manufacturer in telco will be desperate to compete with Apple because Apple has flipped the game. What are they going to need. What are the flaws of the iphone.

Adam Cheyer: Said well number one. The screen is small and it’s hard to type. They didn’t have a keyboard a hard keyboard like the blackberries did earlier on the bandwidth is really slow like if you clicked in a web browser would take almost one minute over three g to get the next page. Like if you’re going to buy something It’s usually like 10 clicks. Maybe that’s 10 minutes no one’s going to buy anything on this phone now. What if I took that Siri idea that I’ve been working on here and there for for 15 years if you did that you could just ask no type in. It didn’t matter how small the screen was because you didn’t need a lot of real estate and you could just say something like get me tickets to the concert tonight and in 1 step it says confirm and you say yes one round trip. So I thought Siri would be exactly the technology. That handset manufacturers and Telcos would would be desperate to have to compete with Apple and of course the irony is that Steve jobs saw it first but that’s a different story so that gives a let my one of my lessons for entrepreneurs. I say there were no social networks for social change before change dot org right? I hit the timing just right. There were no large scale machine learning platforms. But before sentient there were a lot after there were no voice assistants for the masses before Siri there were many after.

Adam Cheyer: And if I had started those companies anytime earlier they would have failed anytime later. So for me timing is one of the most important things you can do timing of when should you take it commercially to market and I use this this process of trends and triggers predict the future. And then look for the confirming moment when you’re like okay here it comes my my prediction is right and I know what this event means and what the world will be like in 2 years time to start a company to build for that moment.

Alejandro Cremades: Wow now one of the things that that happened after you know you guys say launched the Syria and you were you were in it. You receive a phone call from Steve Jobs so tell tell us about this.

Adam Cheyer: Yeah, yeah, that was crazy a magic moment so we were a small startup about 22 people we had worked for 2 years and we launched a free app in the app store called Siri and it was amazing and I love it. Actually if you. Talk to Steve Wozniak today the other Apple co-founder and you ask him and a huge Apple fanboy. What’s your favorite app of all time he’ll say Siri but not the Siri that’s embedded in the phones. The original app that was in the app store did so many more things and that as an entrepreneur I love that version because we put so much heart and soul into that so we launch the the reviews are great. People are tweeting and one day our Ceo on his Iphone gets a call. And you can see the calllar id it says Apple Cupertino and at the time I had to swipe to answer and if you remember back then you’d swipe and it wouldn’t always pick up so we’re like cooper teen swipe swipe swipe swipe not answering 7 swipes. Finally it picks up. We hear a voice on speaker. Hey it’s Steve what you do and want to come over to my house tomorrow and we’re like Steve Jobs is calling us how’d you get this number and 1 thing ah many people don’t know one of the meanings of Siri is secret in swahili.

Adam Cheyer: And we I always start my companies as like a stealth company and we had the ninja logo and the Logan slogan stay low move fast and like we really played it up for the culture but we had no website no sign on our door and yet Steve Jobs is calling us unannounced. Says come over to my house. Um, we went the next day we talked for maybe 3 hours about technology artificial intelligence where the future was going. Um, he said he wanted to buy our company and we said thank you not interested goodbye and we left. And we had just raised a b round. We had a signed a deal that we were going to launch with one of those major telcos and we were excited about the future. But if you know Steve you know he was a persistent man and he called us thirty days in a row and at the end. Um, he convinced us we could change the world more with Apple than without and so um, yeah, a little bit of negotiation and we ended up selling our company to Apple.

Alejandro Cremades: And how was how was it like you know, negotiating with someone like Steve jobs.

Adam Cheyer: Yeah let me give you this quick story on how what I think defines Steve First of all when I met him that first day you could tell there was a fire to succeed in him. And I was go man. He’s a billionaire. He’s already reinvented so many fields computers with the Mac and Pixar you know, reinvented movies and the app store and the I mobile and you could he think he would be a little bit chill. There’s nothing chill about Steve Jobs and he wanted to win and he wanted to get it right? as opposed to being right? and this is really important for our ceos and leaders on your podcast. Um, you know we were having a discussion and then he goes Adam do you think apples should buy and I’m not going to name which company but he named a company. I said no I don’t think so it’s like why? why why? Why we started going at it. It was like back and forth and it was getting animated and heated and I learned that um you know I was able to defend the position and at the end he said interesting I’m going to think about that. Thank you. And that kind of defined every interaction I had with Steve Jobs negotiation and others he he wanted to succeed. He was desperate to succeed. He was always looking for a contrarian opinion. He didn’t want yes men around him. He wanted people with different views.

Adam Cheyer: If you couldn’t defend your position with logic and data. He would knock you aside like Don waste my time that’s idiotic. But if you could um, he was open to hearing a different perspective and many times if um. You know he he said Adam I’ve heard you, we’re not going to do it your way this time but here’s why and other you know and other times he said. Okay, we’re going to do it your way this time. So I love my interactions with Steve. I thought it was so important that he always listened always thought about the perspective and then he made a decision and I was I was fine with the process. Even if I did not always agree with the decision.

Alejandro Cremades: And hey, what Ah what a remarkable outcome had to ah to be able to get your company acquired by Apple and be able to um, spend time with someone like Steve Jobs and and it was rumored to be a $200000000 deal or so wow unbelievable now. You stayed there for quite a little bit. You know just a couple of years and as they say once an entrepreneur always an entrepreneur and then you decided to get going with Vivilas. So why did you think that the problem that you were solving with bibilas was meaningful enough for you to um. To to go at it again.

Adam Cheyer: Yeah, thinking? Um, so so yeah I was very happy with the transaction apple I think was super happy with the transaction because they made back the entire purchase price and more in 24 hours of presales and.

Alejandro Cremades: Oh my god.

Adam Cheyer: Um, selling the iphone 4S which was literally the iphone 4 plus siri so it was just it was just Siri selling Siri Apple added over $300000000000 to their market cap in under 12 years they passed Exxon to become the number one most valuable company of all time. Um and broke every profit margin record etc so I was happy with the transaction I think Apple was also very happy.

Alejandro Cremades: I mean if you think about it too I mean it’s literally over 500000000 people are using siri on a daily basis. How did you ever think that it will go to that crazy scale.

Adam Cheyer: Yeah, that’s right, of course I did I’m an entrepreneur So I always I always say everything I aim for I try to impact a billion people and that’s my finding goal and if I can’t.

Alejandro Cremades: Ah.

Alejandro Cremades: Now.

Adam Cheyer: I can’t see it impacting a billion people. It’s maybe not worth doing so siri has been on two and a half billion devices change dot org we have more than half a billion people vivlabs which saltta samsung is on more almost a half a billion devices. And sentient did some really fundamental important work as well. So I always and machine learning has clearly touched more than a billion people and we were pioneers in that space. So yeah I dream big right? And then maybe I don’t always reach my goal but sometimes if you dream really big and you get. 50% there or 70% there. It’s it’s still impressive. So you asked about the labs and why did I leave Apple so today is the Twelfth birthday of our launch of Siri October Fourth Two Thousand and Eleven was

Adam Cheyer: The launch of Siri and steve jobs died the very next day October Fifth um and his admin wrote to me and said he was clinging to life to see the launch of Syria it meant so much to him. It was really the last gift. And and you can think of Ai of Siri as really starting the artificial intelligence revolution. That’s so prevalent now in the two thousand s and the 90 s no one used the words artificial intelligence but Steve did and after that one after another there were. So many Ai innovations that started but Siri was the first and he saw it first after he died there was a lot of change in the organization for me. The vision was always going back 30 years today to my first version of Siri. Was about opening into the ecosystem I imagine that just like the iphone came out with 10 great apps and then the app store emerged Siri would come out with 15 great functions built by Apple but then it had to open it up Steve knew that and agreed to it. But after he passed I couldn’t. Get that vision to continue and I knew that had to be the next step for an assistant. So when I found I couldn’t pursue that at Apple I left and started viv labs to do that to do the the next generation of of Siri so that’s I really cared about that vision that open.

Adam Cheyer: Developer friendly ecosystem that scales and no one has fully achieved that yet I think for entrepreneurs wondering what to do in Ai next I tell you go look at VivLabs ah download we We. had a set of tools bixby developers dot com go there and and see some of the ideas that we had and modernize them in this age of generative Ai chat gpt etc that is a company waiting to to develop right now is.

Alejandro Cremades: So it sounds like timing is everything here. So with Biv Labs I mean it sounds like you were onto something big I mean talking about timing here. Why did you decide to sell the company to samsong.

Adam Cheyer: My prediction.

Adam Cheyer: Well Samsung had a billion device footprint is 1 and number 2 they weren’t doing a lot in Ai and speech and voice and I thought if I went to a company so I wanted the distribution. But if I went to a Google or Microsoft.

Alejandro Cremades: Yeah.

Adam Cheyer: You know they would have 10 20 competing groups and I didn’t want to fight politics I wanted to find 1 company. That said we believe in this vision of an open voice assistant. We will put it on every device every phone every Tv every that they had acquired. Ah, ah, Harmon which was the number one car components company. So in cars for speakers et cetera I thought we could get massive distribution quickly and that would be the seed to launch this fission and I got commitment that they would open up. Technology not just on Samsung devices but to any device I really wanted this assistant to but be the next web as important as mobile as important as the web itself. Everyone should have a voice assistant every business every you know you have a web website you have an app. Course you’ll need a voice interface because there are a billion hours spent commuting in cars. There are many moments when when you can’t use a phone or you you know you can’t use your hands or your eyes you just need to use voice. So I thought that could be a huge business for sent on.

Alejandro Cremades: And that transaction rumored to be around 215 plus so unbelievable. You know again, another exit now for you Adam.

Adam Cheyer: You but.

Alejandro Cremades: Obviously you are you know into some secret stuff. You know right now and and also advising other companies. What’s what’s next what can people expect to perhaps be the next chapter for Adam.

Adam Cheyer: Um, you’ll see but I’ll I’ll give a few hints as I mentioned I always start my projects in stealth mode siri means secret and swahili um, the world is about to be faced with global complex issues. Right? We’ve got climate change hunger poverty war um pollution water issues. There are huge issues ai alone is not going to solve these problems. We have to solve these problems and today the world is divisive. We can’t even agree in this country whether the last elections were fair or not. It’s we need to find ways to come together and to work together to solve the problems or we will not survive. As a species I mean I believe and it’s not just 1 problem cancer. It’s we need to get better at problem solving is my belief and the way to do that. We need better tools that bring us together and not divide us. We need of course Ai needs to play a role. In this world but only as a way to augment our own intellect. We need to improve the collective intellect of of the planet of our country of our you know of our businesses of our families. We need to come together to get smarter. Um.

Adam Cheyer: And and hopefully we can make progress and so I’m I’m going to try to do something in that area because someone needs to try and we all need to Try. So Hopefully. Ah. Hopefully I or one of your entrepreneurs out. There can can help us get through this next important phase.

Alejandro Cremades: Amazing. Well Adam for the people that are listening that will love to reach out and say hi. What is the best way for them to do so.

Adam Cheyer: Ah sure I have a website you can find me there contact info you can connect with me on Linkedin um, you know I do a little bit on x or Twitter but I don’t post very much too busy working. But yeah, thank.

Alejandro Cremades: I love it I love it. What hey I mean it has been an honor to have you with us. Thank you so much for being on the deal maker show today.

Adam Cheyer: Okay, thank you all handra.


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